12 votes

Day 8: Handheld Halting

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/8

Join the Tildes private leaderboard! You can do that on this page, by entering join code 730956-de85ce0c.

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. PapaNachos
    (edited )
    This is pretty similar to one of the recurring projects from last year where we had to build an int-puter that slowly got more complicated as the days went on. Personally I opted not to look at my...

    This is pretty similar to one of the recurring projects from last year where we had to build an int-puter that slowly got more complicated as the days went on. Personally I opted not to look at my old code, but I think a lot of last year's could be reusable. It's essentially a very primative processor at the assembly language level.

    Day 8 Part A – Python

    Basic processor has an instruction pointer that tracks what it's paying attention to. That will move around to different locations in memory. We also care about exactly one value, the accumulator, which can store numbers. Once that was working, I just added something to track which memory locations had been accessed already and told the processor to kill the process if it ever looped.

    memory = input_data.split('\n')
    instruction_pointer = 0
    accumulator  = 0
    instructions_executed = []
    while instruction_pointer < len(memory):
        if instruction_pointer in instructions_executed:
        opp, argument = memory[instruction_pointer].split(' ')
        if opp == 'nop':
            instruction_pointer = instruction_pointer + 1
        elif opp == 'acc':
            accumulator = accumulator + int(argument)
            instruction_pointer = instruction_pointer + 1
        elif opp == 'jmp':
            instruction_pointer = instruction_pointer + int(argument)
    Day 8 Part B – Python

    For this I took my original processor and turned it into a method. Then I ran it a bunch of times changing one line at at time.

    def simulate(memory):
        instruction_pointer = 0
        accumulator  = 0
        instructions_executed = []
        terminated = True
        while instruction_pointer < len(memory):
            if instruction_pointer in instructions_executed:
                terminated = False
            opp, argument = memory[instruction_pointer].split(' ')
            if opp == 'nop':
                instruction_pointer = instruction_pointer + 1
            elif opp == 'acc':
                accumulator = accumulator + int(argument)
                instruction_pointer = instruction_pointer + 1
            elif opp == 'jmp':
                instruction_pointer = instruction_pointer + int(argument)
                print('something fucked up')
        return terminated, accumulator
    memory = input_data.split('\n')
    for index, row in enumerate(memory):
        mem_copy = list(memory)
        terminated = None
        if 'nop' in row:
            mem_copy[index] = 'jmp' + mem_copy[index][3:]
            terminated, result = simulate(mem_copy)
        elif 'jmp' in row:
            mem_copy[index] = 'nop' + mem_copy[index][3:]
            terminated, result = simulate(mem_copy)
        if terminated:
    Tips for Beginners
    • This is sort of how a processor works at a very low level. You want to read in an instruction one at a time, Do SOMETHING based on the code you get, and then move on. You'll need to define different actions for different opp codes.

    • If it's anything like last year, they'll add on to this before the month is over, so consider spending extra time to make sure you understand it and will be able to modify it in the future.

    • When you're changing the set of instructions for part B you need to make absolutely sure each test run only has 1 change. If you're not careful, you might end up accidentally applying multiple changes which will fuck up your results. Sometimes when you think you've copied data, you just actually just made a new variable that points to the exact same data. So if you change it, the changes will affect the original. There are ways around this, like in python you can copy a list by casting it as a list. For example in Python list_b = list_a would point to the same list. If you change one of them, the other will be affected. list_b = list(list_a) would create a new list with a copy of the original data. So now you can change them independently of each other. This distinction is known as copy by reference vs copy by value

    • If you want to look ahead (assuming this does get reused, which isn't certain) you might want to look at some of the problems and solutions from last year.

    6 votes
  2. pork
    (edited )
    I totally freaked out on part 2 and wrote a crazy recursive solution--on seeing my placement and talking to friends, an iterative solution would have been much simpler to reason about. Great...

    I totally freaked out on part 2 and wrote a crazy recursive solution--on seeing my placement and talking to friends, an iterative solution would have been much simpler to reason about. Great problem today though!

    def terminates(mySet, acc, ind, changed):
      if ind in mySet or ind >= len(lines):
        return (False, acc)
      line = lines[ind]
      op, val = line.split(" ")
      if op == "acc":
        acc += int(val)
        ind += 1
      if op == "jmp":
        if not changed:
          t, a = terminates(copy(mySet), acc, ind + 1, True)
          if t: return (True, a)
        ind += int(val)
      if op == "nop":
        if not changed:
          t, a = terminates(copy(mySet), acc, ind + int(val), True)
          if t: return (True, a)
        ind += 1
      if ind >= len(lines):
        return (True, acc)
      return terminates(mySet, acc, ind, changed)
    print(terminates(found, 0, 0, False))
    4 votes
  3. spit-evil-olive-tips
    Hoo boy. Yeah, they're cranking the difficulty level up, after a week of warm-up problems. Part 1 from pprint import pprint import sys def parse_input(input_path): instructions = [] with...

    Hoo boy. Yeah, they're cranking the difficulty level up, after a week of warm-up problems.

    Part 1
    from pprint import pprint
    import sys
    def parse_input(input_path):
        instructions = []
        with open(input_path) as input_file:
            for line in input_file:
                instruction, argument = line.split(' ')
                instructions.append((instruction, (int(argument))))
        return instructions
    def evaluate(instructions):
        accumulator = 0
        pc = 0
        visited = set()
        while True:
            if pc in visited:
                return accumulator
            instruction, argument = instructions[pc]
            if instruction == 'acc':
                accumulator += argument
                pc += 1
            elif instruction == 'jmp':
                pc += argument
            elif instruction == 'nop':
                pc += 1
                raise ValueError(instruction)
    def main():
        instructions = parse_input(sys.argv[1])
        result = evaluate(instructions)
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    I parse the input into a list of (instruction, argument) tuples, where instruction is acc|jmp|nop and the argument is the accompanying integer.

    Then, to evaluate it, I have an accumulator variable, a program counter or pc variable pointing at the index of the instruction I'm currently executing, and a set of instruction indexes I've already visited to detect infinite loops.

