Having a hard time understanding how minds.com makes money
came across the minds.com social media space and I am very intrigued but I am having a heck of a time figuring out how it makes money.
I'd like to use it more but if it's the same as facebook/insta/twitter and just makes money via outrage and scraping and selling user data, that's a non-starter for me but I can't actually tell what their revenue stream is?
They have membership program
Minds.com Networks
Minds.com has a paid advertising feature. In theory, it's not based on harvested data, but can be algorithmically driven for "engagement".
Based on a quick Google and Wikipedia search, it sounds like another crypto ponzi scheme masquerading as a social network, based on the user's ability to earn ETH-20 for engagement with the site. When you add a financial incentive to use a platform, it generally becomes a spam-ridden mess. See for example, Steemit...