infpossibilityspace's recent activity

  1. Comment on Study shock! AI hinders productivity and makes working worse. in ~tech

    Gross. This idea that AI will magically make people more productive needs to die. These execs don't have a clue how it actually works, they just believe the hype sold to them by AI salespeople.

    And if freelancers get burned out, there are always fresh freelancers on the shelf.

    Gross. This idea that AI will magically make people more productive needs to die. These execs don't have a clue how it actually works, they just believe the hype sold to them by AI salespeople.

    9 votes
  2. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

  3. Comment on Google now only search engine allowed to provide results from Reddit in ~tech

    Robots.txt isn't legally binding, it's more of a common courtesy and to prevent bots from getting in loops by following infinite links. But there's actually nothing to stop you from ignoring...

    Robots.txt isn't legally binding, it's more of a common courtesy and to prevent bots from getting in loops by following infinite links. But there's actually nothing to stop you from ignoring robots.txt and indexing the site anyway.

    Let's be honest, a lot of data was scraped by AI companies before even considering asking for consent, and there have been recent stories about AI scrapers ignoring robots.txt, so realistically what's stopping these other search engines from ignoring it too?

    34 votes
  4. Comment on How do you avoid the "getting started" loop? in ~talk

    The things that work for me are Just start doing it. Even if you think you're doing something in a suboptimal way, the only way you're finding out for sure is to do it the "obvious" way first,...

    The things that work for me are

    1. Just start doing it. Even if you think you're doing something in a suboptimal way, the only way you're finding out for sure is to do it the "obvious" way first, hitting a block, and working around it.

    2. To not be down on yourself for not being on top of everything 24/7. Even the most diligent people need a cheat day when things get too much and they just want a greasy takeaway and not do anything. Just try again tomorrow with no judgement.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Struggling with nihilism and the inability to enjoy things in ~health.mental

    (edited )
    I'm curious how much philosophy outside of nihilism and stoicism you've thought about? In my view nihilism is an incomplete philosophy, and has limits on the wisdom it can offer. Maybe you're...

    I'm curious how much philosophy outside of nihilism and stoicism you've thought about?

    In my view nihilism is an incomplete philosophy, and has limits on the wisdom it can offer. Maybe you're butting up against one of those limits and wanting for something that a nihilistic philosophy can't answer, and need to start looking elsewhere?

    This is true of all philosophies, of course, but thinking about how each of them would affect you if you applied them seriously is something that helped me find values to care about. To steal a quote from Dara O'Briain - Philosophy knows it doesn't know everything, otherwise, it'd stop. (Originally he was talking about science)

    If you're interested, I'd highly recommend the podcast Philosophize This! He goes through chronologically, explaining the context that spawned each philosophy and their core beliefs in a really accessible and friendly way.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Is this the right time to buy an AM5 desktop? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The Intel issue you're referring to is related to the 13th and 14th generation of CPUs (and believed to be only the high-end XX900 SKUs), so the 12700k wouldn't be affected by this. I would still...

    The Intel issue you're referring to is related to the 13th and 14th generation of CPUs (and believed to be only the high-end XX900 SKUs), so the 12700k wouldn't be affected by this.

    I would still recommend an AMD AM5 platform for the upgrade path, whereas Intel 12th gen is a dead platform.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on Do you get bored? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I'm just old enough to remember a time before phones and the Internet, and getting a black and white gameboy to play in the car was a revolution. Studies have shown that being bored is absolutely...

    I'm just old enough to remember a time before phones and the Internet, and getting a black and white gameboy to play in the car was a revolution.

    Studies have shown that being bored is absolutely a good thing for the reasons you mention and I semi-actively seek it out. I don't have a TV and recently stopped watching youtube as much.

    I also think it's important to not passively consume all the time (as easy/tempting as it might be after a day's work), I try to feed my curiosity by being receptive to new science and learning new things.

