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    1. Discussing anonymity on ~

      So one of the things I really liked about the project is point 1 of the privacy section of the Mechanics (Future). Proactive not reactive; preventative not remedial: When creating new features,...

      So one of the things I really liked about the project is point 1 of the privacy section of the Mechanics (Future).

      Proactive not reactive; preventative not remedial: When creating new features, think about what data will need to be stored, and consider how harmful it might be if that data was to be leaked in the future. Is it possible to reduce the amount of data being stored to lower the potential harm? Can the data eventually be aggregated or anonymized so that we're only storing recent data instead of a full history?

      I think a good first step would be to not have a public comment/submission history. Users should evaluate other users contributions based on the conversation the are having/reading, not past submissions.

      This doesn't make you anonymous, but at least it can prevent nosy people from knowing too much. (I get there are valid reasons to want to find other posts by the same user, but I think individual privacy is more important). At least, if not enforced for everyone, this should be an option, making your profile not display your history to others.

      Now, one of my biggest problems with reddit is that it doesn't make it easy for you to stay anonymous and also keep your content on the site.

      Let me explain. I don't like people being able to see my submission/comment history, because I don't want to give the chance for people to identify me if I don't choose to do so personally. It's not about reddit knowing what I like or do (I mean, I use Google, they know everything I do), it's about individuals, about other users knowing things I'm not happy sharing with them for whatever reason.

      There are only two options on reddit: deleting my content (using a script or whatever or going one by one) or deleting my account. This results in me deleting all my comments and submissions on reddit every few weeks.

      Now, I would love to be able to leave most of what I post on reddit online, because sometimes I have really interesting conversations and I try to be detailed and clear and other people might find (some of) my posts useful. But I don't want anyone who knows my username or anyone who sees a comment of mine going through my history. There's too many crazy people. Also, I haven't suffered doxxing, but that's just not nice.

      There are many reasons why someone could prefer to not be identifiable. Just to give some examples that come to mind: people might have an ideology that other users don't like/respect, people might post pictures of themselves (think fitness groups, for example), people might post in local groups revealing their location, people might look for counsel and talk about their personal problems, etc. Putting all of that together might make it easy to identify someone.

      So, what I would like to propose is a way to leave my content online if I wish to and giving other people the option to read it in the future, without it being publicly tied to my username.

      How could this be done? Well, I think users should be able to anonymize their participation in a thread individually and throughout the site. There could be an button (on every thread for thread only anonymization and on your profile for full site anonymization) that you tap and your username is replaced all through each thread with a randomly generated username (it'd be great if the username is consistent within the thread, so people reading would know its the same person).

      These usernames should be words, ideally, not difficult to parse by humans. Of course this would generate a great number of usernames, but there are some solutions.

      One could be using something like Google Docs uses when several anonymous viewers are watching a document. Each gets a name (RedFox, whatever) which is consistently used throughout the thread. The same username (RedFox) can then be reused in another thread for any other anonymous user. (So RedFox wouldn't be referring to the same person in different threads, but to two random, anonymized persons).

      I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to generate these (similarly to how reddit gives you suggestions to new usernames when you open an account).

      Also, in order to avoid the admins having to reserve many usernames in advance, these usernames could have a special mark (like *RedFox or °RedFox, or ~RedFox~, for example). This way, a new user can register any available name without interfering with these anonymous usernames. A thread could have some non-anonymized user called RedFox and an anonymized user called °RedFox (or whatever mark is used).

      In any case, the user should be able to access all of their submissions and comments on their profile even after anonymizing, being able to edit or delete them if they wish to.

      Ok, I think that's it, I hope I was clear. I'm also not gonna be able to log in again until tomorrow. So please, go ahead and discuss and tell me what you think and I'll come back when I can.

      EDIT: User karma should not be public either. I can make an argument for it tomorrow if needed or we can discus it on another thread.

      42 votes
    2. Ce n'est pas un test.

      h1 Heading 8-) h2 Heading h3 Heading h4 Heading h5 Heading h6 Heading Horizontal Rules Typographic replacements Enable typographer option to see result. (c) (C) (r) (R) (tm) (TM) (p) (P) +- test.....

      h1 Heading 8-)

      h2 Heading

      h3 Heading

      h4 Heading

      h5 Heading
      h6 Heading

      Horizontal Rules

      Typographic replacements

      Enable typographer option to see result.

      (c) (C) (r) (R) (tm) (TM) (p) (P) +-

      test.. test... test..... test?..... test!....

      !!!!!! ???? ,, -- ---

      "Smartypants, double quotes" and 'single quotes'


      This is bold text

      This is bold text

      This is italic text

      This is italic text



      Blockquotes can also be nested...

