ajar's recent activity

  1. Comment on Bolivia is consumed by a debate over whether President Morales was ousted in a coup, as he and his loyalists allege, or in a democratic uprising against his misrule in ~misc

    I find it so strange that this isn't considered a coup by so many people and media outlets. Áñez is definitely president by illegitimate means as the article points out and she is not only there...

    I find it so strange that this isn't considered a coup by so many people and media outlets. Áñez is definitely president by illegitimate means as the article points out and she is not only there to call new elections as any interim president should in the circumstances, but she is giving immunity to armed forces, playing with international affairs and pushing the Bible down the parliament. And her party has something like 5% of the vote only!

    Sure, Morales should not have been allowed to be a candidate after the lawful term limits. A judge should not have allowed it, in my opinion. But still, if the army chief ask the elected president to resign...

    Also, as far as I've read, it's not clear that there was election fraud (OEA, based in Washington btw, says there was, I believe, but I've heard other reports didn't find such claims sound) and fresh supervised elections, which Morales accepted, should have been enough to reset the game.

    I don't know what I'm missing in order no to call it a coup. Unless it's just pure manipulation.

    7 votes
  2. Comment on I don't know how to move in ~talk

    Others have already given your some useful responses. I'd like to add that whatever you do, whether you stay home and never give that presentation or go and do a great job or if you get too...

    Others have already given your some useful responses.

    I'd like to add that whatever you do, whether you stay home and never give that presentation or go and do a great job or if you get too nervous to speak, whatever happens, that does not define who you are in any permanent way.

    It might be useful to reflect about what is it exactly that bothers you about these presentations. Is it people judging you? Is it yourself judging you? What would that judgement be? What would the ultimate consequences of said judgement be (if any)? They wouldn't probably amount to much if you look closely, I believe. What would you think of someone that gives a bad presentation in your class? Is whatever you think about it rational according to your experiences? Maybe you're projecting on yourself something you do to others? Perhaps a change of perspective would help. Of course, emotions tend to run over rationality, but having a sound argument in your head might help controlling emotional responses to some degree.

    I think practicing at home with a friend or a family member might help. As others have said, practice and routine can dull almost anything. Maybe talking to your instructors might be good as well, although, unfortunately, many teachers have no idea how to help students in developing social abilities, which is a failure of the education system. If you don't feel comfortable with your classmates, it's normal to feel anxiety. That's why group cohesion and cooperation is so important in contemporary learning methodologies. If your school or teachers don't help you overcome these fears, I think a good idea might be to create an informal group of students focused of working on these issues. Maybe meet once a week or whatever and practice explaining things to each other. I think the important thing is to feel you are contributing, and not that you are the best, which often seems to be the tacit unrealistic and unnecessary goal.

    Lastly, I think maybe some reading might help, maybe more in the long term. I think Hayes' book "Get out of your Mind and into your Life", might be a good starting point.

    Good luck!

    3 votes
  3. Comment on How sign language innovators are bringing music to the deaf in ~music

    I've always felt that signed songs are way more interesting to hearing people than to deaf or hh people. I know there's some deaf people that like signed songs, but, in my experience, is not most...

    I've always felt that signed songs are way more interesting to hearing people than to deaf or hh people. I know there's some deaf people that like signed songs, but, in my experience, is not most of them. And even the ones who say it's alright, I feel they say it without much emotion.

    Especially on video. I think some kind of rythm can be transmitted if synchronized during live concerts, where the vibrations are clear and strong. It's usually very focused on words, so to me it seems like what a hearing person would feel by watching a lyrics/karaoke video with no sound or reading a poem written only with emojis. To me it seems sooooo detached from the music experience...

    I appreciate the visibility though. And at least this interpreter makes quite an effort to communicate a bit more than just words.

