fxgn's recent activity

  1. Comment on Investigating corrupt Winamp skins in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Honestly, most antiviruses these days are more sketchy than actual malware. I think unless you're running random stuff from random sites you should just use windows defender.

    Honestly, most antiviruses these days are more sketchy than actual malware. I think unless you're running random stuff from random sites you should just use windows defender.

    7 votes
  2. Comment on Is it possible to sharpen this video with tools freely available on Linux? in ~tech

    There is Upscaler for Linux, but afaik it can only do images. Most video upscaling is done with open source models though, so if you just search for "video upscaling" on GitHub and use the one...

    There is Upscaler for Linux, but afaik it can only do images.

    Most video upscaling is done with open source models though, so if you just search for "video upscaling" on GitHub and use the one with the most stars it'll most likely work great

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Let's build a playlist! in ~music

    Cage The Elephant - Always Something The Brobecks - Visitation Of The Ghost STOMACH BOOK - Folie à Deux Will Wood and the Tapeworms - The Song with Five Names a.k.a. Soapbox Tao a.k.a. Checkmate...
    • Cage The Elephant - Always Something
    • The Brobecks - Visitation Of The Ghost
    • STOMACH BOOK - Folie à Deux
    • Will Wood and the Tapeworms - The Song with Five Names a.k.a. Soapbox Tao a.k.a. Checkmate Atheists! a.k.a. Neospace Government a.k.a. You Can Never Know (Remastered)
    • Valentin Strykalo - Фанк
    2 votes
  4. Comment on Any other Tildes users posting from within the great firewall? in ~tech

    IVPN works like 90% of the time for me in Russia. I've visited china recently and it worked there very reliably as well, both on wifi and mobile. It's hard to get a 100% reliable VPN in a country...

    IVPN works like 90% of the time for me in Russia. I've visited china recently and it worked there very reliably as well, both on wifi and mobile.

    It's hard to get a 100% reliable VPN in a country that cracks down on them. Some of my friends have like 10 random free VPN apps installed on my phone which all look like they steal all of your data.

    6 votes
  5. Comment on Thinking of getting into emacs, any advice? in ~comp

    What are you planning to use it for? Just note taking? If you want a customizable note taking environment, I suggest you try Neovim with Neorg. Or you can even use your existing obsidian vault...

    What are you planning to use it for? Just note taking? If you want a customizable note taking environment, I suggest you try Neovim with Neorg. Or you can even use your existing obsidian vault with obsidian.nvim.

    I think Emacs is only worth it if you want something that is extremely custom and integrated with everything else that you do. It's pretty hard to make different things work well together, that's why things like Doom Emacs exist. Neovim would be slightly less configurable, but it's more than enough for most people, and if you just want a note taking app that you can better adapt for your specific workflow, nvim will work well for you.

    Neorg is even working on a mobile app and other cool stuff like built-in GTD mode, which would make it even better to use than Emacs Orgmode (although it's already better syntax-wise, since Neorg was specifically designed to avoid some design mistakes that org made)

    6 votes
  6. Comment on Does anybody know why transactions don't include metadata about the products bought? in ~finance

    I guess it depends on where you live, but this is absolutely possible. In my country there is a standard for it which is supported by all banks, so all stores that use newer PoS systems do have...

    I guess it depends on where you live, but this is absolutely possible. In my country there is a standard for it which is supported by all banks, so all stores that use newer PoS systems do have this metadata attached to them - eg. I can open my bank app, click on a transaction and see a list of products I bought with prices.

    Here's one transaction, for example. You can see the "shopping list" section, which contains the two products I bought in that purchase.

    So yeah, it's very much something that can be done, the issue is that the banking system in most countries is just a mess without any official standards, so implementing stuff like that would be very hard.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on Lemonade stands in ~life

    Link Parent
    Yeah, I was joking, it was a reference to this

    Yeah, I was joking, it was a reference to this

  8. Comment on Lemonade stands in ~life

  9. Comment on If Taylor Otwell and Taylor Swift stood in the US presidential election, who will you vote for? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Isn't Laravel like the only good thing about PHP?

