11 votes

Is it possible to have support for theme switching according to system?

I often browse Tildes on my phone, which automatically changes from Light to Dark theme at night and vice-versa in the morning.

The issue I'm having is that changing the theme on mobile is more difficult than on desktop, and I'd have to always be doing it manually.

Other websites can read the theme preference from the browser and automatically adjust. Some even give the users an option to choose which theme to associate with the Light and Dark preferences.

I'd like to propose automatic theme Change as a feature for consideration, since Tildes already supports themes, and customization of which theme is which for a later date.


  1. [2]
    Related issue from Tildes' Gitlab: Enable automatic light/dark theme switching based on system setting
    7 votes
    1. draconicrose
      Link Parent
      Ah, thank you for that! It seems that the issue is not really getting much attention, understandably. :(

      Ah, thank you for that! It seems that the issue is not really getting much attention, understandably. :(

      1 vote