    3 votes
  4. Comment on If materialism is true, the United States is probably conscious in ~science

    Sounds like a nice guy. I have to agree with this though: I was pretty bored during the supersquids and the antheads bit. I agree that similarities between organisms and groups can be traced, but...

    Sounds like a nice guy. I have to agree with this though:

    Alternatively, some readers – perhaps especially empirically-oriented readers – might suggest that my argument does little other than display the bankruptcy of metaphysical speculation about bizarre cases. How could we hope to build any serious theory on science-fictional intuitions?

    I was pretty bored during the supersquids and the antheads bit.

    I agree that similarities between organisms and groups can be traced, but as he asks at the end: Is then a company conscious? Is a family or a household conscious?

    I really like Thomas Metzinger's idea about the self-model and wish it was mentioned at some point in the article. If there is no self-model, and I don't think a country or a group of people has one, there's no first person perspective either and no consciousness.

    At times I even thought he was somehow trying to redefine consciousness. It might be a valid path, but as one of his critics mentioned, seems misleading.

    Interesting read though. Thanks!

    2 votes
  5. Comment on If materialism is true, the United States is probably conscious in ~science

    Link Parent
    I'm no expert, but to be honest the fact that it doesn't cite Metzinger at all seems strange.

    I'm no expert, but to be honest the fact that it doesn't cite Metzinger at all seems strange.

  6. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I've been replaying Italy by Good Posture too much... Came up as a YouTube suggestions to something else, after a couple of times I couldn't get it out of my head.

    I've been replaying Italy by Good Posture too much... Came up as a YouTube suggestions to something else, after a couple of times I couldn't get it out of my head.

    4 votes
  7. Comment on Who was the most influential teacher in your life? And how did they influence you? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    You do that, please. Teachers really need this kind of motivation.

    I should really look into getting in touch and letting him know how much he's influenced me since then.

    You do that, please. Teachers really need this kind of motivation.

    3 votes
  8. Comment on [Pilot] Condor in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I'll check the movie, thanks. And I agree with rebooting Rubicon. That show and Carnivàle deserved better.

    I'll check the movie, thanks. And I agree with rebooting Rubicon. That show and Carnivàle deserved better.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on [Pilot] Condor in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I just watched the second episode and the 7 stands, yes. Probably you're right and a binge would be more appropriate. Good job linking it to Rubicon, I had forgotten about that one. And I didn't...

    I just watched the second episode and the 7 stands, yes. Probably you're right and a binge would be more appropriate.

    Good job linking it to Rubicon, I had forgotten about that one. And I didn't know about the film or the book.

    So, Jeremy Irons' son, huh? I can see some resemblance. I like him too, but he's too likable as well, and I think I see him overacting at times. But the character, I think it's too much of an angel. Could use a bit more blacks and whites.

    Talking about Goliath, I binged both seasons these days. It was fine, I like the second season best I think. Hurt's character was too flat i believe. And this Billy Bob Thornton, I don't know... In my head, every time I see him everything looks a bit B series.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Mr. Robot, my favourite show. Any fans already on ~ ? in ~tv

    I only watched season 1. And while I liked it in general, I didn't like the main character enough and when I watched the first episode of season 2 I had forgotten so much and I didn't want to make...

    I only watched season 1. And while I liked it in general, I didn't like the main character enough and when I watched the first episode of season 2 I had forgotten so much and I didn't want to make the effort to remember it, so I guess that's telling.

  11. [Pilot] Condor

    The show premiered on Audience Network a couple of weeks ago. Seems to be a classical CIA show, more in line with 24 than Homeland, I think. So if you miss the CTU, you might like this. It's not...

    The show premiered on Audience Network a couple of weeks ago.

    Seems to be a classical CIA show, more in line with 24 than Homeland, I think. So if you miss the CTU, you might like this. It's not as fast-paced so far though.

    Dialogue is acceptable and acting is generally good. Nothing spectacular visually.

    There was some amount of conflict and the tension builds up during the episode, with the mandatory cliffhanger ending.