    Part 2
    --- 008a.py     2020-12-07 21:11:47.490915646 -0800
    +++ 008b.py     2020-12-07 21:34:14.285000689 -0800
    @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
         visited = set()
         while True:
             if pc in visited:
    -            return accumulator
    +            raise ValueError()
             instruction, argument = instructions[pc]
    @@ -32,12 +32,31 @@
                 raise ValueError(instruction)
    +        if pc >= len(instructions):
    +            return accumulator
     def main():
         instructions = parse_input(sys.argv[1])
    -    result = evaluate(instructions)
    +    result = None
    +    for i, (instruction, argument) in enumerate(instructions):
    +        if instruction == 'acc':
    +            print(f'line {i+1}: acc')
    +            continue
    +        opposite = 'jmp' if instruction == 'nop' else 'nop'
    +        modified_instructions = instructions.copy()
    +        modified_instructions[i] = (opposite, argument)
    +        try:
    +            result = evaluate(modified_instructions)
    +            print(f'line {i+1}: {result}')
    +        except ValueError:
    +            print(f'line {i+1}: infinite loop')
    +            pass

    For part 2, my input-parsing code didn't need to change (yay!), and I changed my evaluate() function to throw an exception when it encounters an infinite loop rather than returning the accumulator, and instead to only return the accumulator when the program counter variable exceeds the length of the instructions.

    Then, I walk through my list of instructions, and for each jmp or nop instruction, I make a copy (this is important) of the instructions, modify that single instruction to do the opposite, and run it through my evaluator.

    The reason that making a copy of the instructions is so important is that on the next iteration of my loop, I want to make sure I'm back to using an unmodified list, so I'm only modifying one instruction at a time.

    4 votes
  4. blitz
    I love this kind of thing! I think Rust lends itself to building interpreters particularly well :). lib.rs #![feature(str_split_once)] use std::collections::HashSet; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy,...

    I love this kind of thing! I think Rust lends itself to building interpreters particularly well :).

    use std::collections::HashSet;
    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
    pub enum BootCodeOperation {
    pub type InstructionArgument = i64;
    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
    pub struct BootCodeInstruction {
        pub operation: BootCodeOperation,
        pub argument: InstructionArgument,
    impl BootCodeInstruction {
        pub fn from_line(line: &str) -> BootCodeInstruction {
            let (op_str, arg_str) = line.split_once(' ').unwrap();
            let operation = match op_str {
                "nop" => BootCodeOperation::Nop,
                "acc" => BootCodeOperation::Acc,
                "jmp" => BootCodeOperation::Jmp,
                _ => panic!("Invalid op code")
            let argument = arg_str.parse::<i64>().unwrap();
            BootCodeInstruction { operation, argument }
    pub type Program = Vec<BootCodeInstruction>;
    pub fn load_program(lines: &Vec<String>) -> Program {
        lines.iter().map(|x| BootCodeInstruction::from_line(x)).collect()
    pub struct State {
        program: Program,
        instruction_pointer: usize,
        acc: i64,
    impl State {
        pub fn new(program: Program) -> State {
            State { program, instruction_pointer: 0, acc: 0 }
        pub fn tick(&mut self) -> (i64, Option<usize>) {
            let current_instruction = self.program[self.instruction_pointer];
            match current_instruction.operation {
                BootCodeOperation::Acc => {
                    self.acc += current_instruction.argument;
                    self.instruction_pointer += 1;
                BootCodeOperation::Jmp => {
                    self.instruction_pointer = (
                        self.instruction_pointer as i64 + current_instruction.argument
                    ) as usize;
                BootCodeOperation::Nop => {
                    self.instruction_pointer += 1;
            let next_instruction = match self.instruction_pointer >= self.program.len() {
                true => None,
                false => Some(self.instruction_pointer),
            (self.acc, next_instruction)
    pub fn loop_detecting_runner(mut state: State) -> (bool, i64) {
        let mut executed_instructions = HashSet::new();
        while let (acc, Some(next_instruction)) = state.tick() {
            if executed_instructions.contains(&next_instruction) {
                return (true, acc);
            } else {
        (false, state.acc)
    use std::io;
    use std::io::prelude::*;
    use day8::*;
    fn part1(lines: &Vec<String>) -> i64 {
        let program = load_program(&lines);
        let state = State::new(program);
        let (_loop_detected, acc) = loop_detecting_runner(state);
    fn part2(lines: &Vec<String>) -> i64 {
        let program = load_program(&lines);
        for (i, instr) in program.iter().enumerate() {
            let mut new_program = program.clone();
            match instr.operation {
                BootCodeOperation::Nop => {
                    new_program[i].operation = BootCodeOperation::Jmp;
                BootCodeOperation::Jmp => {
                    new_program[i].operation = BootCodeOperation::Nop;
                BootCodeOperation::Acc => {},
            let state = State::new(new_program);
            let (loop_detected, acc) = loop_detecting_runner(state);
            if !loop_detected {
                return acc;
    fn main() {
        let stdin = io::stdin();
        let lines: Vec<String> = stdin
            .collect::<Result<_, _>>()
        println!("Part 1: {}", part1(&lines));
        println!("Part 2: {}", part2(&lines));
    4 votes
  5. Nuolong
    I believe I had really mediocre approaches which led me to make a lot of mistakes on my way to the solution, but I got the solution nevertheless! (That's my holiday spirit) Repo link Part 1 Here I...

    I believe I had really mediocre approaches which led me to make a lot of mistakes on my way to the solution, but I got the solution nevertheless! (That's my holiday spirit)
    Repo link

    Part 1 Here I edited the list's instruction itself to mark that it was already visited. I don't know what made me think of doing it this really odd way, but it messed me up a bit for part 2.
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    def follow(instr):
        current = 0
        acc = 0
        while instr[current][0] != 'DID':
            if instr[current][0] == 'nop':
                instr[current][0] = "DID"
                current += 1
            elif instr[current][0] == 'acc':
                acc += instr[current][1]
                instr[current][0] = "DID"
                current += 1
            elif instr[current][0] == 'jmp':
                instr[current][0] = "DID"
                current += instr[current][1]
        return acc
    def main():
        instr = []
        for line in sys.stdin:
            instr[-1][1] = int(instr[-1][1])
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2 Kind of a mess, but it works. I ran into a problem when I used my part 1 `follow` and realized the program would stop running because it was reusing the same list of instructions that were renamed to mark they were visited on a previous iteration. So I went a simpler route and just marked a list instead for my visited instructions.
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    def follow(instr):
        visited = []
        current = 0
        acc = 0
        while current not in visited:
            if current == len(instr) - 1:
                return acc, current
            if instr[current][0] == 'nop':
                current += 1
            elif instr[current][0] == 'acc':
                acc += instr[current][1]
                current += 1
            elif instr[current][0] == 'jmp':
                current += instr[current][1]
        return acc, current
    def find_success(instr):
        finish = len(instr) - 1
        for i in instr:
            if i[0] == 'nop':
                i[0] = 'jmp'
                acc, fin = follow(instr)
                if fin == finish:
                    return acc
                i[0] = 'nop'
            elif i[0] == 'jmp':
                i[0] = 'nop'
                acc, fin = follow(instr)
                i[0] = 'jmp'
                if fin == finish:
                    return acc
    def main():
        instr = []
        for line in sys.stdin:
            instr[-1][1] = int(instr[-1][1])
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    4 votes
  6. raevnos
    I think last year ended up with too many hard problems, but this year so far is too easy... Scheme #!/usr/local/bin/csi -s (import (chicken format) (chicken io) (srfi 133)) (define (read-input...

