pork's recent activity

  1. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~comp

    Netlify is great for small applications--ive never had to scale it so I'm not sure how pricing plays out, but for blogs/cms it has a phenomenal free tier. It's replacing any website I would...

    Netlify is great for small applications--ive never had to scale it so I'm not sure how pricing plays out, but for blogs/cms it has a phenomenal free tier. It's replacing any website I would normally use github pages for. It supports many of the currently popular frameworks like Gatsby, next.js, jekyll etc. I would recommend staying away from Gatsby and using Jekyll or WordPress, the current wave of node.js frameworks is a nightmare to learn for someone fresh to javascript.

    In terms of hosting your own, if you're into that you can dramatically undercut digital ocean prices by checking out smaller local hosting services. I frequent lowendbox.com and currently host things on a server costing me 30$/year.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on 電磁祭囃子 in NEO TOKYO 2020 in ~music

    I love this group!! Ei Wada has a piece on tape reels that strikes me as the most intuitive iteration of this work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbjbGQVqj0M The scanners too just scratch an...

    I love this group!! Ei Wada has a piece on tape reels that strikes me as the most intuitive iteration of this work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbjbGQVqj0M

    The scanners too just scratch an itch that rarely gets scratched--the wonder of changing the world to behave in a totally unexpected way.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on What creative projects have you been working on? in ~creative

    A while ago--I got a hold of 20+ monitors during an office shutdown, and ever since I've been trying to find content to map onto them/ways to even to get them to all run at once. The approach I...

    A while ago--I got a hold of 20+ monitors during an office shutdown, and ever since I've been trying to find content to map onto them/ways to even to get them to all run at once. The approach I settled on was to use NDI streaming and Raspberry Pi's as streaming endpoints, which theoretically should scale until I hit bandwidth caps on my ethernet switches. https://gfycat.com/disfiguredbitterakitainu

    This works great for prototyping, and we even got it into a local gallery, but I think for any more serious works involving more than ~9 or so screens, visuals would have to be set up to run on device for each Raspberry Pi.

    Recently--I've just been working on my TouchDesigner content, tidying it up and preparing for another wave of prototypes with the screens while I'm away from them for the holidays.

    5 votes
  4. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077: What do you think? in ~games

    (edited )
    I think this might be the best visual novel of all time. For reference, I have played maybe 3 hours of this game and spent 15-20 minutes of it shooting people. Some reviewers mentioned that the...

    I think this might be the best visual novel of all time. For reference, I have played maybe 3 hours of this game and spent 15-20 minutes of it shooting people.

    Some reviewers mentioned that the ongoing impetus of the main story is at odds with the fact that something is going on for you to pay attention to every 3 feet, and I totally agree. Otherwise, it's starting to haunt me--what kind of character am I playing this run? I'm not going to be able to put 500 hours into this game so at some level--my choices matter, and that part is awesome.

    Launch day performance (for me) has been relatively good on GeForce Now, I can play at the "Raytracing Medium" preset at 60FPS on my macbook without waiting for any patches. My accuracy is significantly lower than it would be, like dramatically so, but the amount of time I spend shooting is low and this game is much more an RPG than an FPS so I don't mind it. Plus---Raytracing Medium is way higher than I'd be able to play on my gaming computers for sure, and playing on my macbook on my lap without burning a hole through my pants is great.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on Day 8: Handheld Halting in ~comp

    (edited )
    I totally freaked out on part 2 and wrote a crazy recursive solution--on seeing my placement and talking to friends, an iterative solution would have been much simpler to reason about. Great...

    I totally freaked out on part 2 and wrote a crazy recursive solution--on seeing my placement and talking to friends, an iterative solution would have been much simpler to reason about. Great problem today though!

    def terminates(mySet, acc, ind, changed):
      if ind in mySet or ind >= len(lines):
        return (False, acc)
      line = lines[ind]
      op, val = line.split(" ")
      if op == "acc":
        acc += int(val)
        ind += 1
      if op == "jmp":
        if not changed:
          t, a = terminates(copy(mySet), acc, ind + 1, True)
          if t: return (True, a)
        ind += int(val)
      if op == "nop":
        if not changed:
          t, a = terminates(copy(mySet), acc, ind + int(val), True)
          if t: return (True, a)
        ind += 1
      if ind >= len(lines):
        return (True, acc)
      return terminates(mySet, acc, ind, changed)
    print(terminates(found, 0, 0, False))
    4 votes
  6. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 preload now available in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ooh! Have you imported your saves into non-Stadia platforms?

