9 votes

Building games with LLMs to help my kid learn math

1 comment

  1. chocobean
    Interesting strategy, even more surprising the school is using Singapore Math. If the child is so young they're counting dots to ten, my advice to the creator is to spend bit more time to make it...

    Interesting strategy, even more surprising the school is using Singapore Math. If the child is so young they're counting dots to ten, my advice to the creator is to spend bit more time to make it look fun. Eg, replace green dots with random animal or fruit emoji 🍑 🐎 . And then as a parent: don't forget about spending time manipulating real life objects with different shapes sizes colours textures.

    I suspect the same strategy can be used to teach number line ---> add subtract along it.

    Definitely a step up from the dreaded paper worksheets of yore :)

    5 votes