Johz's recent activity

  1. Comment on Marius Borg Høiby, the 27-year-old son of Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit, has been arrested on suspicion of raping a woman in her 20s in ~news

    Link Parent
    I don't believe that's the case in the UK either. The Sovereign (i.e. right now King Charles) does seem to be exempt from prosecution, and I believe there are certain laws that don't apply to the...

    I don't believe that's the case in the UK either. The Sovereign (i.e. right now King Charles) does seem to be exempt from prosecution, and I believe there are certain laws that don't apply to the royal family, but in general a royals can be prosecuted for crimes, particularly one of this magnitude.

    8 votes
  2. Comment on Make it ephemeral: Software should decay and lose data in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I kind of get the worry about a fully automated system, but fundamentally my data is my property, and if you're holding it then you have a duty to me to handle that data correctly, and not hold it...

    I kind of get the worry about a fully automated system, but fundamentally my data is my property, and if you're holding it then you have a duty to me to handle that data correctly, and not hold it any longer than you need to.

  3. Comment on Make it ephemeral: Software should decay and lose data in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I mean, this is kind of exactly what the author is talking about. Keeping data for five years, seven years, ten years - whatever is necessary to ensure compliance - makes sense. But it's still...

    I mean, this is kind of exactly what the author is talking about. Keeping data for five years, seven years, ten years - whatever is necessary to ensure compliance - makes sense. But it's still personal and private data, and it still needs to be deleted at some point.

    The danger is always that this data ends up leaked, either through negligence or attacks or whatever else. Reducing the amount of data that exists to be leaked in the first place should be a key goal of any security measures.

    Yes, there are always going to be some exceptions, but designing tax and controlling laws around the idea that data doesn't need to be kept eternally to still be acceptable is important.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on ‘Mild’ tofu, ‘mild’ carrots, ‘mild’ pine nuts: my five-year quest to understand German taste in ~food

    Link Parent
    An illustrative example that isn't true seems somewhat oxymoronic. As cfabbro points out, this rule of thumb seems rather useless these days, maybe it's worth just dropping it?

    An illustrative example that isn't true seems somewhat oxymoronic. As cfabbro points out, this rule of thumb seems rather useless these days, maybe it's worth just dropping it?

    3 votes
  5. Comment on ‘Mild’ tofu, ‘mild’ carrots, ‘mild’ pine nuts: my five-year quest to understand German taste in ~food

    Link Parent
    You do know lakes and freezers both exist?

    I do sometimes have to remind people that no, you shouldn't order fish in a landlocked country

    You do know lakes and freezers both exist?

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Paper: Feminism in Programming Language Design in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I find it disappointing that you've not responded to the comment - or even paragraph - as a whole, which provides the context for that quote, and instead are focusing on what counts as a "real"...

    I find it disappointing that you've not responded to the comment - or even paragraph - as a whole, which provides the context for that quote, and instead are focusing on what counts as a "real" programming language.

    The point of that paragraph was that neither SQL nor HTML are general purpose programming languages. I cannot build a CLI, or a web server, or a desktop application using HTML or SQL alone. They are both DSLs with limits to their capabilities.

    Now you are correct that SQL can do calculations. But you are incorrect that only SQL manages state. HTML includes plenty of stateful aspects, from how forms and iframes behave, to how code can be executed on various event handlers embedded into the HTML code.

    The other important property that many people like bringing up is Turing completeness, but in practice I think this is more of a distraction. Turing completeness has nothing to do with the qualities that we actually need in a general purpose programming language (i.e. whether or not we can command the full range of operating system resources). Instead, it's a very precise mathematical property that tells us something about the classes of computation that exist. But it doesn't really give us a sense of anything outside that. For example, the previous poster referenced TeX as a markup language, and distinguished it from executable programming languages, but TeX is actually Turing complete, and you can do some very complex things with it, including writing interpreters for other languages. But again, it's a very specific DSL for a very specific purpose, and it is absolutely not a general purpose programming language that you could use for more everyday tasks. The poster was not wrong to call it a markup language, I think they were just wrong about what that implies.