    Ooh! Have you imported your saves into non-Stadia platforms?

    1 vote
  7. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 preload now available in ~games

    Link Parent
    I think if you can get value out of the bundle then, yeah it's absolutely a no brainer! I didn't know about this deal, but I would definitely have considered it if Google didn't already send me a...

    I think if you can get value out of the bundle then, yeah it's absolutely a no brainer! I didn't know about this deal, but I would definitely have considered it if Google didn't already send me a free chromecast and stadia controller.

  8. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 preload now available in ~games

    Link Parent
    CoD I think serves a fundamentally different audience than CP77, so it's hard to make comparisons between the two. Besides, CP77 has been the internet's darling for nearly 8 years now, so it only...

    CoD I think serves a fundamentally different audience than CP77, so it's hard to make comparisons between the two. Besides, CP77 has been the internet's darling for nearly 8 years now, so it only makes sense that Tildes would be discussing it.

    For me personally, I like being a part of widespread cultural events. I missed out on the Witcher series (early games are too long for me to have tried to get back in), and haven't had the time to play during releases of other big games like MGS5 or earlier GTAV. CP77 represents the biggest and hypest launch of a game in a long time, so I'm excited to jump in and connect with people about it!

    5 votes
  9. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 preload now available in ~games

    Link Parent
    Jealous!! 3080s are gaming's M1 right now I swear. Yeah, after some other discussion here I've decided that GFN/Steam is the best way forward. I have a Zephyrus G14 laptop with a 2060 so I think...

    Jealous!! 3080s are gaming's M1 right now I swear.

    Yeah, after some other discussion here I've decided that GFN/Steam is the best way forward. I have a Zephyrus G14 laptop with a 2060 so I think that being able to play it natively as a fallback to streaming issues would be great, and that's just not possible with Stadia. As to whether my laptop will be able to play this game without setting my apartment on fire, that's a separate question...

    Seems like by the time I stop wanting to pay for GFN pro the game might be more optimized to be able to run on my hardware, so I'm actually pretty excited by GFN's business model!

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 preload now available in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ah, this prompted some more research into GeForce Now. I have a Shadow subscription that I have been disappointed by, and I thought that GFN had a similar setup. It seems like it's much closer to...

    Ah, this prompted some more research into GeForce Now. I have a Shadow subscription that I have been disappointed by, and I thought that GFN had a similar setup. It seems like it's much closer to Stadia than Shadow, and it doesn't even require Chrome!! At 5$ a month and with native Steam support (in both directions?) this is the clear winner for me. Seems like I can spend 5$ to skip the 100GB download and play the game with raytracing for launch month, and see where it takes me from there!

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 preload now available in ~games

    Link Parent
    I looked around and it seems like there's no guarantees that Takeout save files are compatible with PC versions of the game. This would be a compelling option if true, given that Stadia is the...

    I looked around and it seems like there's no guarantees that Takeout save files are compatible with PC versions of the game. This would be a compelling option if true, given that Stadia is the strongest of the streaming platforms by some margin. If I were willing to gamble my 60$ away I'd bet that a converter for Cyberpunk will have been written for Stadia saves if necessary by at least 3 years from now.

    5 votes
  12. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yes, that's a great idea! I'll probably err towards waiting since Cyberpunk is releasing soon, and what better way to revisit Alyx when the time comes than to check out the commentary~

    Yes, that's a great idea! I'll probably err towards waiting since Cyberpunk is releasing soon, and what better way to revisit Alyx when the time comes than to check out the commentary~

    1 vote
  13. Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 preload now available in ~games

    Is anyone here considering grabbing this on Stadia? I'm interested in the idea that I can play the game with no fan spin and at high framerate/high settings and on mobile/chromecast, though...

    Is anyone here considering grabbing this on Stadia? I'm interested in the idea that I can play the game with no fan spin and at high framerate/high settings and on mobile/chromecast, though recently someone mentioned that Stadia might get Google'd and shut down which scared me away from it. I would hate to not be able to my copy of the game (especially losing my save files!) in 10 years if I found I wanted to.

