TV Tuesdays Free Talk
Have you watched any TV shows recently you want to discuss? Any shows you want to recommend or are hyped about? Feel free to discuss anything here.
Please just try to provide fair warning of spoilers if you can.
I've been watching Season 2 of Squid Game and to be honest I'm pretty disappointed - not with the show in specific but with the medium in general. I have 2 episodes left but at this point it's obvious nothing is going to get resolved and they'll just string me on to wait for another season.
It feels like no TV show has a proper beginning, middle and end these days. Either it gets cancelled on a cliffhanger if it's not popular enough, or it gets milked long after it should have ended if there's money in it.
Also everything seems extremely serialized. Back in the day I could just watch an episode of, say, Star Trek, and get a full package even if the show itself didn't go anywhere. Now most shows feel like they took a movie, overstretched it and didn't give it an ending.
I'm pretty close to completely giving up on watching TV shows at all.
My husband and I recently finished bodkin a comedy crime series set in Ireland. It's somewhat offensive by old fashioned standards and I am not going to recommend it to my mother but it was gripping and entertaining.
We are also watching and enjoying the diplomat and the Number 1 ladies detective agency which is set in Botswana.
There is a theme here. Crime and mystery series are generally television that my husband and I can agree on and enjoy together.
Homeland season 1 - 6/10
Had kind of stayed away from this show since, judging the book by it's
covername, it reeked of patriotism and whatever else. But I'm glad I started watching it!Like I always say, biggest weakness about this type of show is the family drama. Another big criticism I have is that whole thing about that if characters just talked to each other, a lot of problems would be solved. Instead, things drag on for multiple episodes. The season is a bit slow and has too much filler. It could have been probably 4 episodes shorter - yes some time with characters is lost, but it doesn't seem all that important to be honest. There are also a bunch of flashbacks which felt kind of like the CW show Arrow which safe to say is not a compliment. And then there's all the tiny things I could criticize.
However, Damian Lewis is incredible. I have only seen him in Band of Brothers, but he was one of the highlights in that show too. I quite liked the escort informer storyline too. And Mandy Patinkin's character reminded me of Liam Cunningham in Game of Thrones, so that was great. I initially didn't like Claire Danes in this, but she grew on me towards the end especially after the stuff about her mental illness - which I'm glad to see representation about although I don't have what she has in the show so I wouldn't know whether or not it was a realistic portrayal. The ending though.. memory loss is one of the cheapest, most ridiculous plot devices conceivable. Brought my rating down by a full point.
Overall a decent watch. Hopefully season 2 and on becomes better because I had been looking forward to 8 seasons of what I assume to be a pretty high quality show (but please hide spoilers about anything about other seasons if anyone replies!)
I'm going to review each season individually but maybe I'll not post about it anymore, but instead make a single big post once I'm all done
Anyone watching The Count of Monte Cristo (2024) series (not the movie)? Its getting a lot of praise. I'm going to start it soon.