Haven’t watched the trailer, but really interested to see how they follow up on season 1. Doing a repeat of what season 1 did is going to get boring real quick. Feel like they have to flip genres...
Haven’t watched the trailer, but really interested to see how they follow up on season 1. Doing a repeat of what season 1 did is going to get boring real quick. Feel like they have to flip genres or something to make it interesting.
Narratively speaking, the plot armor because quite thick on certain characters and for me that becomes a big reason being generally less engaged or immersed into a story. I like things to be...
Narratively speaking, the plot armor because quite thick on certain characters and for me that becomes a big reason being generally less engaged or immersed into a story. I like things to be somewhat reasonable I guess.
The main character finishing all the previous rounds, then going on the hunt for the people behind it, and then for season 2 only to drop back into the game itself. Skeptical.
Haven’t watched the trailer, but really interested to see how they follow up on season 1. Doing a repeat of what season 1 did is going to get boring real quick. Feel like they have to flip genres or something to make it interesting.
Narratively speaking, the plot armor because quite thick on certain characters and for me that becomes a big reason being generally less engaged or immersed into a story. I like things to be somewhat reasonable I guess.
The main character finishing all the previous rounds, then going on the hunt for the people behind it, and then for season 2 only to drop back into the game itself. Skeptical.