17 votes

Does anybody actually revisit url/page that bookmarked?

I myself is a pinboard user since 2011 and have since bookmarked 4 274 links. But I find it funny that I never visit those URL or page ever again.

When I bookmark something I thought it was useful or important. But often it turns out not the case.

Am I the only one? What do you guys do with thousands of stuff you bookmarked?


  1. [3]
    Yes, I do revisit a lot of my bookmarked pages. But, then, I don't have over 4,000 bookmarks! I think I have less than 100 bookmarks. They're sites I use regularly, or pages I don't use regularly,...

    Yes, I do revisit a lot of my bookmarked pages. But, then, I don't have over 4,000 bookmarks! I think I have less than 100 bookmarks. They're sites I use regularly, or pages I don't use regularly, but want quick access to without having to search for them every time I need them.

    10 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      oh, for common sites I need to revisit, I can remember very long URLs and type them directly into address bar.

      oh, for common sites I need to revisit, I can remember very long URLs and type them directly into address bar.

      3 votes
      1. Algernon_Asimov
        Link Parent
        Well, some of us are lazy, and prefer to save those URLs as bookmarks. :)

        Well, some of us are lazy, and prefer to save those URLs as bookmarks. :)

        3 votes
  2. est
    Also, Reddit was a social bookmark platform once.

    Also, Reddit was a social bookmark platform once.

    6 votes
  3. [2]
    I love going back through old bookmarks. I don't bookmark much, so if I added a site, it meant I really wanted to be able to find it again. I've found old stories I wanted to read but didn't have...

    I love going back through old bookmarks. I don't bookmark much, so if I added a site, it meant I really wanted to be able to find it again. I've found old stories I wanted to read but didn't have time to at the time; books I've wanted to find later; articles about obscure subjects that are perfect for a time when you're bored, etc. I especially like going back to a browser (Chrome, in my case) that I no longer use, and checking out the bookmarks there, because I never transfer them over to a new browser—I prefer the clean slate.

    2 votes
    1. Data
      Link Parent
      I'm the same way. Collect a lot of bookmarks that I didn't have time to really read/look into at the moment. But never go back to them when I do have time. Right now for instance. I had time but...

      I'm the same way. Collect a lot of bookmarks that I didn't have time to really read/look into at the moment. But never go back to them when I do have time. Right now for instance. I had time but decided to get on this site instead.

  4. Vadsamoht
    I have a large number of bookmarks neatly sorted into folders, most of which I commonly use or know I'll use very soon. I also keep a folder with subfolders of stuff to revisit later. Videos I...

    I have a large number of bookmarks neatly sorted into folders, most of which I commonly use or know I'll use very soon.

    I also keep a folder with subfolders of stuff to revisit later. Videos I often put on in the background whenever I'm doing mindless busywork, and every now and then when I've got a spare evening I'll pour myself a drink, put some music on and read through the text-based bookmarks. If I don't feel like reading something at that point, then it obviously wasn't that important to me and I have no problem with just deleting it.

    I think it's mostly a mindset thing - If you make going through the old stuff enjoyable then it's not a chore, but if the presence of a massive pile bookmarks is so stressful that you never even use them then you may as well just delete the lot and start over.

    1 vote
  5. Archimedes
    I only bookmark things that are difficult to type or search like a particular collection of tags on StackOverflow or a particular ZIP on a weather website. Otherwise, Chrome either keeps the stuff...

    I only bookmark things that are difficult to type or search like a particular collection of tags on StackOverflow or a particular ZIP on a weather website. Otherwise, Chrome either keeps the stuff I use frequently on the New Tab page or else autocompletes it when I start typing in the address/search bar.

  6. Krael
    I don't have a TREMENDOUS amount of bookmarks, but I do revist them fairly often. It's usually limited to sites I want to easily access in the future, but don't want to display prominently through...

    I don't have a TREMENDOUS amount of bookmarks, but I do revist them fairly often. It's usually limited to sites I want to easily access in the future, but don't want to display prominently through something like Speed Dial.

    Generally technical guides, "cheat sheets" for common linux commands, and character build guides for games I'm interested in.

  7. meghan
    I have about ~200 bookmarks and while I don't revisit them a lot, most of mine are r/InternetIsBeautiful type apps/sites that I don't want to forget about. I've never used them as a reading list,...

    I have about ~200 bookmarks and while I don't revisit them a lot, most of mine are r/InternetIsBeautiful type apps/sites that I don't want to forget about. I've never used them as a reading list, but then again I have 8,244 twitter likes right now and I almost never go back and look at those (mostly in part due to how hard Twitter makes doing that)

  8. what
    I’ve started doing the same thing with Pocket, but I tag everything really well. I don’t come back to some of it, but it’s nice to have good articles to read when I’m bored.

    I’ve started doing the same thing with Pocket, but I tag everything really well. I don’t come back to some of it, but it’s nice to have good articles to read when I’m bored.