13 votes

Staff tag?

Can we get a tag next to usernames for Tildes staff? Kind of like an admin tag, but might as well just call it staff or whatever you prefer. For example in that donations thread I was unsure if it's an admin posting that or not at first glance. Would apply to comments too.

(Are red titles from staff? But that doesn't apply to comments I guess)


  1. [2]
    (edited )
    Yeah we have definitely talked about this. @deimos is technically the only “admin” though since the rest of us are all friends of his that have been working with him for a while but are simply...

    Yeah we have definitely talked about this. @deimos is technically the only “admin” though since the rest of us are all friends of his that have been working with him for a while but are simply volunteers at this point (since not even @deimos has taken a wage yet). He has allowed us to refer to ourselves as “we” when referencing ~ just to distinguish ourselves a bit from everyone else but we’re not quite sure how to handle distinguishing ourselves officially yet. I suggested an “admin/CEO” tag for him and a “volunteer” tag for us since volunteers are not unusual in the non-profit world and can often speak with some authority but that also allows for people to realize that @deimos has the ultimate say in things right now.

    We’re cerainly open to other suggestions though since this issue of confusion has come up a fair bit already.

    9 votes
    1. reseph
      Link Parent
      I think anyone who is formally working on Tildes as staff (admin powers, responsibilities, decision making, etc) should have a tag. Wage shouldn't matter in regards to tag. I wonder if Wikipedia...

      I think anyone who is formally working on Tildes as staff (admin powers, responsibilities, decision making, etc) should have a tag. Wage shouldn't matter in regards to tag. I wonder if Wikipedia might be a good example to follow.

      7 votes