    3 votes
  8. Comment on Has anyone stopped caring about politics? in ~humanities

    That's fine, no one does. Anyone who claims they do is either lying, mistaken, or trying to sell you something. I think it's a mistake to stop caring though, I resonate with what Henry Rollins...

    I don't know what the solution to anything is.

    That's fine, no one does. Anyone who claims they do is either lying, mistaken, or trying to sell you something.

    I think it's a mistake to stop caring though, I resonate with what Henry Rollins said on a Hot Ones interview, use some anger and intensity to get through it. I also think it doesn't really matter what labels we attach to things - materialism, capitalism, liberalism etc. The point of politics to me is to advocate for what we believe the right thing is.

    I find it rewarding to do that earnestly, even in small ways and even if it feels like I didn't effect change, because we're social animals and just having the conversation can plant the seeds of an idea down the line.

    4 votes
  9. Comment on Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing. in ~life

    This is what interests me more than the rest of the story, what was it that prevented him from keeping a stable home? Unable to find work? Prior debt? Something else? What aid was missing...

    Laws, for example, had to go back to living in his car after his payments stopped.

    This is what interests me more than the rest of the story, what was it that prevented him from keeping a stable home? Unable to find work? Prior debt? Something else?

    What aid was missing (financial or otherwise) that would have helped keep him on track, and how can we build that into this kind of program to make it more effective in the future?

    14 votes
  10. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    Link Parent
    In addition to more construction, implementing strong rent control would help a lot, as it'd be easier to save money to buy a house when you're not wasting 1/3 of your paycheck every month....

    In addition to more construction, implementing strong rent control would help a lot, as it'd be easier to save money to buy a house when you're not wasting 1/3 of your paycheck every month. There's a reason we use the term "rent seeking" as a perjorative.

    Making it less profitable to be a landlord would also make it less likely for people to pursue it as a form of income, possibly leaving more properties on the market.

    Unfortunately, I'm willing to bet that many politicians have friends/family that are landlords, so they're not exactly incentivised to push for changes...

    7 votes
  11. Comment on Career advice: specializing in niche tech stack vs. finishing first degree in ~life

    I don't think a university degree counts for that much once you start working in industry. One of the problems is it's too generic - unless you have a specialty in mind that requires a degree, it...

    I don't think a university degree counts for that much once you start working in industry. One of the problems is it's too generic - unless you have a specialty in mind that requires a degree, it would be easier and cheaper to look up some certifications you could work towards in your own time (some employers will pay for your exam token, ask them - make the case that them upskilling you allows you to bring more value to the company).

    Even a field like cybersecurity doesn't need a CS degree - I don't have one - but I took the initiative to learn it in my own time and employers appreciate that you want to improve and it's not just words. I'd be wary of getting locked into single-vendor training though - for example, learn networking, not Cisco networking. Companies come and go, but skills are always in demand.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on Steam Business Update - Update on the Steam Platform, features, and global trends in ~games

    Link Parent
    No you don't, the reason why people like steam is because they don't need to bow to shareholder pressure of company valuations and endless growth.

    No you don't, the reason why people like steam is because they don't need to bow to shareholder pressure of company valuations and endless growth.

    11 votes
  13. Comment on I'm really tired of trying to be understanding to my right-winger friends in ~talk

    Link Parent
    I'm definitely not outgoing and conversational, but I'm nonetheless principled, don't tolerate intolerance, and I think your points make a lot of sense. OP doesn't say how old they are or if...

    I'm definitely not outgoing and conversational, but I'm nonetheless principled, don't tolerate intolerance, and I think your points make a lot of sense.

    OP doesn't say how old they are or if they've ever left the country, but I don't get homesick and I've been self-sufficient long enough that moving abroad doesn't scare me like it used to.

    Obviously moving to a different country is a big step, but if pursuing happiness means pursuing social equality, then OP might be better off going somewhere that will appreciate them.

    Additionally, if the government is also supportive of their behaviour, then OP's tax money is also being used to support policies they might not agree with.