    Taylor Otwell created Laravel, which is a far worse crime, in my opinion.

    Isn't Laravel like the only good thing about PHP?

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Where do you consume technology news from? in ~tech

    Mostly HackerNews and YouTube channels Theo and Primeagen

    Mostly HackerNews and YouTube channels Theo and Primeagen

    1 vote
  11. Comment on What's our thoughts on Perplexity.ai for search? in ~tech

  12. Comment on What's our thoughts on Perplexity.ai for search? in ~tech

  13. Comment on What's our thoughts on Perplexity.ai for search? in ~tech

    Haven't used Perplexity, but as @drannex mentioned, Kagi has a similar feature, and I use it for queries where I trust LLMs to give me accurate information. For example, just yesterday, I searched...

    Haven't used Perplexity, but as @drannex mentioned, Kagi has a similar feature, and I use it for queries where I trust LLMs to give me accurate information. For example, just yesterday, I searched for "is azelaic acid poisonous?" since I use it as a skincare product and was worried about accidentally getting it on my lips, and the summarizer responded that it is not considered toxic and cited a few studies.

    This saved me a bunch of time, since most of the results were pages with general information about azelaic acid or broad scientific papers about the topic, so I would've had to do a bit of digging to find the actual answer.

    On some queries, I usually don't trust the AI and prefer to check the results myself. In most cases, those are the searches where I want to find the sentiment or experiences of other people about a particular thing, rather than specific facts.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Flathub has now served more than two billion downloads for Flatpaks in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Well, that's basically almost how Flatpak works

    Well, that's basically almost how Flatpak works

    1 vote
  15. Comment on Does emacs or vim have better support for PHP parameter hinting and intellisense? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    For me it's mostly the fact that Neovim has a much bigger plugin ecosystem, since the plugins and configurations are written in a nice language instead of a weird DSL. For the same reason, it's...

    Why should I switch?

    For me it's mostly the fact that Neovim has a much bigger plugin ecosystem, since the plugins and configurations are written in a nice language instead of a weird DSL. For the same reason, it's also easier to configure if you need to do anything more complicated then setting an option.

    Also Neovim has built-in LSP. And treesitter. Treesitter is one of my favorite features, I can barely imagine using nvim without it.

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Does emacs or vim have better support for PHP parameter hinting and intellisense? in ~comp

    They'd both use the same LSP server, so this functionality would essentially be identical in both of them. IMO you should go with Neovim if you want a lightweight, configurable editor. It's much...

    They'd both use the same LSP server, so this functionality would essentially be identical in both of them. IMO you should go with Neovim if you want a lightweight, configurable editor. It's much easier to configure than Emacs, is very quick at integrating modern features, and has an awesome community. I think Emacs is only good if you either:

    1. Want to configure everything - there's some stuff that can't be changed in nvim, and although that's not a lot, some people need that functionality enough that they use Emacs
    2. You like the Emacs way of doing everything in your editor

    If you just want to write PHP, I think Neovim would be easier. But again, the code completion itself will be the same, as it'll be provided by the exact same language server.

    (Also I'm not mentioning regular Vim because there's basically no reason to use it)

    4 votes
  17. Comment on What gaming genre could use a renaming? in ~games

    Roguelikes. There's too much confusion between the original definition of roguelikes (which involves, among other things, being turn-based) and the popular but technically "incorrect" definition...

    Roguelikes. There's too much confusion between the original definition of roguelikes (which involves, among other things, being turn-based) and the popular but technically "incorrect" definition (games like Binding of Isaac or Risk of Rain). Sometimes this is solved by calling the former "classic roguelikes" or the latter "roguelike-likes", but those terms are still pretty confusing.

    15 votes
  18. Comment on Minimalist Android launcher recommendations in ~tech

    It doesn't fit what you're describing, but check out Pie Launcher, once I got used to it, I'm able to launch the most important apps super quickly. It's very convenient

    It doesn't fit what you're describing, but check out Pie Launcher, once I got used to it, I'm able to launch the most important apps super quickly. It's very convenient