ParanoiaP's recent activity
Comment on How often do you go through your bookmarks/favorites? in ~tech
Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health
ParanoiaP There is a well established link (I believe) between a viral infection and subsequent CFS (indeed, I think Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome is almost synonymous with CFS), but I caution against your...There is a well established link (I believe) between a viral infection and subsequent CFS (indeed, I think Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome is almost synonymous with CFS), but I caution against your 'mind over matter' mentality your advocate here.
I suffered from PVFS during my undergraduate degree, the point where I missed assignment deadlines and completed my three year course over four years. During my time away from study, I too managed to 'lift myself' out of PVFS and began regular exercise which I found to help immensely. On reflection, I was almost certainly suffering from depression - where malaise and fatigue was a symptom.
The article is positing that there are physiological differences in those suffering from CFS that a 'mind over matter' approach does not help.
Comment on what3words in ~tech
ParanoiaP There is a spoken language benefit that perhaps you are missing. I know in the UK the emergency services are happy to use W3W locations. There are two benefits as I see it in this regard: Reading...There is a spoken language benefit that perhaps you are missing. I know in the UK the emergency services are happy to use W3W locations.
There are two benefits as I see it in this regard:
- Reading three words to someone and having them comprehend it is significantly quicker than reeling off coordinates.
- Any variation in understanding e.g. mishear night as knife yields a location in a wildly different location, so implausible it is immediately recognised as an error.
I think 1 is self evident. 2 is claimed by W3W but I think there are some specific examples of where this doesn't apply - I don't know how carefully they have chosen the three words or if it possible to achieve this feature globally.
Comment on What was the best piece of content that came out as a result of the pandemic? in ~misc
ParanoiaP It was an amazing consequence of the pandemic that creative-types were in left in a situation where both traditional 'content' stalled and they many found creating as a way to fill their days. It...It was an amazing consequence of the pandemic that creative-types were in left in a situation where both traditional 'content' stalled and they many found creating as a way to fill their days. It led to a lot of independent / low-key projects finding an audience.
Two for me, in the sphere of music:
- Jimmy Eat World released new live versions of three of their albums, called the "Phoenix Sessions". I think they originally performed them as pay-for online concerts, and then later released them on YouTube for free (where I stumbled upon them).
They subsequently toured the UK, and after a 2021 date got pushed back a year, I got to see them for the first time in years in 2022 and it was amazing. So much pent up energy for live music from both the band and the crowd. I appreciate this won't translate to YouTube well, but I link here it anyway.
- David Ford, a singer songwriter from Eastbourne, UK who has been round the block a few times since releasing his first solo album in 2005, started putting a lot of content out on YouTube. New releases as well as covers, via weekly live streams.
This culminated in an album release in 2022, May You Live in Interesting Times - which is very much a pandemic (and to a lesser extent Trump) inspired release.
Comment on Username similarity? in ~tildes
ParanoiaP Yes, I signed up today after my invite coming through and thought I was a sure bet to secure @Paranoia. Alas, it was not to be. As the OPs situation it also seems to be a dormant account and I...Yes, I signed up today after my invite coming through and thought I was a sure bet to secure @Paranoia. Alas, it was not to be. As the OPs situation it also seems to be a dormant account and I think I (bitterly) agree that reassigning usernames is opening a can of worms probably best left alone.
Comment on I'm buying a new build house in the UK and want advice in ~talk
ParanoiaP (edited )LinkMoved in to our first new build house about 8 years ago and we loved our time there (have recently moved on). Your situation might be slightly different, as ours was not council built, but I would...Moved in to our first new build house about 8 years ago and we loved our time there (have recently moved on).
Your situation might be slightly different, as ours was not council built, but I would suggest you want to spend a period of time checking for 'snags'. You can download online checklists or pay for somebody to do it for you, but our experience was our builder have us certain time frames to raise certain issues.
Somethings you might not discover for years if you don't make a point of checking.
Secondly, our builder (Bloor Homes) were very good at fixing things that weren't wrong, but we wanted changing. For example, one of the spotlights in the bathroom was directly above the shower head - they happily moved it 6 inches so it could actually project it's light. So if there is something you would want different I would say ask the question.
This is easier if the builders are still developing other areas of the site.
I use a bookmarks toolbar on desktop and have a 'speed dial' on mobile. These allow me one click access to sites I visit frequently - Gmail, etc. One thing that made this work for me was to have the bookmarks stored with no name, so they just display as the sites favicon - I can fit loads in this way. Occasionally the favicon is poor / doesn't work so I use a heavily abbreviated name too. I do update these semi regularly as my browsing habits change.
I don't particularly use bookmarks beyond this, but occasionally do flag a page I think might be useful in the future because it contains some useful info - but equally I find myself scouring my browsing history for sites like this occasionally too. Ivery rarely sort of tidy this.
Information I identify as super important / useful I copy and save into Google Keep.