    I think last year ended up with too many hard problems, but this year so far is too easy...

    #!/usr/local/bin/csi -s
     (chicken format)
     (chicken io)
     (srfi 133))
    (define (read-input #!optional (port (current-input-port)))
      (let loop ((input (read-list port))
                 (acc '()))
        (if (null? input)
            (reverse-list->vector acc)
            (loop (cddr input) (cons (vector (car input) (cadr input) #f) acc)))))
    (define (reset-instructions! instructions)
      (vector-for-each (cut vector-set! <> 2 #f) instructions))
    (define (solve1 instructions)
      (let loop ((accumulator 0)
                 (ip 0))
        (if (>= ip (vector-length instructions))
            (values #t accumulator)
            (let ((insn (vector-ref instructions ip)))
              (if (vector-ref insn 2)
                  (values #f accumulator)
                    (vector-set! insn 2 #t)
                    (case (vector-ref insn 0)
                      ((nop) (loop accumulator (add1 ip)))
                      ((acc) (loop (+ accumulator (vector-ref insn 1)) (add1 ip)))
                      ((jmp) (loop accumulator (+ ip (vector-ref insn 1)))))))))))
    (define (flip-and-try instructions ip from to)
      (vector-set! (vector-ref instructions ip) 0 to)
      (let-values (((terminated? acc) (solve1 instructions)))
        (vector-set! (vector-ref instructions ip) 0 from)
        (values terminated? acc)))
    (define (solve2 instructions)
      (let loop ((ip 0))
        (reset-instructions! instructions)
        (if (>= ip (vector-length instructions))
            (case (vector-ref (vector-ref instructions ip) 0)
              ((acc) (loop (add1 ip)))
              ((nop jmp) =>
               (lambda (op)
                 (let*-values (((from to) (if (eq? op 'nop)
                                              (values 'nop 'jmp)
                                              (values 'jmp 'nop)))
                               ((terminated? acc)
                                (flip-and-try instructions ip from to)))
                   (if terminated?
                       (loop (add1 ip))))))))))
    (define instructions (read-input))
    (let-values (((_ accumulator) (solve1 instructions)))
      (printf "Part 1: ~A~%" accumulator))
    (printf "Part 2: ~A~%" (solve2 instructions))
    4 votes
  7. pnutzh4x0r
    Python Repo Link Part 1 I took a more stateful and possibly more enterprisey approach with this problem and made a class. The solution is more verbose than the others here, but I hope the...


    Repo Link

    Part 1

    I took a more stateful and possibly more enterprisey approach with this problem and made a class. The solution is more verbose than the others here, but I hope the additional structure will make it easier to modify and extend for future use (should we come across another IntCode problem).

    import sys
    # Class
    class Console:
        def __init__(self):
            self.accumulator = 0
            self.code        = []
            self.counter     = 0
            self.operations  = {
                'nop': self.do_nop,
                'acc': self.do_acc,
                'jmp': self.do_jmp,
        def load(self, stream=sys.stdin):
            for line in sys.stdin:
                operation, argument = line.strip().split()
                    operation, int(argument)
        def do_nop(self, argument):
            self.counter += 1
        def do_acc(self, argument):
            self.accumulator += argument
            self.counter     += 1
        def do_jmp(self, argument):
            self.counter += argument
        def run(self):
            history = set()
            while self.counter not in history and self.counter < len(self.code):
                operation, argument = self.code[self.counter]
    # Main Execution
    def main():
        console = Console()
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2 (diff)

    For the second part, I just brute-forced the solution by modifying each nop or jmp instruction (one at a time) and checking if the console terminates. I'm just putting a diff here because the code is already pretty long, but the full source can be found in the Repo Link.

    --- day08-A.py	2020-12-08 08:48:55.067011484 -0500
    +++ day08-B-stripped.py	2020-12-08 09:11:51.343416414 -0500
    @@ -32,20 +32,38 @@
         def do_jmp(self, argument):
             self.counter += argument
    -    def run(self):
    +    def run(self, reset=False):
    +        if reset:
    +            self.accumulator = 0
    +            self.counter     = 0
             history = set()
             while self.counter not in history and self.counter < len(self.code):
                 operation, argument = self.code[self.counter]
    +        return self.counter >= len(self.code)
     # Main Execution
     def main():
         console = Console()
    -    console.run()
    +    original_code = console.code[:]
    +    for instruction, (operation, argument) in enumerate(original_code):
    +        if operation == 'nop':
    +            continue
    +        new_operation             = 'jmp' if operation == 'nop' else 'nop'
    +        console.code[instruction] = (new_operation, argument)
    +        if console.run(reset=True):
    +            break
    +        console.code[instruction] = (operation, argument)
     if __name__ == '__main__':
    4 votes
  8. [4]
    I felt that I could try a Rust solution here, especially since it's getting to the interpreter bit. I'd appreciate feedback from the Rustaceans doing AoC, especially since I didn't want to leak an...