    10 votes
  14. Comment on Japanese automakers Toyota, Mazda, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki caught cheating on certification tests in ~transport

    The article doesn't state any potential punishment for these companies, will there be one?

    The article doesn't state any potential punishment for these companies, will there be one?

    2 votes
  15. Comment on Electric cars are suddenly becoming affordable in ~transport

    Link Parent
    How do you think huge roadways got built to begin with? People lost their homes. They weren't happy about it then, they wouldn't be happy about it now, but to resist progress is to stagnate and...

    How do you think huge roadways got built to begin with? People lost their homes. They weren't happy about it then, they wouldn't be happy about it now, but to resist progress is to stagnate and allow other countries to beat you.

    7 votes
  16. Comment on Electric cars are suddenly becoming affordable in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I agree, my problem is this is rarely mentioned in these articles, which can prevent people from considering it. Again, I agree, but you can also build about 100 ebike batteries with the material...

    We can encourage and celebrate the proliferation of automobiles which objectively reduce emissions (EVs) while simultaneously decreasing investment in car-centric or car-exclusive infrastructure; and instead invest in multi-modal infrastructure.

    I agree, my problem is this is rarely mentioned in these articles, which can prevent people from considering it.

    The lifetime emissions, including manufacturing, of an EV have been empirically shown to be significantly lower than even the most greenly produced ICE vehicles.

    Again, I agree, but you can also build about 100 ebike batteries with the material required for a single EV (purely in terms of watt-hours)

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Electric cars are suddenly becoming affordable in ~transport

    Link Parent
    While I don't agree with the sentiment that EVs are doomed and ICE will keep going, I also don't think EVs are a long-term transport solution. Manufacturing EVs takes a huge amount of energy and...

    While I don't agree with the sentiment that EVs are doomed and ICE will keep going, I also don't think EVs are a long-term transport solution. Manufacturing EVs takes a huge amount of energy and generates lots of waste products.

    EVs also tend to be heavier than ICEs, not to mention the general inflation of vehicle size over time, which increases tyre use and generates microplastics.

    A better long-term solution would be to better support alternative transport like ebikes and public transit. It would require cities to redesign their road networks to make room and part of that would make them less car-friendly, but cheaper EVs don't help people in very low income areas who can't even afford a used ICE car right now.

    28 votes
  18. Comment on Why the pandemic probably started in a lab, in five key points (gifted link) in ~science

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    As a former researcher (albeit not medical related), I think it's incredibly important to thoroughly investigate the root cause, if only for the lessons it might teach us. Not investigating it, in...

    As a former researcher (albeit not medical related), I think it's incredibly important to thoroughly investigate the root cause, if only for the lessons it might teach us.

    Not investigating it, in my opinion, will only lead to more lazy xenophobia as rumours and speculation get twisted by those with an agenda to push. Having concrete evidence to point towards is crucial for avoiding that.

    11 votes
  19. Comment on Amazon returns have gone to hell in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I disagree, I don't think there should be a limit on returning counterfeits. Fundamentally, it's the responsibility of the platform to police it's marketplace, and if they're not capable of...

    I disagree, I don't think there should be a limit on returning counterfeits. Fundamentally, it's the responsibility of the platform to police it's marketplace, and if they're not capable of guaranteeing authenticity, then they shouldn't be selling it (or have a very prominent, simple disclaimer).

    Why does it matter how long you were tricked for? At the end of the day you were tricked and should be made whole.

    Regarding abuse, once you have policies in place to detect counterfeits, it would be easy to get the return and put it through that process. If it's a fake, audit the seller; if it's return abuse, make a 3-strike system to ban the account or something.

    6 votes
  20. Comment on What could be Microsoft's larger game plan or agenda with CoPilot? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    To be clear, I do agree with you, I was just playing devil's advocate. There are studies which show that, for "knowledge work" at least, working 6 hours a day is just as productive as 8.

    To be clear, I do agree with you, I was just playing devil's advocate. There are studies which show that, for "knowledge work" at least, working 6 hours a day is just as productive as 8.

    1 vote