Nsutdwa's recent activity

  1. Comment on Intel has finally tracked down the problem making 13th- and 14th-gen CPUs crash in ~tech

    Ouch, I often pine over recent-gen CPUs in office desktops/minis, but when these generations hit the market, I can't imagine anyone giving them the time of day, not without very steep discounting,...

    Ouch, I often pine over recent-gen CPUs in office desktops/minis, but when these generations hit the market, I can't imagine anyone giving them the time of day, not without very steep discounting, or some sort of solid warranty, at least.

    12 votes
  2. Comment on Joe Biden calls Volodymyr Zelensky 'Putin' right before huge press conference in ~news

    Link Parent
    Interesting insight, cheers.

    Interesting insight, cheers.

  3. Comment on Joe Biden calls Volodymyr Zelensky 'Putin' right before huge press conference in ~news

    Link Parent
    Yes, and then called VP Harris "VP Trump" (he didn't self-correct on this one). The BBC put together a video of some interesting moments in the press conference. Even when he's speaking...

    Yes, and then called VP Harris "VP Trump" (he didn't self-correct on this one). The BBC put together a video of some interesting moments in the press conference. Even when he's speaking coherently, I find his delivery to be very poor. The establishment should stop trying to coerce Democrats and anti-Trump into voting for this old man and put up a credible candidate who can savage Trump on his awful record and horrific platform.

    20 votes
  4. Comment on Spotify is no longer just a streaming app, it’s a social network in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That radio aspect is key, I think. I watched Silicon Valley a while back and found myself often looking up the song playing over the end credits. Predictably, there are playlists on Spotify of...

    That radio aspect is key, I think. I watched Silicon Valley a while back and found myself often looking up the song playing over the end credits. Predictably, there are playlists on Spotify of those end-credits songs... I think they released an "official" OST at some point, but after half a dozen (ish?) seasons, that album is very outdated. Now I could copy all of that work finding and compiling those playlists on my Jellyfin server, or I could just, not bother. I don't use Spotify, so I've just moved on, but I'm very aware that that is real value offered by Spotify in return for the subscription fee. Being able to turn on a "Silicon Valley radio" or "TV shows radio" or "Christmas radio" is very, very convenient.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Formula 1 British Grand Prix 2024 - Results in ~sports.motorsports

    Link Parent
    I reckon Perez's contract renewal did include some pretty powerful performance break clauses. There's no reason to sign up a guy who is demonstrably mediocre. Team heads know it's only a matter of...

    I reckon Perez's contract renewal did include some pretty powerful performance break clauses. There's no reason to sign up a guy who is demonstrably mediocre. Team heads know it's only a matter of time before the performance pendulum swings - no team gets to keep a huge performance advantage for long, and Perez seems to need that gap to reliably finish well. My heart wants Ric in, but he's also been a let-down. The ruthless Red Bull of old would dump Perez, not let Ric get a look in, and overlook Tsunoda for being a Honda man. Where they go from there, I'm not sure. But if they were making tough choices, I feel like those three drivers are out of it.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Formula 1 British Grand Prix 2024 - Results in ~sports.motorsports

    Link Parent
    I feel like Norris needs to be a little bit more of a bastard on track (and off). If it comes down to the line, if Norris is really a threat to Verstappen, I believe Verstappen will race just as...

    I feel like Norris needs to be a little bit more of a bastard on track (and off). If it comes down to the line, if Norris is really a threat to Verstappen, I believe Verstappen will race just as hard (right on and over the line, every race, if the stewards allow it again) as he did against Hamilton in 2021. It's why I thought it was the right choice for Norris to accept the crash that Verstappen created in Austria. Sure, he lost out, but perhaps he can let Verstappen know that he is willing to crash out if Verstappen forces it, and that will bear fruit in the long term. Verstappen beat Hamilton because Hamilton played the long game, steadily stacking up points, while Verstappen got to learn that he can push and bully Hamilton off the track without consequence.

    Also, what Button said after the race rung true for me. He said that Norris shouldn't let other drivers see how despondent he is truly feeling, that that's going to be seized on as weakness and exploited. I think that's true. What Rosberg did in 2016 was admirable. He gave nothing away in the interviews during the season, he'd always say he was just taking it one race at a time, yadda yadda. Post-win, he said he would agonise, that of course he was aware of every single permutation in every race, he just didn't let anyone know how much the pressure really was getting to him. I think of Lance Armstrong, who wrote that when he passed his competitors on a hill climb (caveat that he was dosed up on PEDs, of course), he'd deliberately grit his teeth and breathe through is note, not letting the other cyclists see that his lungs and legs were screaming in agony with the effort. He reckoned that would break them, being passed by a guy not even gasping, breathing with his mouth closed! I hope Norris can find that Bastard mentality on the track and cultivate a hard exterior off it.

