19 votes

China unleashed its propaganda machine on Peng Shuai’s #MeToo accusation. Her story still got out.

1 comment

  1. zeda
    Well, for some value of 'got out'. News cycles are unforgiving and people are forgetful; internally their control over 'the official narrative' sounds foregone (the article more or less...

    Well, for some value of 'got out'. News cycles are unforgiving and people are forgetful; internally their control over 'the official narrative' sounds foregone (the article more or less acknowledges the blanket wipes/locking as perfunctory for China at this point) and externally it's not hard to stir up trolls to argue/distract until a story 'blows over', which the article points out was/is their plan.

    Still pretty terrifying to see it in action though. My stomach turns at the idea of what their regime'll look like with Apple's level of effectiveness in control over user devices, especially as Apple's willing to capitulate on things like editing their maps to fall in line with their propaganda. :/

    6 votes