    Otherwise, 7PM!!! I'm pumped!

    7 votes
  14. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I just wrapped up Half-Life: Alyx from Steam's Black Friday sale...and it's just phenomenal. It's hard to justify a "system seller" for VR since it's more a lifestyle question than otherwise,...

    I just wrapped up Half-Life: Alyx from Steam's Black Friday sale...and it's just phenomenal. It's hard to justify a "system seller" for VR since it's more a lifestyle question than otherwise, but...this is pretty close.

    It's not often in the PC space that you need to do dramatic rendering tricks, and performance in VR is so demanding that most (if not all) titles in VR today end up with a seriously lackluster environment. Alyx has it all--rich baked animations and environments with smartly occluded set pieces on top of a AAA sheen. The first hour of gameplay had me yelling and jumping like it was the first time I had been in a headset, all over again.

    Gameplay-wise, Alyx peers into the heart at what VR games can look like and pulls out a bunch of mechanics that are just fantastic.

    • Scavenging is just naturally what gamers want to do in VR (hey, what's under this barrel?) and Alyx rewards it in spades!
    • The heightened accuracy of VR shooting with the decreased radial reaction time (so to speak) is extremely well respected here. Small and highly rewarding weak spots on medium range targets is a perfect fit, and Alyx also adds in unpredictable and dynamic animation patterns to enemies--which has an eerily realistic quality to it that I could not get enough of. Calming my nerves to steady my hand is an intoxicating gameplay element.
    • Spatial sound and sightline management along with the best graphics in VR (period!) make the spooky parts...really spooky.

    Story-wise, without any spoilers this game is just more of what you want as a Half-Life fan. Admittedly, I played each of the games for the first time recently in anticipation of HL:A, so I'm not someone who has been waiting a decade for the follow-up. I can say that I was immediately drawn into the universe after HL2 and Alyx feels like another episode.

    If you have a headset, dust it off and play this game! If not--the Quest 2 is a great time to get in :D

    3 votes
  15. Comment on Day 7: Handy Haversacks in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Thanks! very helpful and thanks for the welcome~

    Thanks! very helpful and thanks for the welcome~

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Day 7: Handy Haversacks in ~comp

    (edited )
    I'm not especially proud of my solutions for today, it shows my vast ignorance of core Python built-ins I think. Some stuff like defaultdict would have helped me a lot here. I can't help but...

    I'm not especially proud of my solutions for today, it shows my vast ignorance of core Python built-ins I think. Some stuff like defaultdict would have helped me a lot here.

    I can't help but wonder, who out there is using Prolog (or other declarative languages)? I'd love to see what it looks like in one of those, that is probably the simplest language possible to work one of these problems.

    part 1
    for line in lines:
    	container, contains = line[:-1].split(" contain ")
    	container = container[:container.find(" bag")]
    	if contains == "no other bags":
    	contains = contains.split(", ")
    	for i, contained in enumerate(contains):
    		contains[i] = contained[contained.find(" ") + 1:contained.find(" bag")]
    	for i in contains:
    		if i not in containedby:
    			containedby[i] = set([container])
    found = set([])
    def traverseBags(name):
    	if name in found:
    	if name in containedby:
    		for c in containedby[name]:
    traverseBags("shiny gold")
    print(len(found) - 1)
    part 2
    for line in lines:
    	container, contains = line[:-1].split(" contain ")
    	container = container[:container.find(" bag")]
    	if contains == "no other bags":
    	contains = contains.split(", ")
    	for i, contained in enumerate(contains):
    		val = int(contained[:contained.find(" ")])
    		name = contained[contained.find(" ") + 1:contained.find(" bag")]
    		contains[i] = [val, name]
    	if container not in containsNums:
    		containsNums[container] = {}
    	myCNum = containsNums[container]
    	for val,name in contains:
    		if name not in myCNum:
    			myCNum[name] = val
    			myCNum[name] += val
    # found = set([])
    def traverseBags(name):
    	totalContains = 0
    	if name not in containsNums:
    		return 1
    	myCNum = containsNums[name]
    	for cts in myCNum.keys():
    		totalContains += traverseBags(cts) * myCNum[cts]
    	return totalContains + 1
    print(traverseBags("shiny gold") - 1)
    3 votes