    I felt that I could try a Rust solution here, especially since it's getting to the interpreter bit. I'd appreciate feedback from the Rustaceans doing AoC, especially since I didn't want to leak an abstraction by having Nop have a value encoded, and not knowing how to use whatever Rust's equivalent of yield return from C# is. I feel like that may have slowed it down a bit in part 2 due to allocations.

    use i16 as Number;
    use std::collections::HashSet;
    use std::time::Instant;
    #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
    pub enum Instruction {
    impl From<&str> for Instruction {
        fn from(input: &str) -> Self {
            // let x: Vec<&str> = input.split(" ").collect();
            let cmd = &input[0..3];
            let my_val = input[4..].parse::<Number>().unwrap();
            match cmd {
                "nop" => Instruction::Nop,
                "acc" => Instruction::Acc(my_val),
                "jmp" => Instruction::Jmp(my_val),
                _ => panic!(),
    pub struct GameConsole {
        pc: Number,
        accumulator: Number,
        instructions: Vec<Instruction>,
    impl GameConsole {
        pub fn from_instructions(input: Vec<Instruction>) -> Self {
            Self {
                pc: 0,
                accumulator: 0,
                instructions: input,
        pub fn step(&mut self) -> Option<Number> {
            let pc = self.pc as usize;
            match &self.instructions.get(pc)? {
                Instruction::Nop => {}
                Instruction::Acc(x) => self.accumulator += x,
                Instruction::Jmp(x) => self.pc += x - 1,
            self.pc += 1;
            if self.instructions.get(self.pc as usize).is_some() {
            } else {
        pub fn first_unrepeated(&mut self) -> Option<Number> {
            let mut h = HashSet::<Number>::new();
            while let Some(x) = self.step() {
                if !h.insert(x) {
                    return Some(self.accumulator);
    struct SwapIter<'a> {
        vec: Vec<Instruction>,
        input: Vec<&'a str>,
        last: usize,
    impl Iterator for SwapIter<'_> {
        type Item = Vec<Instruction>;
        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
            for (idx, elem) in self.input.iter().enumerate().skip(self.last) {
                let cmd = &elem[0..3];
                self.last += 1;
                if let Some(v) = match cmd {
                    "jmp" => Some("nop"),
                    "nop" => Some("jmp"),
                    _ => None,
                } {
                    let mut new_lines = self.vec.clone();
                    let binding: &str = &self.input[idx].replace(cmd, v);
                    new_lines[idx] = binding.into();
                    return Some(new_lines);
    fn generate_alternative_inputs(input: &str) -> SwapIter {
        let lines = input
            // .map(Into::into)
        let vec = lines.iter().map(|&x| x.into()).collect();
        SwapIter { input: lines, last: 0, vec }
    fn part_1(input: &str) -> Option<Number> {
        let p1 = input
        let mut gc = GameConsole::from_instructions(p1);
    fn part_2(input: &str) -> Option<Number> {
        let generator = generate_alternative_inputs(input);
        let consoles = generator.map(GameConsole::from_instructions);
        for mut console in consoles {
            if console.first_unrepeated().is_none() {
                return Some(console.accumulator);
    fn main() {
        // 1451, 1160
        let input = std::fs::read_to_string("input/08.txt").unwrap();
        let start = Instant::now();
        println!("{} in {:?}", part_1(&input).unwrap(), Instant::now() - start);
        println!("{} in {:?}", part_2(&input).unwrap(), Instant::now() - start);
    1451 in 82µs
    1160 in 3.1124ms
    4 votes
    1. wycy
      Link Parent
      I wasn't aware of being able to use Self like that. I prefer less redundancy so I'll have to update my code to match this style.

      I wasn't aware of being able to use Self like that. I prefer less redundancy so I'll have to update my code to match this style.

      4 votes
    2. [3]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        Awesome, thanks a lot. Neat. I think I kind of went overboard with that since I had to use iter() for vectors and I got used to it, so I assumed that I'd have to do it for something as obvious as...

        Awesome, thanks a lot.

        No need to call into_iter() on lines(), as it is already an iterator.

        Neat. I think I kind of went overboard with that since I had to use iter() for vectors and I got used to it, so I assumed that I'd have to do it for something as obvious as lines() as well.

        And the turbofish can also be left off since Rust can infer it from GameConsole::from_instructions, but I see you did it in other places too so maybe it's a style thing.

        It's not really a style thing; those were mostly leftovers from trying to fight the compiler with the whole String vs &str issue. At some point when trying to fix that, I got several type inference errors, so I added the turbofishes to the code so that I could get better errors and sanity checks. (See also: my previous generate_alternative_inputs function, which throws an error without the poor fish.)

        Also, thanks for showing me that Duration's debug output formats the duration properly, I was using as_secs(). :P


        4 votes
        1. wycy
          Link Parent
          TIL about turbofish


          TIL about turbofish

          1 vote
  9. [3]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      I didn't need to add anything special for part 2 - if you were stopping execution when you saw an instruction twice (from part 1), you shouldn't have hit any infinite loops. I actually thought the...

      I didn't need to add anything special for part 2 - if you were stopping execution when you saw an instruction twice (from part 1), you shouldn't have hit any infinite loops. I actually thought the problem was well structured to have you implement that part first.

      5 votes
      1. petrichor
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        Oh interesting, I completely missed that. Thanks a bunch!

        Oh interesting, I completely missed that. Thanks a bunch!

        1 vote
  10. [2]
    Comment deleted by author
    1. blitz
      Link Parent
      It’s so cool to read other people’s rust solutions to the same problems every day. I completely forgot about implementing traits for my own structs! I’ll try and remember next time.

      It’s so cool to read other people’s rust solutions to the same problems every day. I completely forgot about implementing traits for my own structs! I’ll try and remember next time.

      3 votes
  11. [2]
    Mit scheme Part 1 & 2 (define (get-lines parse-line file) (with-input-from-file file (lambda () (let loop ((line (read-line)) (lines '())) (if (eof-object? line) (reverse lines) (loop (read-line)...

    Mit scheme

    Part 1 & 2
    (define (get-lines parse-line file)
      (with-input-from-file file
        (lambda ()
          (let loop ((line (read-line))
                     (lines '()))
            (if (eof-object? line)
                (reverse lines)
                (loop (read-line)
                      (cons (parse-line line) lines)))))))
    (define (make-ins op val) (cons op val))
    (define (get-op ins) (car ins))
    (define (get-val ins) (cdr ins))
    (define (parse-ins line)
      (let* ((split ((string-splitter) line))
             (op (string->symbol (car split)))
             (val (string->number (cadr split))))
        (make-ins op val)))
    (define (execute ins-lst)
      (let loop ((acc 0)
                 (counter 0)
                 (visited '()))
        (cond ((member counter visited) (cons 'loop acc))
              ((= counter (length ins-lst)) (cons 'ok acc))
              (else (let* ((ins (list-ref ins-lst counter))
                           (op (get-op ins))
                           (val (get-val ins)))
                      (case op
                        ((nop) (loop acc
                                     (+ counter 1)
                                     (cons counter visited)))
                        ((acc) (loop (+ acc val)
                                     (+ counter 1)
                                     (cons counter visited)))
                        ((jmp) (loop acc
                                     (+ counter val)
                                     (cons counter visited)))))))))
    (define (one ins-lst)
      (cdr (execute ins-lst)))
    (define (flip-ins ins)
      (let ((op (get-op ins))
            (val (get-val ins)))
        (make-ins (if (eq? op 'jmp) 'nop 'jmp)
    (define (replace-n lst val n)
      (cond ((null? lst) '())
            ((= n 0) (cons val (cdr lst)))
            (else (cons (car lst)
                        (replace-n (cdr lst)
                                   (- n 1))))))
    (define (two ins-lst)
      (let loop ((ins-change-pairs
                  (filter-map (lambda (i ins)
                                (and (or (eq? (get-op ins) 'jmp)
                                         (eq? (get-op ins) 'nop))
                                     (cons i (flip-ins ins))))
                              (iota (length ins-lst))
        (let* ((rep-index (caar ins-change-pairs))
               (rep-ins (cdar ins-change-pairs))
               (ex-res (execute (replace-n ins-lst rep-ins rep-index))))
          (if (eq? (car ex-res) 'ok)
              (cdr ex-res)
              (loop (cdr ins-change-pairs))))))
    (define (run lines)
        (display "One: ")
        (display (one lines))
        (display "Two: ")
        (display (two lines))
    (run (get-lines parse-ins "input"))
    3 votes
    1. raevnos
      Link Parent
      I used vectors instead of lists for my scheme solution; the O(1) access to elements makes it a lot more efficient than using lists.