    Which again leads to the question: if both HTML and SQL are tools designed for specific niches, with only limited ability to interact with the world outside their custom-designed engines, why is it so important that we distinguish one of them as a "programming language" and the other as, well, not that?

    • It isn't about Turing completeness, otherwise we'd be using that specific phrase and making more precise, mathematical claims.
    • It isn't about whether we can use them for general purpose programming, because we can't - neither is suitable for most programming purposes, as they are both run in very limited environments.

    I would argue that the answer is primarily about status. "HTML is not a programming language" has become such a meme that as soon as the claim is made, people rush in to demonstrate that they're a real programmer because they know the difference. But as a real programmer, who works with HTML on a daily basis, I think this is missing the point. HTML is absolutely a language that I use to program with. It is not a general purpose programming language, but it is one of a number of DSLs that I use to precisely define UIs and how they should behave. SQL is also a language that I use to program with, and is equally not a general purpose programming language, but I still use it to define which data should get loaded from the database. In most of the ways that are relevant to my work, there is little meaningful difference between them other than that they were built for different purposes.

    We can see that here in the comments. There is a whole article to discuss, and in my last comment I even tried to unpack the key ideas a bit more and open them up to more discussion. And yet the thing that most people are focusing on is whether or not HTML is a programming language (which, FWIW, wasn't even the terminology used in the original article). Why? Why is it so important to get this right, when it's not even the point of the article?

    Like I said at the start of this comment, I'm disappointed that you have focused on this one aspect as well, especially when I made it clear in my comment what the point of the article was. If you want to discuss the article, I'm happy to do that, because there's some interesting ideas in there - even if I don't agree with all of it. But if you just want to discuss whether it not HTML is a programming language, I encourage you to instead reflect on why that claim is so important to you and others in this thread that it's overshadowing actual discussion of the article's points.

    6 votes
  7. Comment on Paper: Feminism in Programming Language Design in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I agree that the article is a bit disappointing in terms of its depth — like you say, it feels like an introduction or a blog post about the actual article, rather than an article worth discussing...

    I agree that the article is a bit disappointing in terms of its depth — like you say, it feels like an introduction or a blog post about the actual article, rather than an article worth discussing in-depth in its own right.

    That said, I think you're missing the point by saying that we just need more respect of women in the workplace. That's not what the article is trying to argue. The article is saying that the way we analyse programming languages is limited, and could be improved by applying the lens of academic feminism to the subject. Importantly, this is less about solving gender equality issues, and more about looking at one academic subject with the tools of a different academic subject. An essay could equally be written by a English literature academic asking how the tools of English literature studies could be applied to PL design.

    As to some specific examples, the author brings up how PL design is incredibly monolingual. The vast majority of code is written in a programming language with keywords and syntax designed around English words and patterns of speech. Academic feminism would prompt us to question that: why do children learning to program in Germany or France, say, need to use these English keywords? Would it be easier for them if programming languages could be more localised? How would this affect the world: whose lives would be made easier, and whose lives would be made more difficult?

    Another good example is precisely what we've been talking about just now. There is definitely a distinction between "real" programming languages and DSLs that are more limited. But that distinction is often associated with differences in prestige amongst different programming languages. Why? Why do you distinguish HTML — a DSL that forms a vital part of the infrastructure of modern web apps, but lacks the full power of, say, Javascript — from, say, SQL — a DSL that forms a vital part of the infrastructure of modern web apps, but lacks the full power of, say, Javascript? How does prestige impact how we choose different languages, and how languages are perceived amongst academic (and non-academic) PL designers and users?

    For what it's worth, I think that a lot of these questions are asked in modern PL discourse, and I don't think the addition of an academic feminist lens necessarily contributes as much as the author is suggesting. We have experimented with multilingual programming languages (see, e.g. Excel), and while it seems to make things easier for beginners to use, it also becomes harder to manage at larger scales. And the discussion about making error messages easier to understand feels a bit dated given the direction a lot of modern languages are taking.

    But I think the act of exploring one academic discipline through the lens of another is still a useful exercise, even if this article isn't necessarily the best exemplar of that.