    Then, if Mclaren can sort their dogshit strategy calls out, I think he could do it. Having said all of that, I think Piastri will overtake him before he can make this type of change.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on Germany's Kai Havertz and Jamal Musiala shrug off storm delay to sink furious Denmark and head through to the UEFA Euro 2024 quarter-finals in ~sports.football

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Ouch, haha :) I think that's (at least partly) another product of me not being a football fan - I suspect if I watched a million games each week (or however many they play in the premier league/la...

    your examples are from 38 and 14 years ago

    Ouch, haha :)

    I think that's (at least partly) another product of me not being a football fan - I suspect if I watched a million games each week (or however many they play in the premier league/la liga/ligue 1 etc.), I'd have more examples. Hearing your response to me here really convinces me that this is purely a preference based on whether we want a game with objective rules or that "human element", because:

    With this new direction I honestly think we're heading to a completely referee-less game in 20-30 years because why even bother?

    Yes, great!

    Is the opposite really what we want for this game?


    ...defending players are on edge whenever the attacking players are in the proximity of the penalty area.

    Excellent, let them be nervy and rattled. Playing under stress often makes for a good show.

    People will adapt, just like in F1 (sorry). When the racers are penalised each and every time they push track limits, they stop pushing - they pull their margin of error a little bit tighter, go a 1/100th of a second slower through a corner and avoid a penalty.

    I would LOVE to see the VAR picking up people for diving/exaggerating, though, I think that's needed if you're going to clamp down on fouls. Surely it would be possible for a machine to analyse when players are launching themselves in the air from a touch or rolling around like they're possessed after a tap on their shin pad? At the moment, I think I agree that there are too many sanctions, but I think you could deal with some of those by also punishing referee-baiting. If a player looks to be in huge pain, limping, grimacing, the works, and is then running around fine 30s later, retroactively card them. (I know this is unworkable, but let me dream).

    4 votes
  8. Comment on Germany's Kai Havertz and Jamal Musiala shrug off storm delay to sink furious Denmark and head through to the UEFA Euro 2024 quarter-finals in ~sports.football

    Link Parent
    I'm not much of a football fan (the euros and the world cup give me a sufficient "dose" of football every couple years), which may be why I'm more tolerant of it, but I much prefer having VAR...

    I'm not much of a football fan (the euros and the world cup give me a sufficient "dose" of football every couple years), which may be why I'm more tolerant of it, but I much prefer having VAR double checking goals and penalties (and other things, I suppose). I suppose it helps (me!) that I also enjoy F1, which can have penalties applied for infractions anywhere between pretty much immediately and hours later. I guess I'd rather the rules be enforced than bent and have people "getting away with" barely-there infractions because the referee didn't catch it. I'm thinking of Maradona's "hand of God", an England goal at some recent major competition that bounced well into the goal but, owing to backspin, bounced out and wasn't given... The indignation of suffering a goal that shouldn't have been is worse than the flow being broken, imho.

    That England not-given goal was 2010: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5QlBHF6ib8

    Shocking, very clearly a goal, it still rankles with me that it wasn't given!

    9 votes
  9. Comment on McDonald's is ending its drive-thru AI test in ~food

    Link Parent
    FWIW, I'm not the OP, but I really don't get the sense that the poster above is insulting you. They find your observation surprising, that's all. They're not saying "odd AND BAD", they're just...

    FWIW, I'm not the OP, but I really don't get the sense that the poster above is insulting you. They find your observation surprising, that's all. They're not saying "odd AND BAD", they're just saying "unusual". Nothing wrong with being unusual, nothing wrong with noting unusualness. You do you, friend. I'm assuming they're discussing things in good faith. Text cuts out a lot of information that would generally be passed on by the tone and body language. Absent those cues, a casual, friendly observation can come across as cold and judgemental, even though it isn't, in my opinion.

    6 votes
  10. Comment on EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control in ~tech

    Link Parent
    So does that mean that Signal (for exmaple) would just stop working? Signal has to maintain servers, right? Would it be illegal to use a distributed network of self-hosted chat servers? Would it...

    So does that mean that Signal (for exmaple) would just stop working? Signal has to maintain servers, right? Would it be illegal to use a distributed network of self-hosted chat servers? Would it be illegal for me to exchange messages with my family that we encrypt using our own homebrew solutions, for example? This would be madness - because you can be sure that the actual child traffickers (for example) are not going to just go "Oh no! We can't use encryption. Guess we'll just have to organise our crimes in cleartext messages, then, you got us."

    4 votes
  11. Comment on This Miami luxury condo is burying crystals in its building foundation to create good ‘vibes’ in ~design

  12. Comment on Retailers hate that you buy big things on your laptop in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Many, many thanks! I will definitely give this one a go.

    Many, many thanks! I will definitely give this one a go.

