GreasyGoose's recent activity

  1. Comment on IT staffing agency traps tech workers in their jobs, US federal lawsuit alleges in ~life

    Link Parent
    As someone who was laid off from a small IT firm (and later hired back on), this is true. Whether you have a good relationship with the owner/manager or HR randomly puts a meeting on your calendar...

    As someone who was laid off from a small IT firm (and later hired back on), this is true. Whether you have a good relationship with the owner/manager or HR randomly puts a meeting on your calendar while at a Fortune XYZ company.

    Granted, for me personally, it was easier to take it as a business decision vs personal due to the small size of the company. However, I realized at the end of the day, it all comes down to the balance sheet. (Also, rarely does an owner actually go through and explain their books with you as you’re being let go)

    6 votes
  2. Comment on Introducing Surfboard for Tildes in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Same, these are the most recent comments I could find.

    Same, these are the most recent comments I could find.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Seattle's Scarecrow Video says it needs to raise $1.8M or face possible closure in ~movies

    Link Parent
    Same. There’s a place by me that stocks new indie distributor/4K titles weekly, and you get to support them as a non-profit. I always tell people to get the yearly membership if they’re in there...

    Same. There’s a place by me that stocks new indie distributor/4K titles weekly, and you get to support them as a non-profit. I always tell people to get the yearly membership if they’re in there at least 1-2 times a week.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on "The university campus is rapidly becoming a locus of infantilizing social control that any independent-minded student should seek to escape" in ~life

    Link Parent
    This is a whole other topic that could be spun off into, but many GPs/PCPs are moving towards some concierge medicine for various reasons. Many individuals think that doctors in those fields are...

    This is a whole other topic that could be spun off into, but many GPs/PCPs are moving towards some concierge medicine for various reasons. Many individuals think that doctors in those fields are not as bright as other graduates seeking specialties with higher pay, but often, this isn't true, and many actually want to help patients. Usually, insurance and hospital systems prevent them from fully doing that due to their own profit mechanisms.

    The problem is that insurance only pays out per patient, so you get your 15-minute rushed appointment that your provider cycles through to the next person on the list. Compare that to a concierge-like service with all sorts of levels, from a flat monthly membership of $100-300 up to 6-figure individual private treatment.

    Not only do providers get paid better, but they can also spend more time, say an hour, per patient working through to give quality care by controlling their numbers. The flip side is that it raises the barrier of entry to cost even MORE than our current expensive broken healthcare system where many people can't even afford the 'baseline' treatment. Another reason EDs are so crowded all the time...

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Refund fraud schemes promoted on TikTok, Telegram are costing Amazon and other retailers billions of dollars in ~tech

    Link Parent
    They have started to crack down on this unofficially by flagging accounts that legitimately returned X many items" in Y time frame. I've gathered that it's more focused on the total dollar amount...

    They have started to crack down on this unofficially by flagging accounts that legitimately returned X many items" in Y time frame. I've gathered that it's more focused on the total dollar amount spent vs. returned than the number of items, though.

    Still, I always ask myself when ordering, "Do I want the hassle of returning this, eating the cost if it's shit, or having my account earmarked? Screw it, I'll keep the $20 poorly advertised garbage water fountain and cash in my chips when something is REALLY screwed up."

    6 votes
  6. Comment on Kagi Smallweb [a website where each visit shows a random indie/small website, e.g. personal blogs] in ~tech

    I’ve been a user for over a year and a half actually surprised that I stayed. I was on the early adaptor plan where they considered going pay per search or limiting number of searches. I’ll admit,...

    I’ve been a user for over a year and a half actually surprised that I stayed. I was on the early adaptor plan where they considered going pay per search or limiting number of searches. I’ll admit, it didn’t sit well with me but I understood the economics of it.

    It made me on the fence to say the least keeping track of my search count. Thankfully the numbers worked out and they grew enough to offer plans without them.

    • their biggest dev and marketing team is their users. I’ll pop into the discord or forums a few times a week to read the backlog and the owner with the rest of the team is constantly engaging others
    • they have no VC funding, so you’re less likely to get screwed by outside influences vs the team themselves (not that it can’t happen)
    • there’s a mutual respect in the community. Ideas are received and discussed. Hard truths are spoken with decorum “We can’t do this at this time because we’d be broke in 2 months since we pay per api hit.”
    • adding new features (I ditched my OpenAI sub) but I’ll admit, they are in danger of scope creep. Thankfully, they’ve been made aware of and are receptive to.

