Privacy win: EU Parliament decides that your private messages must not be scanned privacy Article 2483 words 34 votes
Apple’s decision to kill its CSAM photo-scanning tool sparks fresh controversy apple privacy security Article 585 words 24 votes
A dad took photos of his naked toddler for the doctor. Google flagged him as a criminal. google Article 2949 words 14 votes
Apple delays the rollout of its plans to scan iPhones for child exploitation images apple privacy Article 495 words 15 votes
Researchers who built similar system explain why Apple's CSAM scanning system is dangerous apple Article 896 words 10 votes
Apple's child protection features spark concern within its own ranks: sources apple privacy Article 919 words 19 votes
An open letter against Apple's privacy-invasive content scanning technology privacy apple Article 1141 words 20 votes
Apple's plan to "think different" about encryption opens a backdoor to your private life apple privacy Article 1937 words 15 votes
Apple introduces expanded protections for children, including on-device scanning of images to detect child abuse imagery privacy Article 423 words 24 votes