      I used vectors instead of lists for my scheme solution; the O(1) access to elements makes it a lot more efficient than using lists.

      2 votes
  12. wycy
    (edited )
    Rust Virtual Machine pub mod assemblyvm { #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Instruction { pub instr: String, pub value: i64, pub runs: u64, } impl From<&String> for Instruction { fn from(input: &String)...


    Virtual Machine
    pub mod assemblyvm {
        pub struct Instruction {
            pub instr: String,
            pub value: i64,
            pub runs: u64,
        impl From<&String> for Instruction {
            fn from(input: &String) -> Self {
                let mut parts = input.split_ascii_whitespace();
                Self {
                    instr: parts.next().unwrap().parse().unwrap(),
                    value: parts.next().unwrap().parse().unwrap(),
                    runs: 0,
        pub struct AssemblyVM {
            pub ptr: i64,
            pub accum: i64,
            pub code: Vec<Instruction>,
            pub code_default: Vec<Instruction>,
            pub loop_detected: bool,
            pub active: bool,
            // Options
            pub break_on_loop: bool,
            pub debug: bool,
        impl AssemblyVM {
            pub fn new(code: Vec<String>) -> Self {
                let code: Vec<_> = code.iter().map(Instruction::from).collect();
                Self {
                    ptr: 0,
                    accum: 0,
                    code: code.clone(),
                    code_default: code.clone(),
                    loop_detected: false,
                    active: true,
                    // Options
                    break_on_loop: false,
                    debug: false,
            pub fn reset(&mut self) {
                self.ptr = 0;
                self.accum = 0;
                self.code = self.code_default.clone();
                self.loop_detected = false;
                self.active = false;
            pub fn run(&mut self) {
                self.active = true;
                loop {
                    let ptr = self.ptr as usize;
                    if ptr >= self.code.len() { break; }
                    let instr = &self.code[ptr];
                    if self.break_on_loop && self.code[ptr].runs == 1 {
                        self.loop_detected = true;
                        self.active = false;
                    match instr.instr.as_ref() {
                        "acc" => { self.accum += instr.value; self.ptr += 1; },
                        "jmp" => self.ptr += instr.value,
                        "nop" => self.ptr += 1,
                        other => panic!("ERROR: Unknown instruction: {}", other),
                    self.code[ptr].runs += 1;
    Main Code
    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader};
    use std::fs::File;
    use std::time::Instant;
    use assemblyvm::assemblyvm::AssemblyVM;
    extern crate assemblyvm;
    fn day08(input: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
        let file = File::open(input).expect("Input file not found.");
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        let input: Vec<String> = match reader.lines().collect() {
            Err(err) => panic!("Unknown error reading input: {}", err),
            Ok(result) => result,
        // Initialize & Configure VM
        let mut vm = AssemblyVM::new(input);
        vm.break_on_loop = true;
        println!("Part 1: {}", vm.accum); // 1087
        // Part 2
        for i in 0..vm.code.len() {
            match vm.code[i].instr.as_ref() {
                "acc" => continue,
                "jmp" => vm.code[i].instr = "nop".to_string(),
                "nop" => vm.code[i].instr = "jmp".to_string(),
                other => unreachable!("Fail: {}", other),
            if !vm.loop_detected { break; }
        println!("Part 2: {}", vm.accum); // 780
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
        let start = Instant::now();
        println!("Total time: {:?}", Instant::now() - start);
    3 votes
  13. nothis
    Just a warning: If last year's problems are any indicator, this will turn into a fully featured virtual computer with if branching and whatnot. It likely will pay to start splitting this into...

    Just a warning: If last year's problems are any indicator, this will turn into a fully featured virtual computer with if branching and whatnot. It likely will pay to start splitting this into multiple files and making it extensible.

    3 votes
  14. 3d12
    Fun one! Though part 2 was a bit of a curveball... Part 1 const fs = require('fs'); const readline = require('readline'); let bootCodeArray = [] async function openFileForReading(file) { const...

    Fun one! Though part 2 was a bit of a curveball...