    Nothing disruptive in general, but entertaining and with maybe some potential.

    The main character is too much of a hero (too much of a good guy) to be able to achieve some depth, IMO. He's too smart, too honest, too humble, too attractive, etc. That's my biggest grip once I accepted the show doesn't seem to want to create anything new, but was certainly watchable. I'm gonna watch the second episode now and see if it gets better

    I'd say 7/10, but maybe it's just because I usually enjoy the genre. So maybe 6/10 trying to be more objective.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Post one of your favorite songs have other tilderados recommend a related song in ~music

    Link Parent
    I have no idea what this sounds like, but it's interesting!

    I have no idea what this sounds like, but it's interesting!

  13. Comment on Post one of your favorite songs have other tilderados recommend a related song in ~music

    Link Parent
    Video not available...

    Video not available...

  14. Comment on Post one of your favorite songs have other tilderados recommend a related song in ~music

  15. Comment on Post one of your favorite songs have other tilderados recommend a related song in ~music

    Link Parent
    Umm, haha, I don't know, I fail to see the resemblance. Too much rock, too much guitar for my taste. But thanks anyhow!

    Umm, haha, I don't know, I fail to see the resemblance. Too much rock, too much guitar for my taste. But thanks anyhow!

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Discussion: The merits of removing the ability to vote from the "main" page in ~tildes

    I like the idea, might be a good experiment, at least. One thing to note though is that I think I vote less here than on other places. Many times I just forget to even if I want to, I'm not sure...

    I like the idea, might be a good experiment, at least. One thing to note though is that I think I vote less here than on other places. Many times I just forget to even if I want to, I'm not sure why that is or whether it is a good or bad thing.

    I agree with your pros and regarding the cons, I think inconsistency is probably the real baddie.

    I'm thinking this might maybe mix well with another suggestion someone made a while ago: not showing votes until the user has voted. Kind of like a "blind vote". We could have a frontpage without vote buttons, and only after entering the comment page and voting would the vote count be shown. (Sort by would be unaffected).

    It goes against "transparency" so I'm not sure, but I think it's not a bad idea.

    I don't think I understand your second hanging question. The first one... I don't know. Maybe once Deimos deactivates automatic subscription to everything people will just stay in groups they're really interested in and there are more possibilities they will go into the comment section/read the links?

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Can we create a long comment chain to see how it is handled in ~? in ~test

  18. Comment on If you've seen all five to completion, rank and share your thoughts on the finales of The Leftovers, The Shield, Six Feet Under, The Wire, and LOST in ~tv

    I wouldn't know how to rank them. I haven't watched The Shield and I don't remember The Wire's finale (but I'm rewatching it now, finished season 2 a few days ago). Lost's was pretty...

    I wouldn't know how to rank them. I haven't watched The Shield and I don't remember The Wire's finale (but I'm rewatching it now, finished season 2 a few days ago).

    Lost's was pretty disappointing. Since season 4 or so it was clear the general direction was not a good one. I really liked the show, and I think it was the beginning of an era on TV. But the finale, which I don't even remember clearly, was just silly.

    The Leftovers' finale was pretty good. It wasn't a solution to anything, but it was satisfactory in its own way (and maybe having experienced Lost's finale allowed that The Leftovers' wasn't disappointing). Maybe my favorite.

    SFU's... I didn't like it when I first watched it. The make up, the wigs... it seemed very unreal to me in comparison with the rest of the series, although the concept was very good. I just thought it was a bit... gimmicky. But having rewatched it a few times I learned to disregard that and I actually enjoy it, and I think it's one of the very best finales all in all.

    Now seeing this post made want to start season 3 of The Wire, which I really shouldn't or I won't be able to stop. It's one of my favorite series (I just have terrible memory), so I guess the finale was pretty good. (Please don't refresh my memory, I'm rewatching it almost as if it were the first time!)

    1 vote