Google formally endorses right to repair, will lobby to pass repair laws google apple Article 556 words 25 votes
The US tech industry has largely co-opted the once-dreaded “patchwork” of state rules through effective lobbying— and its success is sapping momentum for federal legislation privacy Article 1674 words 7 votes
How Big Tech rewrote the USA's first cellphone repair law Article 2009 words, published Feb 8 2023 11 votes
"Letter in Support of Responsible Fintech Policy" - Twenty-six well-known computer scientists send letter to Congress urging them to resist crypto lobbying Article 1887 words 11 votes
Big Telecom convinces Missouri lawmakers to block funding for broadband competition internet Article 5 votes
Facebook is helping to set up a new pro-tech US advocacy group social media facebook Article 1180 words 6 votes
ISPs lied to Congress to spread confusion about encrypted DNS, Mozilla says privacy internet Article 1360 words 15 votes
Tech giants amass a lobbying army for an epic Washington battle amazon apple facebook google Article 2095 words 10 votes
Silicon Valley-funded privacy think tanks fight in DC to unravel state-level consumer privacy protections privacy Article 1381 words 5 votes
Revealed: Facebook’s global lobbying against data privacy laws privacy facebook social media Article 1169 words 19 votes
The tech industry is lobbying for federal data & privacy regulation that is friendly to the tech industry, but hostile to users' interests privacy Article 1471 words 11 votes