TheD00d's recent activity

  1. Comment on Elon Musk says he’s moving SpaceX and X from California to Texas, blames new trans privacy law in ~tech

    Link Parent
    IIRC most of the engineering folks stayed in California. The people who moved were mostly biznizz peeps.

    IIRC most of the engineering folks stayed in California. The people who moved were mostly biznizz peeps.

    7 votes
  2. Comment on What the all-American delusion of the Polygraph says about our relationship to fact and fiction in ~tech

    As someone how has been through a couple when applying to some of our intelligence community orgs/agencies (I was younger and a lot more naive then). The last part about "making up the truth" is...

    As someone how has been through a couple when applying to some of our intelligence community orgs/agencies (I was younger and a lot more naive then). The last part about "making up the truth" is so, so real it hurts.

    I had a full blown breakdown during mine. They put you in this awful chair with sensors strapped to you for hours. You can't move or do anything or it will "mess with the test". They kept asking me if I have ever smoked weed (which at the time, I had - like twice I think) but they need to know the specifics. Vagueness doesn't work for them. Like the exact specifics and if you don't know they will drill down and drill down and drill until you essentially admit to something wildly inaccurate and divorced from reality. I at one point admitted to doing hard drugs because I couldn't recall if my friends were fucking with me about this drink they gave me having "lean" in it at one party years earlier. I think they were, but who fucking knows. I'd also like to point out this was after my psych exam where they nail you on stupid comments you might have said in passing at any point during your process.

    About half way through my first go exam (They say the second is optional - it's not) the "head" person who handles polygraph came in and said "Mr. Dood, I'm REDADCTED from the CIA, I need you be honest with us. This is the most difficult polygraph reading I have ever seen."

    Shits pretty bad.

    16 votes
  3. Comment on Bro summer waits for us all in ~life

    Dude has been absolutely bro-pilled and I'm fookin here for it.

    Dude has been absolutely bro-pilled and I'm fookin here for it.

    20 votes
  4. Comment on My birthday gangbang in ~life

    Link Parent
    One of the least surprising and most surprising things I read in this entire article. Absolutely unreal.

    One of the least surprising and most surprising things I read in this entire article. Absolutely unreal.

    11 votes
  5. Comment on The lonely work of moderating Hacker News in ~tech

  6. Comment on A rare burst of billions of cicadas will rewire our ecosystems for years to come. The arrival of Brood XIX and Brood XIII will send shockwaves through forest food webs. in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    I linked the video since it was the only evidence I could find. I swear at one point they did actually have cicada to put on the pizza.

    I linked the video since it was the only evidence I could find. I swear at one point they did actually have cicada to put on the pizza.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Yung Lean & Bladee – Things Happen (2024) in ~music

    Wow. Yung Yean is a name that I have not heard in a minute. Last thing I read about him was when he was having one insane mental breakdown. Glad to see mans doing well. I was really into the...

    Wow. Yung Yean is a name that I have not heard in a minute. Last thing I read about him was when he was having one insane mental breakdown. Glad to see mans doing well.

    I was really into the sadboys awhile back but kinda moved on since they kept their sound mostly the same. This is really something fresh and I really like the sound. Thanks for sharing.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on A rare burst of billions of cicadas will rewire our ecosystems for years to come. The arrival of Brood XIX and Brood XIII will send shockwaves through forest food webs. in ~enviro

    I love when the Cicadas come! Growing up in Ohio it was always such a cool thing to see. You learned about them in school during spring. One of my classmates dads was really hardcore about them...

    I love when the Cicadas come! Growing up in Ohio it was always such a cool thing to see. You learned about them in school during spring. One of my classmates dads was really hardcore about them and would collect a few and freeze them, then when a new brood arrived he could compare.

    Then almost overnight the entire city gets overrun with these little creatures. I remember walking outside with my mom and dad in the evening and our driveway and trees being overrun as they scrambled to hatch someplace safe. You couldn't walk to the park, ride your bike or go swimming without running into thousands of these things.

    My city really embraced these bugs. We had shirts and I believe you even used to be able to order a pizza with them on it. First bug I ever ate was one of these bad boys deep fried and covered in Grippos seasoning. Good times.

    Want to know more? Check out -

    17 votes
  9. Comment on Install asdf: One Runtime Manager to Rule All Dev Environments in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Wow! I'm not really a dev (sysadmin/labber and infosec) so I don't normally need to contend with this, but man. I can't tell you how many times I've tried install some tool from GitHub and tried...

    Wow! I'm not really a dev (sysadmin/labber and infosec) so I don't normally need to contend with this, but man. I can't tell you how many times I've tried install some tool from GitHub and tried installing modules and other components only for it to turn into a huge mess.

