11 votes

Comment fields are hard to use on mobile

Tags: bug, comments, ux

It seems like the input fields for comments are missing some required HTML meta parameters or something like that. When I'm typing in them, on mobile, I don't get any autocorrect or autosuggestions, I can't use swipe input, I can't move my cursor with the space bar, etc. This doesn't happen with any other text field on the site (search, post body, ...), so the problem must be in something like the type param of the input element. This is incredibly annoying and there have been multiple times where I didn't want to write a comment just to avoid dealing with this experience.

Edit: it also seems like it happens when editing a post, but it doesn't happen when making a new post

Edit 2: I just tried clicking around and for some reason it only happens when entering a text field for the first time, but not when clicking off and the back into the text field? Might be a GBoard bug then, weird that it doesn't happen on any other site though

Edit 3: the issue only happens that use markdown_textarea with auto_focus=True


  1. [2]
    I cannot replicate this. Can you share some more details about your mobile experience? Ie. Browser, os, etc.

    I cannot replicate this. Can you share some more details about your mobile experience? Ie. Browser, os, etc.

    6 votes
    1. fxgn
      Link Parent
      Android 14, Chrome, GBoard

      Android 14, Chrome, GBoard

      2 votes
  2. smiles134
    This happened to me the other day too, but when I refreshed the site, things came back. I assumed it was some issue with my keyboard, but maybe it is the site.

    This happened to me the other day too, but when I refreshed the site, things came back. I assumed it was some issue with my keyboard, but maybe it is the site.

    1 vote