    Part 1
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    let bootCodeArray = []
    async function openFileForReading(file) {
    	const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
    	const rl = readline.createInterface({
    		input: fileStream,
    		crlfDelay: Infinity
    	for await (const line of rl) {
    function parseLine(line) {
    	let regex = /^(\w+) ([+-]\d+)$/;
    	let found = line.match(regex);
    	let action = found[1];
    	let amount = parseInt(found[2]);
    	return { action, amount };
    class ExecutionError extends Error {}
    function executeLine(parsedLine) {
    	switch (parsedLine.action) {
    		case 'nop': return { acc: 0, shift: 1 };
    		case 'jmp': return { acc: 0, shift: parsedLine.amount };
    		case 'acc': return { acc: parsedLine.amount, shift: 1 };
    		default: return new ExecutionError("Error parsing execution from line " + parsedLine);
    (async function mainExecution() {
    	await openFileForReading('input.txt');
    	let accumulator = 0;
    	let operatingIndex = 0;
    	let indexHistory = [];
    	while (true) {
    		if (indexHistory.includes(operatingIndex)) {
    			console.log("Finished after " + indexHistory.length + " steps! Accumulator value is " + accumulator);
    		let currentInstruction = executeLine(parseLine(bootCodeArray[operatingIndex]));
    		accumulator += currentInstruction.acc;
    		operatingIndex += currentInstruction.shift;
    Part 2
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    let bootCodeArray = []
    async function openFileForReading(file) {
    	const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
    	const rl = readline.createInterface({
    		input: fileStream,
    		crlfDelay: Infinity
    	for await (const line of rl) {
    function parseLine(line) {
    	let regex = /^(\w+) ([+-]\d+)$/;
    	let found = line.match(regex);
    	let action = found[1];
    	let amount = parseInt(found[2]);
    	return { action, amount };
    class ExecutionError extends Error {}
    function executeLine(parsedLine) {
    	switch (parsedLine.action) {
    		case 'nop': return { acc: 0, shift: 1 };
    		case 'jmp': return { acc: 0, shift: parsedLine.amount };
    		case 'acc': return { acc: parsedLine.amount, shift: 1 };
    		default: return new ExecutionError("Error parsing execution from line " + parsedLine);
    (async function mainExecution() {
    	await openFileForReading('input.txt');
    	let jmpNopArray = [];
    	let tmpIndex = 0;
    	for (const line of bootCodeArray) {
    		let parsed = parseLine(line);
    		if (parsed.action == 'nop' || parsed.action == 'jmp') {
    	let accumulator = 0;
    	let operatingIndex = 0;
    	let indexHistory = [];
    	let completeRunning = false;
    	let jmpNopIndex = 0;
    	while (true && !completeRunning) {
    		if (operatingIndex >= bootCodeArray.length) {
    			console.log("Finished running in " + indexHistory.length + " steps by changing instruction # " + jmpNopArray[jmpNopIndex] + ", accumulator value is " + accumulator);
    		if (indexHistory.includes(operatingIndex)) {
    			// infinite loop, restart
    			accumulator = 0;
    			operatingIndex = 0;
    			indexHistory = [];
    		let currentInstruction = executeLine(parseLine(bootCodeArray[operatingIndex]));
    		if (operatingIndex == jmpNopArray[jmpNopIndex]) {
    			let parsed = parseLine(bootCodeArray[operatingIndex]);
    			if (parsed.action == 'nop') {
    				currentInstruction = executeLine({ action: 'jmp', amount: parsed.amount });
    			} else if (parsed.action == 'jmp') {
    				currentInstruction = executeLine({ action: 'nop', amount: parsed.amount });
    		accumulator += currentInstruction.acc;
    		operatingIndex += currentInstruction.shift;
    3 votes
  15. andre
    JavaScript Parts 1 + 2 function parseInput(input) { let lines = input.split('\n').map(l => { const [, instr, param] = l.match(/(.*) (.*)/) return { instr, param: Number(param) } }) return lines }...


    Parts 1 + 2
    function parseInput(input) {
      let lines = input.split('\n').map(l => {
        const [, instr, param] = l.match(/(.*) (.*)/)
        return { instr, param: Number(param) }
      return lines
    function run(prog) {
      let ptr = 0
      let acc = 0
      let seen = []
      while (true) {
        if (!prog[ptr]) return { halts: true, acc }
        if (seen[ptr]) return { halts: false, acc }
        const { instr, param } = prog[ptr]
        seen[ptr] = true
        if (instr === 'jmp') {
          ptr += param
        if (instr === 'acc') {
          acc += param
        if (instr === 'nop') {
    export function solvePart1(input) {
      let prog = parseInput(input)
      return run(prog).acc
    export function solvePart2(input) {
      let prog = parseInput(input)
      for (let i = 0; i < prog.length; i++) {
        let { instr, param } = prog[i]
        if (instr.match(/(nop|jmp)/)) {
          const progCopy = [...prog]
          progCopy[i] = {
            instr: instr === 'nop' ? 'jmp' : 'nop',
          const result = run(progCopy)
          if (result.halts) return result.acc
    2 votes
  16. archevel
    So decided to switch things up a bit today and use Go instead of python. Got to use goroutines on the second part which was kind of nice. Parallelism ftw! Anyway the second part to this was much...

    So decided to switch things up a bit today and use Go instead of python. Got to use goroutines on the second part which was kind of nice. Parallelism ftw!

    Anyway the second part to this was much trickier than the previous problems in my opinion.

    Part 1 The code ends up longer mainly due to go being less expressive than python but using `go run` it still builds super fast and exectues quickly.
    package main
    import "fmt"
    import "bufio"
    import "os"
    import "strings"
    import "strconv"
    const ACC = 1
    const JUMP = 2
    const NOOP = 3
    func main() {
            scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
            instructions := make([][]int,0)
            for scanner.Scan() {
                    line := scanner.Text()
                    tokens := strings.Split(line, " ")
                    instr := NOOP
                    switch tokens[0] {
                    case "acc": instr = ACC
                    case "jmp": instr = JUMP
                    arg, _ := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1])
                    instruction := make([]int,2)
                    instruction[0] = instr
                    instruction[1] = arg
                    instructions = append(instructions, instruction)
            executed := make(map[int]bool)
            acc := 0
            inc := 1
            pos := 0
            for _, exists := executed[pos]; !exists && pos < len(instructions); _, exists = executed[pos] {
                    executed[pos] = true
                    switch instruction := instructions[pos]; instruction[0] {
                    case ACC:
                            acc += instruction[1]
                            inc = 1
                    case JUMP:
                            inc = instruction[1]
                    case NOOP:
                            inc = 1
                    pos += inc
    Part 2 Go routines made it quite easy to evaluate all alternative paths in parallel. The main idea is that each time we encounter a jump or noop instruction (we spawn a copy that executes the alternate path). This only happens in the first evaluation since there could only ever be one modification as per the problem statement.
    package main
    import "fmt"
    import "bufio"
    import "os"
    import "strings"
    import "strconv"
    const ACC = 1
    const JUMP = 2
    const NOOP = 3
    func execute(pos int, acc int, instructions [][]int, executed map[int]bool, evaluateAlternative bool, c chan int) {
            inc := 1
            for _, exists := executed[pos]; !exists && pos < len(instructions); _, exists = executed[pos] {
                    executed[pos] = true
                    switch instruction := instructions[pos]; instruction[0] {
                    case ACC:
                            acc += instruction[1]
                            inc = 1
                    case JUMP:
                            inc = instruction[1]
                            if evaluateAlternative {
                                    cloneExecuted := copy(executed)
                                    go execute(pos + 1, acc, instructions, cloneExecuted, false, c)
                    case NOOP:
                            inc = 1
                            if evaluateAlternative {
                                    cloneExecuted := copy(executed)
                                    go execute(pos + instruction[1], acc, instructions, cloneExecuted, false, c)
                    pos += inc
            if pos == len(instructions) {
                    c <- acc
    func copy(toCopy map[int]bool) map[int]bool {
            result := make(map[int]bool)
            for k, v := range toCopy {
                    result[k] = v
            return result
    func main() {
            scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
            instructions := make([][]int,0)
            for scanner.Scan() {
                    line := scanner.Text()
                    tokens := strings.Split(line, " ")
                    instr := NOOP
                    switch tokens[0] {
                    case "acc": instr = ACC
                    case "jmp": instr = JUMP
                    arg, _ := strconv.Atoi(tokens[1])
                    instruction := make([]int,2)
                    instruction[0] = instr
                    instruction[1] = arg
                    instructions = append(instructions, instruction)
            executed := make(map[int]bool)
            c := make(chan int, 1)
            go execute(0, 0, instructions, executed, true, c)
            fmt.Println(<- c)
    2 votes
  17. Crespyl
    Ruby Part 1 was easy, Part 2 I stumbled around a bit on a shallow vs deep copy issue. Fixed that with a goofy hack (JSON.parse(JSON.generate(...))) for the quick and dirty solution, then went back...


