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  • Showing only topics in ~tech with the tag "chatgpt". Back to normal view / Search all groups
    1. Why do some people posting ChatGPT answer to the discussion/debate/question?

      This behaviour is thankfully not common on tildes? But like, I understand that if they try to pass off as their own argument. But what with the preface "I ask ChatGPT" and then end with "I don't...

      This behaviour is thankfully not common on tildes? But like, I understand that if they try to pass off as their own argument. But what with the preface "I ask ChatGPT" and then end with "I don't know enough about topic" or "What do you think". What do they think how that contribute to the discussion? If OP want to ask ChatGPT-like answer, they can just log on and do it right there and then. And they clearly know the stigma and drawback of it (at least I hope so), but still believe it has enough factual information in the answer despite having little or no knowledge of the topic in question (Otherwise they will edit the output or outright just provide it).

      (Sorry, if this come out not clearly, I am not very good as convey my idea, even in my native language)

      37 votes
    2. If you use ChatGPT or other LLM, how do you use it?

      I am interested in how people are using ChatGPT, especially in a professional context. Any tips, tricks or pointers? I would appreciate if the discussion didn't revolve around the technology's...

      I am interested in how people are using ChatGPT, especially in a professional context. Any tips, tricks or pointers?

      I would appreciate if the discussion didn't revolve around the technology's negative aspects or future perspectives.

      43 votes