  13. Comment on Retailers hate that you buy big things on your laptop in ~finance

    Link Parent
    This has happened to me and I agree that it's intensely annoying. On my desktop computer (alert: millennial dinosaur), I hate when form devs choose to block ctrl-v to let me paste in a password...

    This has happened to me and I agree that it's intensely annoying. On my desktop computer (alert: millennial dinosaur), I hate when form devs choose to block ctrl-v to let me paste in a password from my password manager. I feel like someone is just doing some security theatre and making it way more likely that I make a mistake. Bonus points if you can't make the input visible either so you have to type special characters and hope and pray that you don't fat-finger the wrong one.

    5 votes
  14. Comment on Fast-food owners, squeezed customers test limit of value meal economy in ~food

    Link Parent
    I guess the hassle is the point, right? You're shameless enough to reach over, I'm irritating enough to ask on principle, but if I hadn't been grabbing it for my partner, I'd probably have just...

    I guess the hassle is the point, right? You're shameless enough to reach over, I'm irritating enough to ask on principle, but if I hadn't been grabbing it for my partner, I'd probably have just not bothered and eaten a dry burger. I'd be surprised if they were paying more than 5 cents per sachet, but I'm sure some MBA in Chicago got a bonus for cutting down on ketchup spending at a fast food restaurant.

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Fast-food owners, squeezed customers test limit of value meal economy in ~food

    Link Parent
    Very true. Last time I had to grab one because I was seeing a friend in hospital and I deeply regretted it. Not cheap, with terrible dry bread and a dried up excuse for a patty. No ketchup unless...

    Pretty much any other option is better.

    Very true. Last time I had to grab one because I was seeing a friend in hospital and I deeply regretted it. Not cheap, with terrible dry bread and a dried up excuse for a patty. No ketchup unless you notice that they haven't dropped any sachets in the bag and ask, then they begrudgingly give you 1, maybe 2 packets, I had to ask for more... Just a horrible meal and an unpleasant consumer experience. I'll go hungry next time or be more mindful to make and pack some sandwiches to take.

    12 votes
  16. Comment on Box office: ‘Furiosa’ just barely beats ‘The Garfield Movie’ in disastrous Memorial Day weekend — the worst in decades in ~movies

    Link Parent
    It's funny you should say this. My partner and I were just saying yesterday that the next time we go to see a film at the cinema, we'll take some cheap foam earplugs to take the edge off the...

    It's funny you should say this. My partner and I were just saying yesterday that the next time we go to see a film at the cinema, we'll take some cheap foam earplugs to take the edge off the volume. We almost saw Oppenheimer in an imax cinema (technical problems meant we only saw the ads – the movie refused to play) and the volume was ridiculously, uncomfortably loud, just absurdly loud. I think we'll just go to the cinema once or twice a year and wear noise-reducing headphones – at least for the adverts. I love the oomph that a real cinema system has, but I'm very conscious that I also don't want to trigger/exacerbate hearing issues.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Well done! I tinkered (and improved the functioning of, I'd like to think) a bike over the weekend, and the sense of satisfaction when you get back on and use it to go somewhere is unparalleled...

    Well done! I tinkered (and improved the functioning of, I'd like to think) a bike over the weekend, and the sense of satisfaction when you get back on and use it to go somewhere is unparalleled (well, maybe not, but it's a good one). I was doing my fixing as I watched a Parktool video (on rear derailleur adjustment) with my kind partner (the patience of a saint!) acting as an ad hoc bike stand so that I could pedal and shift like they were doing in the video.

    1 vote
  18. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Having never had a hot tub, what are the implications for well water use? Can you reuse hot tub water somehow? Are there filters built in like a swimming pool, or chlorine? I'm glad you found an...

    Having never had a hot tub, what are the implications for well water use? Can you reuse hot tub water somehow? Are there filters built in like a swimming pool, or chlorine? I'm glad you found an improvement for your wife's treatment, I hope you can both, but especially her, enjoy the benefits of hot-water soaking.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Switzerland's Nemo wins Eurovision as UK comes 18th in ~music

    Link Parent
    I think the song had potential, but his voice just wasn't the best. He doesn't quite hit the note in the first few seconds of the song - starting a little flat like that is super noticeable. I...

    I think the song had potential, but his voice just wasn't the best. He doesn't quite hit the note in the first few seconds of the song - starting a little flat like that is super noticeable. I like some of his past work, but he didn't do a great song. Good for him for getting there though. That's still an achievement. A better performance (song and "show", for my taste) won in the end.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on Switzerland's Nemo wins Eurovision as UK comes 18th in ~music

    Link Parent
    That's what I was trying to communicate, just not very succinctly! I'm sure the full story will come out at some point, if only because Eurovision is a source of drama and its fans can be quite...

    That's what I was trying to communicate, just not very succinctly! I'm sure the full story will come out at some point, if only because Eurovision is a source of drama and its fans can be quite dogged.

    1 vote