    10 votes
  8. Comment on Paper: Feminism in Programming Language Design in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Firstly, LaTeX is definitely executable — it's a fascinating tool that, as I understand it, can only really be parsed by executing it, due to how it's built up out of commands and macros and other...

    Firstly, LaTeX is definitely executable — it's a fascinating tool that, as I understand it, can only really be parsed by executing it, due to how it's built up out of commands and macros and other weird bits and pieces.

    Tbh, I think your framing of "X is executable and Y isn't" is kind of what the author is getting at in their essay. This is a binary that is rarely helpful, and often hides a deeper understanding of what's going on. For example, YAML is essentially a data notation language, but it can be executed by CI engines, build tools, or deployment systems to create quite complicated effects. To manage those effects fully, you need to be familiar with software development. So yes, YAML by itself may come in a category of non-executable languages, but the people working with it are generally trained developers who are using it in a complex way.

    Similarly, you mention HTML as falling under the "design" category of work, but I'm a web developer by trade (and definitely not a designer) and understanding HTML is a key part of my work. I would argue even that designers generally don't understand HTML enough — it is largely a technical tool used for development, and most design systems abstract over it to the level where designers are able to use it. If you are a web developer, you must learn HTML, CSS, and JS to be able to do your job — it doesn't matter if some of these languages are executable, and some aren't!

    I'm not trying to argue here that HTML is executable on some technicality of Turing-completeness. There is clearly a category difference between languages like Javascript and languages like HTML in terms of what they were made for and how they are used. However, these categories are only useful insofar as they provide us with useful language to discuss the tools we're working with. That is, it is important to remember that the categories are made by humans and used by humans. This brings us back to the one of the key points of the essay, which is that a lot of key human-centered aspects of PL design are missing from academic discussion of the topic.

    So when you say "HTML isn't executable", and stop reading the paper because that's too much of an inaccuracy to deal with, I question whether you are using your categories of "executable" and "non-executable" in a way that is productive for discussion, or if you're using those categories to gatekeep and produce a kind of categorical shibboleth around the subject you're interested in.

    4 votes
  9. Comment on Elevator pitch your favourite book! in ~books

    Link Parent
    As someone who read, and was incredibly disappointed by, the rest of the books in the series, when I recommend the book I usually tell people to just stick with Hyperion. Think of it less as an...

    As someone who read, and was incredibly disappointed by, the rest of the books in the series, when I recommend the book I usually tell people to just stick with Hyperion. Think of it less as an unfinished book, and more as a book with an open ending, and it's brilliant. Plus I think it concludes the thematic journey very well - a recurring idea throughout the book is the conflict between the familiar and the unknown nature of change. Leaving the book just as the characters and their world are finally ready to embrace change is a great choice: we don't know what the consequences are going to be, and that's ultimately the thing that holds us back from change and creates the stifling cultures that the different characters are pushing back against.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on The Stallman report in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Firstly, Stallman's role goes beyond architecting and enforcing the GPL - he is currently the head of the GNU project, and on the board of directors of the FSF. So even if nothing in this document...

    Firstly, Stallman's role goes beyond architecting and enforcing the GPL - he is currently the head of the GNU project, and on the board of directors of the FSF. So even if nothing in this document related to his work on the GPL, it is still very relevant for his work leading to different organisations, and his role as a figurehead for the free software movement in general.

    Secondly, I assume that even in the role of architect of the GPL, his work at this point will involve plenty of delegation, negotiation, discussion, and leadership. I think there are issues when we try and define purely technical roles, as if we could somehow separate technical skills from the ability to communicate healthily with other people, but let's assume that's the case: even then, he is not in a technical role.

    Which again brings us to the point I was making: if his role is predominantly bringing others alongside him, training and supporting others in the campaign for free software, working with others on large projects (be that software or legal documents), leadership, and his status as figurehead of the movement, then he is extremely poorly suited to that role.

    17 votes
  11. Comment on The Stallman report in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Is he in a technical role? My understanding is that the FSF is mainly involved in advocacy for, promotion of, and support for free software. None of that is particularly technical. Moreover,...

    Is he in a technical role? My understanding is that the FSF is mainly involved in advocacy for, promotion of, and support for free software. None of that is particularly technical. Moreover, Stallman's work in particular has mainly been spearheading that advocacy and acting as a figurehead for the free software movement.