    Part 1 was easy, Part 2 I stumbled around a bit on a shallow vs deep copy issue. Fixed that with a goofy hack (JSON.parse(JSON.generate(...))) for the quick and dirty solution, then went back and fixed it with the no-copy solution presented below.

    Virtual machine puzzles are often my favorites, I love the process of debugging my own interpreter and reverse engineering the subject code simultaneously, and building all the supporting pieces for I/O, debugger, graphics/visualization etc.

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    require "ostruct"
    input = File.read(ARGV[0] || "test.txt")
    def run(code)
      acc = 0
      pc = 0
      hits = Hash.new(0)
      while instr = code[pc] do
        hits[pc] += 1
        if hits[pc] >= 2
          return [:loop, acc]
        case instr.opcode
        when "acc"
          acc += instr.value
          pc += 1
        when "nop"
          pc += 1
        when "jmp"
          pc += instr.value
      return [:ok, acc]
    code = input.lines.map(&:strip).map { |l| o, v = l.split(' '); OpenStruct.new(opcode: o, value: v.to_i) }
    puts "Part 1"
    puts run(code)[1]
    Part 2
    puts "Part 2"
    def flip(instr)
      case instr.opcode
      when "nop"
        instr.opcode = "jmp"
      when "jmp"
        instr.opcode = "nop"
      return instr
    result = -1
    code.each do |instr|
      status, result = run(code)
      break if status == :ok
      flip(instr) #flip back before moving on
    puts result
    2 votes
  18. Gyrfalcon
    (edited )
    Language: Julia Repository I got excited when I saw this one, since it looks similar to last years puzzle that built up over time, and also because I had an excuse to play with Julia's typing...

    I got excited when I saw this one, since it looks similar to last years puzzle that built up over time, and also because I had an excuse to play with Julia's typing system! Julia doesn't have user defined objects, but it does have a robust (though largely optional) type system, and uses a multiple dispatch system to determine which function to run when given certain inputs. I maybe got a little excited to incorporate this stuff since I haven't gotten to play with it yet, but it actually created a very efficient solution and pushed me into a design pattern that I think I should be able to extend if this challenge becomes the basis for future challenges.