      ...by using additional greater-than signs right next to each other...

      ...or with spaces between arrows.



      • Create a list by starting a line with +, -, or *
      • Sub-lists are made by indenting 2 spaces:
        • Marker character change forces new list start:
          • Ac tristique libero volutpat at
          • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet
          • Nulla volutpat aliquam velit
      • Very easy!


      1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

      2. Consectetur adipiscing elit

      3. Integer molestie lorem at massa

      4. You can use sequential numbers...

      5. ...or keep all the numbers as 1.

      Start numbering with offset:

      1. foo
      2. bar


      Inline code

      Indented code

      // Some comments
      line 1 of code
      line 2 of code
      line 3 of code

      Block code "fences"

      Sample text here...

      Syntax highlighting

      var foo = function (bar) {
        return bar++;


      Option Description
      data path to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates.
      engine engine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default.
      ext extension to be used for dest files.

      Right aligned columns

      Option Description
      data path to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates.
      engine engine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default.
      ext extension to be used for dest files.


      link text

      link with title

      Autoconverted link https://github.com/nodeca/pica (enable linkify to see)


      <img src="https://octodex.github.com/images/stormtroopocat.jpg" alt="Stormtroopocat" title="The Stormtroopocat" />

      Like links, Images also have a footnote style syntax

      <img src="https://octodex.github.com/images/dojocat.jpg" alt="Alt text" title="The Dojocat" />

      With a reference later in the document defining the URL location:


      The killer feature of markdown-it is very effective support of
      syntax plugins.


      Classic markup: :wink: :crush: :cry: :tear: :laughing: :yum:

      Shortcuts (emoticons): :-) :-( 8-) ;)

      see how to change output with twemoji.

      Subscript / Superscript

      • 19^th^
      • H~2~O


      ++Inserted text++


      ==Marked text==


      Footnote 1 link[^first].

      Footnote 2 link[^second].

      Inline footnote^[Text of inline footnote] definition.

      Duplicated footnote reference[^second].

      [^first]: Footnote can have markup

      and multiple paragraphs.

      [^second]: Footnote text.

      Definition lists

      Term 1

      : Definition 1
      with lazy continuation.

      Term 2 with inline markup

      : Definition 2

          { some code, part of Definition 2 }
      Third paragraph of definition 2.

      Compact style:

      Term 1
      ~ Definition 1

      Term 2
      ~ Definition 2a
      ~ Definition 2b


      This is HTML abbreviation example.

      It converts "HTML", but keep intact partial entries like "xxxHTMLyyy" and so on.

      *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language

      Custom containers

      ::: warning
      here be dragons

      2 votes
    3. Info about site mechanics + some short-term plans

      Hey folks, thanks for trying things out so far. I know it's in a bit of an awkward phase right now where everything is inactive, but this should improve as more people join. Unfortunately I've had...

      Hey folks, thanks for trying things out so far. I know it's in a bit of an awkward phase right now where everything is inactive, but this should improve as more people join. Unfortunately I've had some bad timing today with fun things like a surprise early-morning trip to the vet, so I haven't been able to pay as much attention today as I wanted to.

      Anyway, a few updates:

      Site mechanics

      I did manage to spend some time writing up a page that explains some of the basic site mechanics, which is here: https://docs.tildes.net/mechanics

      Hopefully that helps explain things a bit better, since so far you've just basically had to try things to figure out what they are. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts about the info on that page.

      Issue tracker

      There's not much there yet either, but I set up an issue tracker here on gitlab (which is where I'll host the site's code eventually): https://gitlab.com/tildes/tildes/issues

      I'm not expecting anyone to register on there and submit issues or anything, but that will be kind of the "formal" location for issues and plans (and I'll transfer things there that get reported on the site itself).

      Invites and other plans

      So far, I've only invited people that already knew what I was working on and that I've been talking to about it. Today and over the weekend, I'm going to start inviting some more specific people that I'd like to have involved but I haven't previously talked with about Tildes. While doing that, I'm also going to be working on the things mentioned in this post yesterday: https://tildes.net/~tildes/a/high_priority_things_to_fix_add

      If any of you have suggestions for people you'd like to invite (who won't be turned off by an inactive site), please let me know. I can contact them or give you some invite codes.

      Early next week, I'd like to start trying to get some public attention and expanding more quickly. This will probably include posting the announcement blog post to some places, as well as giving you all some invite codes. I don't have very specific plans yet though, so again, please let me know if you have any suggestions.

      Thanks again, and please keep posting a bit just so we can get some base activity going - if you read an interesting article or anything, just take a minute to post it here as well. Like I said, I know it's a bit awkward for now, but it will get better.

      11 votes