    'asdf' looks like it will be super helpful absolutely adding it to my Desktop anisble script. Bonus for such a well written and visually supported tutorial!

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Cartoons such as Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, or Avatar? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    This is always a favorite of mine. To anyone who is lurking on this thread. Watch it. But do yourselves a favor and wait until fall. The whole vibe of the show is very fall centric to me and it...

    Over the Garden Wall

    This is always a favorite of mine. To anyone who is lurking on this thread. Watch it. But do yourselves a favor and wait until fall. The whole vibe of the show is very fall centric to me and it just feels right. Its short, like 10 episodes and you can knock it out in a weekend. Really beautifully animated show with stellar voice actors.

    6 votes
  11. Comment on When provided with CVE descriptions of 15 different vulnerabilities and a set of tools useful for exploitation, GPT-4 was capable of autonomously exploiting 13 of which, yielding an 87% success rate in ~comp

    Link Parent
    This was my first and most immediate thought. Age of the CVE and complications of actually developing a viable PoC/exploit kit is certainly one thing to be concerned about but if LLMs with...

    has the potential to massively amplify the capabilities of your the skript kiddy

    This was my first and most immediate thought. Age of the CVE and complications of actually developing a viable PoC/exploit kit is certainly one thing to be concerned about but if LLMs with specific training sets continue to evolve (and I would be darn sure APTs are already doing so) that just creates more low hanging fruit for the dirtbag bag guys and more headaches for security engineers.

    On the flip side - it would be really great if other LLMs were also leveraged by the good guys to create useful IoCs and even patches for some of these CVEs and exploits created.

    I could see this becoming something akin to an arms race and it makes me think there will be a lot more regulation in the LLMs and AI space (hopefully) but I also feel like Pandora has opened the box and there is not putting the genie back in the bottle.

    4 votes
  12. Comment on There used to be a people’s bank at the US Post Office in ~finance

    So I will ask something that Google has not given me a good answer (probably because of SEO spam) but are there any legitimate orgs or movements one could join to try and bring back postal...

    So I will ask something that Google has not given me a good answer (probably because of SEO spam) but are there any legitimate orgs or movements one could join to try and bring back postal banking?

    I learned about this years ago and thought it was such a brilliant idea and I never understood why it was never reimplemented.

    4 votes
  13. Comment on Denim heads - What raw denim are you currently wearing? What would you recommend? in

    Link Parent
    Wash your jeans whenever! The old addage wash them at little as possible but just wash them when they smell or you feel like it.

    Wash your jeans whenever! The old addage wash them at little as possible but just wash them when they smell or you feel like it.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on What actually-useful questions should someone ask when hiring a cybersecurity professional? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Not OP but I always like asking that question. It allows me to gauge where they stand from an experience perspective. Some folks will always spey the textbook reponse and say "People". And most of...

    Not OP but I always like asking that question. It allows me to gauge where they stand from an experience perspective. Some folks will always spey the textbook reponse and say "People". And most of the time that is a fine answer.

    But I always enjoy hearing from people who are from mature programs who say something different. For example my one could say - "Our biggest threat based on our current maturity level is XYZ and I think it's XYZ based on %EVIDENCE%.

    An example of I could think of is a companies biggest weakness is data exhilaration, not because they have a poorly trained users sending data to whomever, but because of a strong lack of logical controls or poorly implemented solutions. Then I would look to see what they current process improvement plan might be.

    This will allow me to understand their experiences and shows me their ability to effectively communicate areas for improvement.

    Other technical questions I enjoy asking in no particular order -

    • explain DNS
    • explain DHCP
    • explain infrastructure as code and how it's different from traditional infrastructure
    • let's say you have a laptop without a functioning TPM, this machine will hold sensitive data that needs to be encrypted per our policy. Due to its malfunctioning TPM, it cannot be encrypted. What do you do?
    • Tell me something obvious about Linux (Or if I really want to test their stuff if they claim to be a *Nix nerd - ask them to explain GNU vs Linux
    • Is a hot dog a sandwich?
    • what sound does a laser gun make?

    Just my 2¢ as an IS/CS manager.

    15 votes
  15. Comment on Denim heads - What raw denim are you currently wearing? What would you recommend? in

    Link Parent
    N&F I think is my next logical step. I like the Weird Guy in natural indigo dye but I also wanted something a little more heavy weight. Also double bonus for being made in Canada. Just was not...

    If you already like Unbranded, there's little that can go wrong if you 'upgrade' to Naked and Famous.