    If even a small portion of this list of issues is true, I would consider him a poor fit for that sort of role. Making large portions of your target audience feel uncomfortable seems like a terrible idea for someone who is meant to encourage more people to be involved in the free software movement.

    If his job were solely technical - say, working on GCC with no responsibilities at all in the way of mentorship, leadership, code review, or anything similar - then I would still struggle to work alongside him and would consider him more hindrance than help, but I could at least understand this argument. But that isn't the case, and his behaviour seems to be actively getting in the way of his work, and the work of the FSF in general.

    36 votes
  12. Comment on No one’s laughing now: ‘Joker Folie à Deux’ falls down with $39m-$40m opening: How the sequel went sideways in ~movies

    Link Parent
    In fairness, that matches a lot with what Kermode was saying — he seemed sceptical that it would appeal to many of the fans of the original film.

    In fairness, that matches a lot with what Kermode was saying — he seemed sceptical that it would appeal to many of the fans of the original film.

    8 votes
  13. Comment on No one’s laughing now: ‘Joker Folie à Deux’ falls down with $39m-$40m opening: How the sequel went sideways in ~movies

    I'm intrigued by this, because the only review I've seen (apart from general public perception and memes) is Kermode and Mayo's review, where Mark Kermode in particular thought it was better than...

    I'm intrigued by this, because the only review I've seen (apart from general public perception and memes) is Kermode and Mayo's review, where Mark Kermode in particular thought it was better than the original, although thought it would probably be worse received.

    In fairness, I haven't seen the original, and I probably won't see this one, but the harsh criticism coupled with the occasional positive review makes me a lot more interested in seeing it.

    9 votes
  14. Comment on The Technical Difficulties are back! — Reverse Trivia 1x01 in ~misc

    For those that don't know, TechDif is one of Tom Scott's other projects, where he and a group of mates have done various forms of panel show over the years. Their best stuff was Citation Needed —...

    For those that don't know, TechDif is one of Tom Scott's other projects, where he and a group of mates have done various forms of panel show over the years. Their best stuff was Citation Needed — if you've never seen that, there's an entire playlist of videos to enjoy. They went through a phase of trying out other things that I don't think was quite as successful (although still worth watching), but Reverse Trivia feels like they're back on form. Pure banter and nonsense, four guys messing around and having a bit of fun with general knowledge.

    Apparently there's going to be three more episodes, coming out weekly. Very exciting!

    12 votes
  15. Comment on Choosing a TTRPG system in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    I think this is the best advice here, and I say that as someone who doesn't really like D&D as a system all that much. The best RPG is the one you actually play, and you can get started with D&D...

    I think this is the best advice here, and I say that as someone who doesn't really like D&D as a system all that much. The best RPG is the one you actually play, and you can get started with D&D fairly easily and quickly - just find people. Other RPGs have their benefits, but there's usually fewer resources for them. You should definitely give them a go, but if you're getting action paralysis just from looking at all the different options, then the best solution is usually to pick something good enough to start with, and then look into alternatives as you get more invested.

    Edit: another option is to find a group first, and then play what they're playing. That way, you don't need to worry about the decision.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Box office: ‘Megalopolis’ bombs with D+ CinemaScore, ‘Wild Robot’ soars to no. 1 in ~movies

    Link Parent
    I realise you can't judge a film based on one clip, but the short clip he showed when reviewing it seemed to completely sum up the point he was making. It felt like it was written based on Those...

    I realise you can't judge a film based on one clip, but the short clip he showed when reviewing it seemed to completely sum up the point he was making. It felt like it was written based on Those Teenage Era Jaden Smith Tweets back in the day.

    And presumably that's not some snippet that Kermode chose himself, but a promotional clip sent to them by the film publicists. They wanted people to see that clip, they thought it would bring people to come and see the film...

    3 votes
  17. Comment on AI and the American smile in ~humanities

    This is interesting, but I feel like the author is trying to imply a far stronger point than they ought. Firstly, as the author themself points out, this isn't an American smile, it's something...

