5 votes

Best photo cards in 2020


  1. jwong
    An idea that's been swirling around my head for the past year is to make a "zine" of my photos I've taken. Even if it's just my own, the act of curating my own photos is appealing. I hardly ever...

    An idea that's been swirling around my head for the past year is to make a "zine" of my photos I've taken. Even if it's just my own, the act of curating my own photos is appealing. I hardly ever look back on old photos, so this would be a good exercise in that.

    For that, I had been heavily eyeing Mixam

    1 vote
  2. Akir
    If you really are looking at printing a number of cards, you are probably better off looking at professional printing services. Businesses like Miller's and White House Custom Color will provide...

    If you really are looking at printing a number of cards, you are probably better off looking at professional printing services. Businesses like Miller's and White House Custom Color will provide excellent results and should also be fairly cheap. The downside is that they don't provide any kind of templates, so if you are planning on something more elaborate than just your photos, then you will need to make it yourself. You will have to open an account first (and IIRC, both of these businesses have a long form that needs to be approved by a human - though I'm not sure there is any real bar you have to pass to be approved), but they typically also offer free material sample packs so you can figure out which options you like the most before you place your order.

    If you don't want to bother with the professional services, Moo is surprisingly competitive in spite of going for the broad audience. They also have web software to work on some designs, though the last time I used it (for business cards) it was slightly restrictive.

    1 vote