    Others have mentioned the features so I won’t repeat them but after almost 2 years, happening upon Google accidentally is painful. And for those of you worried that they’re linking all of your BDSM porn searches, what do you think Google is doing? Except with a shittier experience.

    Anyways, give it a try. You may like it or may not want to pay. Everyone has stuff that’s important to them. =)

    5 votes
  7. Comment on DoD updates telework policy for the first time since 2012 in ~life

    This is an excellent step on DoD's part, although I'm curious as to what pushed it. I'll admit I haven't worked for DoD outside of the military, but OPM leaves it up to the individual agencies for...

    This is an excellent step on DoD's part, although I'm curious as to what pushed it. I'll admit I haven't worked for DoD outside of the military, but OPM leaves it up to the individual agencies for other agencies. For example, the DoD was on the original panel that pushed for the SSR involving 2210s, yet when OPM finally greenlit it, most (if not all) played hot potato with it since it would come out of their specific budgets. With that, VA was the exception with the PACT Act, where it was a blank check.

    If anything, depending on the series, GS14+ thru SES are very anti-telework for my...own biased views, but between 3 agencies, that seems to be consistent.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on I'm thoroughly done with my choices being only "yes" or "not now" in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The only thing I want to stress here re: open source is that while great, it’s only as good as the people hosting it. I agree it’s 100% better than proprietary but even with open source, you’re as...

    The only thing I want to stress here re: open source is that while great, it’s only as good as the people hosting it. I agree it’s 100% better than proprietary but even with open source, you’re as private or secure as you trust in whomever running it.

    16 votes
  9. Comment on Studies suggest that relying on will power is hopeless [to eliminate bad habits]. Instead, we must find strategies that don’t require us to be strong. in ~humanities

    Link Parent
    I will agree with that to a large extent. I realized post COVID I was drinking way more than I used to and frankly, making whatever excuses since I lived downtown in an apartment where I could...

    I will agree with that to a large extent. I realized post COVID I was drinking way more than I used to and frankly, making whatever excuses since I lived downtown in an apartment where I could just stumble home after happy hour or whatever.

    Now I live in the suburbs, it’s now an entire thing since I’d either have to drive (Nope), Uber/Lyft (Nope) or bring a bottle back home. Essentially, it eliminated a large factor to it.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on King County to surpass record fentanyl death toll — with four months left in 2023 in ~health

    I’m curious how widespread this is across the nation. Being in my Portland bubble and how caught up we get, it’s easy to forget that is this happening elsewhere. It seems like this was already on...

    I’m curious how widespread this is across the nation. Being in my Portland bubble and how caught up we get, it’s easy to forget that is this happening elsewhere.

    It seems like this was already on the way up but COVID, like a lot of things, placed it in fast-forward mode right quick.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Ozempic cuts alcohol cravings. Liquor companies aren’t ready. in ~health

    Link Parent
    They’re denying PAs here in the US unless you have diabetes due to an apparent shortage. I tried 2 healthcare systems and was denied. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    They’re denying PAs here in the US unless you have diabetes due to an apparent shortage. I tried 2 healthcare systems and was denied. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    4 votes
  12. Comment on How climate change could cause a home insurance meltdown in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    The same is slowly coming to Oregon. Between wildfires and increased heat waves, not sure what's coming next. I recently put flood insurance on my (low-risk area) house because I feel paranoid in...

    The same is slowly coming to Oregon. Between wildfires and increased heat waves, not sure what's coming next. I recently put flood insurance on my (low-risk area) house because I feel paranoid in thinking if climate change floods my place, I'm left holding the bag. Nobody in Houston thought about that or would need to before these shifts occurred.

    Not to be gloom and doom, but I wonder, between all the factors (AI, climate change, wealth disparity, etc.), where we reach the tipping point and possibly the point of no return.

  13. Comment on How do you keep track of expenses/budget? in ~finance

    Like a lot here, I tend to reverse budget. After knowing my rough cash flow and fixed expenses, I can usually eyeball a purchase and see if it's within my "disposable band" or if I need to crunch...

    Like a lot here, I tend to reverse budget. After knowing my rough cash flow and fixed expenses, I can usually eyeball a purchase and see if it's within my "disposable band" or if I need to crunch hard numbers.

