11 votes

"Discussion threads" for groups

I'm a big fan of "discussion threads" over on reddit, if you're unfamiliar they're essentially threads a subreddit will pin every day or week where you can post things that don't deserve a full post or are slightly frivolous or off topic. To give an example, a while back I wanted to make a post with some thoughts on Coleridge's "Ode to Dejection", but after typing it out didn't think there was enough to warrant making a thread over it. I didn't feel like doing a more extensive analysis or trying to artificially broaden the scope (ie, doing something like "what's a poem you like?" as an excuse for sharing my thoughts), so I just trashed it.

I like discussion threads because they help save "small" content like that as well as helping to build a sense of community and are just generally quite comfy.

However, I recognize that there can be some downsides:

  • May end up being "low quality" in the minds of certain users. I know this is somewhat contentious, since the site culture is still being established, I personally don't want Tildes to be that serious but I know some people do.

  • Normal group activity could drop if people opt to use the discussion thread instead of making a post. This is doubly bad because the site is small.


  1. Whom
    In general, the consensus here seems to be tending more toward just trying the kind of thread you want to try out and see what happens rather than asking about interest. I understand the impulse...
    • Exemplary

    In general, the consensus here seems to be tending more toward just trying the kind of thread you want to try out and see what happens rather than asking about interest. I understand the impulse (as I've made a couple of these myself), but at this point just go for it and be ready to be ignored or get a negative response.

    Giving something a real shot is a better test than weighing interest is while having the same impact (1 thread), so unless there's other things you'd need to sort out previously, I'd suggest just posting.

    20 votes
  2. balooga
    Do I understand correctly that this is a request for the ability to "pin" or "sticky" certain posts to the top? I'm trying to imagine how that would work here.

    Do I understand correctly that this is a request for the ability to "pin" or "sticky" certain posts to the top? I'm trying to imagine how that would work here.

    1 vote