    N&F I think is my next logical step. I like the Weird Guy in natural indigo dye but I also wanted something a little more heavy weight. Also double bonus for being made in Canada. Just was not sure of the length or the size and fit. Getting a lot of conflicting info online lol

    I would personally hate to have spent $200 on a pair of jeans that I ended up not liking and being unable to return them.

    Also a huge concern of mine - I want to find a store that has returns if possible.

    But an even better choice is to not bother with anything else and just buy what has already made you very happy.

    I like UB but the front rise is, to be blunt a real ball buster and super not comfy to wear. I might try some of the other fits but not sure about where to buy them.

    Either way, thanks for the input!

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Denim heads - What raw denim are you currently wearing? What would you recommend? in

    Wanted to include a photo of my UB401s after roughly 7-8 years of wear. Front and back.

    Wanted to include a photo of my UB401s after roughly 7-8 years of wear. Front and back.

    7 votes
  17. Denim heads - What raw denim are you currently wearing? What would you recommend?

    Howdy Tildes, I have been a raw denim "wearer" for close to a decade or so now. I have been a big denim fan ever since my then girlfriend now wife bought be my first pair of selvedge raw denim...

    Howdy Tildes,

    I have been a raw denim "wearer" for close to a decade or so now. I have been a big denim fan ever since my then girlfriend now wife bought be my first pair of selvedge raw denim from American Eagle. Since than I have admired from afar some of the fun collabs of Naked and Famous and some of the beautifully designed and made Iron Hearts. However I have never branched out from Unbranded. Specifically the 401s and the 421s because of cost, fit and not having any raw denim shops within driving distance of my city. Well my UB401s have gotten a little long in the tooth, and to be frank, short in the rinse and I am looking to branch out!

    So normally I'd ask over on /r/rawdenim but I'm trying to kick the shite Reddit habit so I figured I would try asking here and see if there are any raw denim folks lurking! What are you all wearing? What would you recommend? I'm 6'5" and about 205lbs. So fairly tall and lanky and I'm struggling to find jeans that I think would fit. I have a budget of about $200-285 (not a ton I know) - So I was looking at some of the Naked and Famous, Nudie, Rogue Territory but open to others. I dig slim fits but nothing super skinny.

    So, let me know what you think (and any recommendations), lets some some sick fade shots and lets have a cool discussion about jeans.

    20 votes
  18. Comment on 2024 Ford Ranger first drive review: A capable truck I don’t want to drive in ~transport

    Link Parent
    That was my joke LOL I realize now, text format mediums like Tildes that might be lost on some. My bad. But yes, it's kind of illegal here in Ohio, but I've seen and read about some BMV giving...

    That was my joke LOL

    I realize now, text format mediums like Tildes that might be lost on some. My bad. But yes, it's kind of illegal here in Ohio, but I've seen and read about some BMV giving people real tags so it's a toss I guess.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on 2024 Ford Ranger first drive review: A capable truck I don’t want to drive in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I would commit a felony to have an Electric Kei truck be available conveniently in my state.

    I would commit a felony to have an Electric Kei truck be available conveniently in my state.

    12 votes
  20. Comment on It’s me, hi, I’m the problem. I’m 33. in ~finance

    This was kind of a weird surreal article to me, it kind of made me feeling like just being the slightest outlier in a bell curve. I just turned 30 back in February so I'm not a "peak" millennial,...

    This was kind of a weird surreal article to me, it kind of made me feeling like just being the slightest outlier in a bell curve.

    I just turned 30 back in February so I'm not a "peak" millennial, but close enough. I live in the Midwest and in a LCOL area. Although that is even rapidly changing. I went to my local public university around 2012 and now work in IT.

    My then girlfriend now wife and I bought our home in 2019 (so right before the rush according to this article) but a lot, I would say most of my friends bought houses and then also got married in 2022 - so mid "peak". So it seems, so far, like not being a "peak" millennial has worked out for myself and allowed us to hit some of the outlined milestones early even if only by a few years.

    Then again, how much of my experience and ability to do so is based of both controlled and uncontrolled circumstances? Like my parents, where I grew up vs my major in college and job decisions? I really can't say. However it does make me wonder what my next milestone will be, kids? Moving to our "forever" home? And how might those milestones have greater impacts on the economy and society large. Not sure really.

    I do think that's these booms and busts being caused by millennials really has a lot more to do with chance and circumstances than anything we are specifically doing. I think a lot of social and economic decisions made by groups before us (Boomers) is having an larger-than-intended impact and kind of forcing millennials to do things at specific times, but I don't have any evidence to support it.

    11 votes