    • Fixed bills are paid, such as mortgage, gas, electricity, etc
    • Max 401k & IRA
    • Credit cards paid off
    • Rest in SPAXX

    I'm using YNAB and Co-pilot, which I like for auto import for over 30 accounts and to see the breakdown EOY. I suppose Excel could be done as well, it's just not something I've made time for.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on What belongs in your "base" hard-copy library? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Love the reference book options, especially the atlas! I was thinking some medical books as well even though I’m not in the profession just to flip through non-stop but an atlas is definitely...

    Love the reference book options, especially the atlas! I was thinking some medical books as well even though I’m not in the profession just to flip through non-stop but an atlas is definitely making the list.

    3 votes
  15. Comment on What belongs in your "base" hard-copy library? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Powell’s Books in Portland has the Pearl Room of rare and old books which has some amazing works but you have to be supervised due to their nature. That sort of thing comes to mind as well.

    Powell’s Books in Portland has the Pearl Room of rare and old books which has some amazing works but you have to be supervised due to their nature. That sort of thing comes to mind as well.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on What belongs in your "base" hard-copy library? in ~books

    Link Parent
    The reference part is what I should have alluded to more. I remember having a hard bound Encyclopedia Britannica in my middle school to just flip through for hours. As for the “showing off part”,...

    The reference part is what I should have alluded to more. I remember having a hard bound Encyclopedia Britannica in my middle school to just flip through for hours.

    As for the “showing off part”, I’m pretty much a hermit, so that’ll be happening like, never. It was more along the lines of “I would always have X books in my collection because…” line of thought.

    1 vote
  17. What belongs in your "base" hard-copy library?

    I finally have the space to finish a project I've been working on which is a study with 3 bookcases. So far, my idea is to have 1 with books that will always be there, such as classic reads, or...

    I finally have the space to finish a project I've been working on which is a study with 3 bookcases. So far, my idea is to have 1 with books that will always be there, such as classic reads, or even an encyclopedia maybe?, or other reference material. Basically, a permanent bookcase whether or not I've read the material. The other two will be rotated in and out of stuff that I'm reading, have read recently or on my backlog before swapping or donating.

    Anyways, what's in your "must have" bookcase? Reference, fiction/non-fiction, Calvin & Hobbes even! (Although that's more of a coffee table piece)

    18 votes
  18. Comment on LastPass users locked out due to MFA resets in ~comp

    I think it was either after the 1st or 2nd breach years back that I jumped the to 1Password, somewhere in the 5-6.0 range. I get it, they've gone SaaS like everything out there nowadays but hell,...

    I think it was either after the 1st or 2nd breach years back that I jumped the to 1Password, somewhere in the 5-6.0 range. I get it, they've gone SaaS like everything out there nowadays but hell, it's turnkey as it gets. A lot of people don't like that they're highly pivoting towards the enterprise market but I think that'll make them innovate even more and take security even more seriously vs LastPass. So far, I'm happy but like most, am also getting subscription fatigue as well.

  19. Comment on What have your experiences been with losing interest in video games as you get older? in ~games

    I've definitely gravitated more towards story-focused games, single or co-op type games or ones that are easy enough to pick up and put down. I don't have the time or frankly willpower, to...

    I've definitely gravitated more towards story-focused games, single or co-op type games or ones that are easy enough to pick up and put down. I don't have the time or frankly willpower, to practice hours of Overwatch or CoD anymore. Even if I do play something like Siege for instance, its just to have a beer and relax with similar people, not focusing on my mouse DPI and twitching in ranked. 20 hours a week as a college student isn't the life for me anymore.

    3 votes
  20. Comment on Google is getting a lot worse because of the Reddit blackouts in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I'm grandfathered in at the "Early Supporter Plan" or whatever they call it @ $10/m or $120/year, which allows unlimited searches (for now...they were going to limit it to 1500? I think). If...

    I'm grandfathered in at the "Early Supporter Plan" or whatever they call it @ $10/m or $120/year, which allows unlimited searches (for now...they were going to limit it to 1500? I think). If anything, it made me better at searching using different bangs and terms than I was before. The discord has a lot of custom queries people have made.

    If I were to go into it now, I'd probably be on the unlimited plan since my monthly total usually exceeds the metered offerings. Also, it's cut down on my "lazy searching," eg, typing in "CNN local news" vs. typing in "" and clicking on the local news tab.

    2 votes