    Part 1
    # main.jl
    import .Assembly
    function main()
        input = []
        open("Day08/input.txt") do fp
            input = Assembly.parse_instruction.(split.(readlines(fp), ' '))
        machine = Assembly.MachineState(input, 1, 0)
        result_1 = infinite_loop_finder(machine)
        println("Part 1 result is ", result_1)
    # Find the infinite loop by comparing current instruction pointer locations to
    # ones that have come before
    function infinite_loop_finder(machine::Assembly.MachineState)
        old_pointers = Set([machine.instruction_pointer])
        old_accumulator = machine.accumulator
        no_repeat = true
        while no_repeat
            machine = Assembly.advance(machine)
            if machine.instruction_pointer in old_pointers
                no_repeat = false
                push!(old_pointers, machine.instruction_pointer)
                old_accumulator = machine.accumulator
        return old_accumulator
    # Assembly.jl
    module Assembly
    # Make sure other things can use types
    export Instruction, MachineState, Nop, Acc, Jmp
    # Make sure other things can use methods
    export parse_instruction, advance
    # Make some fun types to define different instructions
    abstract type Instruction end
    # Make a type to define the state machine
    struct MachineState
    struct Noop <: Instruction end
    struct Accumulate <: Instruction
    struct Jump <: Instruction
    # How to convert from the input format to instructions we know of
    function parse_instruction(input)::Instruction
        if input[1] == "nop"
            return Noop()
        elseif input[1] == "acc"
            return Accumulate(parse(Int64, input[2]))
        elseif input[1] == "jmp"
            return Jump(parse(Int64, input[2]))
        throw(DomainError(input, "No recognizeable commands!"))
    # Convenience function to execute the machine in it's current state
    function advance(machine::MachineState)::MachineState
        return advance(machine, machine.instructions[machine.instruction_pointer])
    # These functions define the changes to the machine state based on the instruction type
    function advance(machine::MachineState, instruction::Noop)
        return MachineState(machine.instructions,
                            machine.instruction_pointer + 1,
    function advance(machine::MachineState, instruction::Jump)
        return MachineState(machine.instructions,
                            machine.instruction_pointer + instruction.value,
    function advance(machine::MachineState, instruction::Accumulate)
        return MachineState(machine.instructions,
                            machine.instruction_pointer + 1,
                            machine.accumulator + instruction.value)
    Part 2 diff
    --- a/Day08/Assembly.jl
    +++ b/Day08/Assembly.jl
    @@ -14,9 +14,19 @@ struct MachineState
    +    function MachineState(instructions::Array{Instruction})
    +        return new(instructions, 1, 0)
    +    end
    +    function MachineState(instructions::Array{Instruction}, instruction_pointer::Int64, accumulator::Int64)
    +        return new(instructions, instruction_pointer, accumulator)
    +    end
    -struct Noop <: Instruction end
    +struct Noop <: Instruction 
    +    value::Int64
     struct Accumulate <: Instruction
    @@ -29,7 +39,7 @@ end
     # How to convert from the input format to instructions we know of
     function parse_instruction(input)::Instruction
         if input[1] == "nop"
    -        return Noop()
    +        return Noop(parse(Int64, input[2]))
         elseif input[1] == "acc"
             return Accumulate(parse(Int64, input[2]))
         elseif input[1] == "jmp"
    @@ -62,4 +72,9 @@ function advance(machine::MachineState, instruction::Accumulate)
                             machine.accumulator + instruction.value)
    +# Check if the machine is complete
    +function complete(machine::MachineState)
    +    return machine.instruction_pointer > length(machine.instructions)
    \ No newline at end of file
    diff --git a/Day08/main.jl b/Day08/main.jl
    index 07c5bb9..218a980 100644
    --- a/Day08/main.jl
    +++ b/Day08/main.jl
    @@ -8,17 +8,20 @@ function main()
             input = Assembly.parse_instruction.(split.(readlines(fp), ' '))
    -    machine = Assembly.MachineState(input, 1, 0)
    +    machine = Assembly.MachineState(input)
    -    result_1 = infinite_loop_finder(machine)
    +    result_1, stack_trace = infinite_loop_finder(machine)
         println("Part 1 result is ", result_1)
    +    result_2 = infinite_loop_fixer(machine, stack_trace)
    +    println("Part 2 result is ", result_2)
     # Find the infinite loop by comparing current instruction pointer locations to
     # ones that have come before
     function infinite_loop_finder(machine::Assembly.MachineState)
    -    old_pointers = Set([machine.instruction_pointer])
    +    old_pointers = [machine.instruction_pointer]
         old_accumulator = machine.accumulator
         no_repeat = true
    @@ -26,13 +29,45 @@ function infinite_loop_finder(machine::Assembly.MachineState)
             machine = Assembly.advance(machine)
             if machine.instruction_pointer in old_pointers
                 no_repeat = false
    +        elseif Assembly.complete(machine)
    +            return machine.accumulator, nothing
                 push!(old_pointers, machine.instruction_pointer)
                 old_accumulator = machine.accumulator
    -    return old_accumulator
    +    return old_accumulator, old_pointers
    +# Go backward through a given stack trace and flip flop instructions until you
    +# get a set of instructions that halts
    +function infinite_loop_fixer(original_machine::Assembly.MachineState, stack_trace)
    +    stack_trace = reverse(stack_trace)
    +    original_instructions = original_machine.instructions
    +    for idx in stack_trace
    +        new_instructions = original_instructions
    +        if isa(new_instructions[idx], Assembly.Noop)
    +            new_instructions[idx] = Assembly.Jump(new_instructions[idx].value)
    +        elseif isa(new_instructions[idx], Assembly.Jump)
    +            new_instructions[idx] = Assembly.Noop(new_instructions[idx].value)
    +        else
    +            continue
    +        end
    +        new_machine = Assembly.MachineState(new_instructions)
    +        accumulator, test_stack = infinite_loop_finder(new_machine)
    +        if isa(test_stack, Nothing)
    +            return accumulator
    +        end
    +    end
    +    return nothing

    I did have to make some modifications to the part 1 to add in support for things I wanted/needed in part 2, but I think it was worthwhile in the end.

    PC vs Pi Performance

    This one was crazy fast on my PC, and still pretty quick on the Pi.

    # PC
      memory estimate:  541.72 KiB
      allocs estimate:  8635
      minimum time:     797.952 μs (0.00% GC)
      median time:      877.020 μs (0.00% GC)
      mean time:        1.078 ms (3.47% GC)
      maximum time:     6.623 ms (70.04% GC)
      samples:          4637
      evals/sample:     1
    # Pi
      memory estimate:  541.72 KiB
      allocs estimate:  8635
      minimum time:     7.493 ms (0.00% GC)
      median time:      8.036 ms (0.00% GC)
      mean time:        8.340 ms (3.16% GC)
      maximum time:     31.676 ms (70.91% GC)
      samples:          599
      evals/sample:     1
    2 votes
  19. jzimbel
    (edited )
    This one was fun and familiar from last year, though I did last year's puzzles in Go. The approach is pretty different with Elixir but can be summarized as: :drake-no: Control flow constructs...

    This one was fun and familiar from last year, though I did last year's puzzles in Go. The approach is pretty different with Elixir but can be summarized as:

    :drake-no:  Control flow constructs
    :drake-yes: Higher-order functions and recursion
    Parts 1 and 2, Elixir
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Day08 do
      defmodule Bootcode do
        @enforce_keys ~w[instrs i acc]a
        defstruct @enforce_keys
        def new(instrs_string) do
          %Bootcode{instrs: parse_instructions(instrs_string), i: 0, acc: 0}
        def run(%Bootcode{} = t, visited \\ MapSet.new()) do
          cond do
            t.i in visited ->
              {:loop, t.acc}
            t.i == map_size(t.instrs) ->
              {:exit, t.acc}
            true ->
              |> execute_instruction(t)
              |> run(MapSet.put(visited, t.i))
        def run_swapped(%Bootcode{} = t, swap_index) do
          |> swap_op_at(swap_index)
          |> run()
        defp parse_instructions(instrs_string) do
          |> String.split("\n", trim: true)
          |> Enum.map(&String.split/1)
          |> Enum.map(fn [op, arg] ->
            {String.to_existing_atom(op), String.to_integer(arg)}
          |> Enum.with_index()
          |> Enum.into(%{}, fn {instr, i} -> {i, instr} end)
        defp execute_instruction({:acc, n}, t) do
          %{t | i: t.i + 1, acc: t.acc + n}
        defp execute_instruction({:jmp, n}, t) do
          %{t | i: t.i + n}
        defp execute_instruction({:nop, _}, t) do
          %{t | i: t.i + 1}
        defp swap_op_at(t, i) do
          %{t | instrs: %{t.instrs | i => swap_op(t.instrs[i])}}
        defp swap_op({:nop, n}), do: {:jmp, n}
        defp swap_op({:jmp, n}), do: {:nop, n}
      def part1(args) do
        {:loop, acc} =
          |> Bootcode.new()
          |> Bootcode.run()
      def part2(args) do
        original = Bootcode.new(args)
        |> Stream.reject(&match?({_, {:acc, _}}, &1))
        |> Stream.map(fn {i, _} -> i end)
        |> Stream.map(&Bootcode.run_swapped(original, &1))
        |> Enum.find_value(fn
          {:exit, acc} -> acc
          _ -> false
    2 votes