    This is interesting, but I feel like the author is trying to imply a far stronger point than they ought.

    Firstly, as the author themself points out, this isn't an American smile, it's something common across much of Western Europe as well. I'd argue in terms of selfie culture, it's common in parts of East Asia as well. So the discussion about attaching selfie smiles to specific US cultural mores feels like a large stretch.

    Secondly, the images weren't meant to be any old photos, they were meant to be selfies - a style of photography deeply specific to the 21st Century, and even to certain generations. It doesn't really make sense to compare a fake selfie of Native American warriors to an actual photo of Native American warriors, because Native American warriors never took 21st Century selfies. They photographed in the common style of the 19th Century, which is to say stern and still. Similarly, selfies are almost always posed, and are never action shots, so it doesn't make sense to generate a selfie of a warrior in the middle of a Haka. The selfie is the specific lens through which the AI is generating these images, and it defines a lot about how people will stand, what they will be doing, and what expressions they will have on their faces. Even the comparison between the fake Soviet soldiers and the real Ukrainian soldiers shows that there is a particularly stance and style that is universal there - even if the rictus grin is more of a cultural artifact that the AI can't get away from.

    I'd have been interested to see more gender-based comparison. All the images that I saw were of men, but it would have been interesting to see, say, a selfie of a group of WRENs (a British all-female military group during WWII), and see if the AI would have approached that any differently.

    18 votes
  18. Comment on An Israeli and a Palestinian discuss 7 October, Gaza – and the future in ~society

    Link Parent
    A while back, I tried making a board game about the reconciliation and forgiveness process, looking into Northern Ireland, South Africa, and also just between individuals. I didn't get very far...

    A while back, I tried making a board game about the reconciliation and forgiveness process, looking into Northern Ireland, South Africa, and also just between individuals. I didn't get very far with that, but it was fascinating to look into some of the study and research on the topic, and at some point I want to revisit that and try and model it in some way.

    But one of the things that came up was the importance of this social acceptance of the other side before peace and reconciliation could really take place. You can't forgive someone that you still see as the enemy, and you can't accept forgiveness from someone who you don't believe you've wronged. And if neither side is willing to forgive or be forgiven, then any attempts at long-term reconciliation will not work. In that regard, this sort of dialogue is vital.

    That said, one of the other aspects that came up was that reconciliation is usually a process that takes place after a conflict is resolved - i.e. first comes peace, and then in that time of peace, there is time for coming together again and forgiving one another. So I don't know if any sort of lasting forgiveness and reconciliation is possible in a world where both sides see the other party as active enemy combatants to be destroyed by any means.

    7 votes
  19. Comment on While web browsers warm to AI services, holdouts remain including Vivaldi in ~tech

    I had a front-end development job a while back with a colleague who used Vivaldi, and it taught me to really hate that browser. Every few weeks, he'd file a new bug ticket with a vague description...

    I had a front-end development job a while back with a colleague who used Vivaldi, and it taught me to really hate that browser.

    Every few weeks, he'd file a new bug ticket with a vague description of the problem, and occasionally a half-relevant screenshot. I'd spend a while trying to figure out what he meant, and eventually I'd usually find out the problem was "I'm using Vivaldi, and it does something different to other browsers here". I don't really understand how Vivaldi could have so many weird edge cases given it's just a Chromium wrapper, but apparently it does. I don't remember all the problems I ran into, but it was things like the file picker doing strange things if you clicked "cancel", and the screen size not being reported correctly at certain points in the page's lifecycle.

    The worst part, though, was that I'd try and come up with some sort of fix on our side, and then, like the responsible developer I am, I'd spend some time creating a minimal reproducible example and submitting it to Vivaldi. Unfortunately, the only bug tracker I ever found was a "found a bug?" form that as far as I could tell, just sent everything straight into the ether. I never got any response from Vivaldi at all (not even a "we've got your report and will look at it" confirmation), and IIRC their internal bug tracker was locked down so you couldn't see how they were handing these things anyway.

    I realise this is quite a privileged complaint compared to the IE wilderness years, but I have absolutely no desire to return there. I deeply dislike Vivaldi, and I hope I never have to support it again.

    19 votes