3 votes

Can a computer write a sonnet as well as Shakespeare? The best version of the algorithm fooled people nearly fifty percent of the time

1 comment

  1. pleure
    This isn't a bad article but the title is misleading. The algorithmic verse "fooled" people who weren't familiar with poetry and old-timey english, it didn't produce produce poetry that was as...

    This isn't a bad article but the title is misleading. The algorithmic verse "fooled" people who weren't familiar with poetry and old-timey english, it didn't produce produce poetry that was as good as Shakespeare. (or even poetry that made sense).

    Also, is there going to be a way of crossposting implemented? This could also fit into ~humanities, and it would be nice to have unified comments. Maybe an option that appears when submitting a intra-tildes link?

    1 vote