12 votes

Day 7: Handy Haversacks

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/7

Join the Tildes private leaderboard! You can do that on this page, by entering join code 730956-de85ce0c.

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. tomf
    ok, part 2 is finally done! Part 2 =ARRAYFORMULA( QUERY( {SPLIT( TRIM( FLATTEN( IF(ISBLANK('07.1'!A1:A),, REGEXEXTRACT('07.1'!A1:A,"(.*) bag?s\.? contain .*")&"|"& REGEXREPLACE( SPLIT(...

    ok, part 2 is finally done!

    Part 2
           REGEXEXTRACT('07.1'!A1:A,"(.*) bag?s\.? contain .*")&"|"&
               "bag?s\.? contain (.*)"),
             ", ",FALSE,TRUE),
            "([0-9]+) (.*)",
        IF(ISBLANK('07.1'!A1:A),,REGEXEXTRACT('07.1'!A1:A,"(.*) bags?\.? contain")),
        IF(ISBLANK('07.1'!A1:A),,REGEXEXTRACT('07.1'!A1:A,"(.*) bags?\.? contain"))},
       "select Col1, Sum(Col2) 
        where Col2 is not null 
        group by Col1
        pivot Col3
        label Sum(Col2) ''"))

    Basically, I'm pulling everything apart and categorizing it in its source bag. I then create another array that is stacked below this that is all bags with the value of 0.

    From here I run this sloppy bullshit that is a tweak on a formula I saw on reddit.


    I hate everything about this, but I really think it is the only way to get the value we're looking for. You need to drag fill it across 14 columns.

    I tried to run a copy of the sheet I got off of reddit, but after about twenty minutes, Sheets basically came to a halt and refused to work. Essentially it's the same idea, but with a few thousand fewer formulas.

    5 votes
  2. archevel
    Using python, this ended up being the least clean solution to the problems so far. I ended up reversing the mapping between bags and contents in the two parts (just to make the later traversal...

    Using python, this ended up being the least clean solution to the problems so far. I ended up reversing the mapping between bags and contents in the two parts (just to make the later traversal easier).

    Part 1
    import sys
    import re
    inp = sys.stdin.readlines()
    bags = {}
    for l in inp:
        bag, content = re.match("(.+) bags contain (.+)\.", l).groups()
        for c in content.split(", "):
            m = re.match("\d+ (.+) bags?", c)
            if m:
                contentBag = m.groups()[0]
                if contentBag in bags:
                    bags[contentBag] = [bag]
    queue = bags['shiny gold']
    possibleContainers = set(queue)
    while len(queue) > 0:
        checkBag = queue.pop()
        possibleContainers = possibleContainers.union(set(bags.get(checkBag, [])))
        queue = queue + bags.get(checkBag, [])
    Part 2
    import sys
    import re
    inp = sys.stdin.readlines()
    bags = {}
    for l in inp:
        bag, content = re.match("(.+) bags contain (.+)\.", l).groups()
        for c in content.split(", "):
            m = re.match("(\d+) (.+) bags?", c)
            if m:
                count, contentBag = m.groups()
                count = int(count)
                if bag in bags:
                    bags[bag] = bags[bag] + [contentBag for _ in range(count)]
                    bags[bag] = [contentBag for _ in range(count)]
    queue = bags['shiny gold']
    bagCount = len(queue)
    while len(queue) > 0:
        checkBag = queue.pop()
        bagCount += len(bags.get(checkBag, []))
        queue = queue + bags.get(checkBag, [])
    4 votes
  3. pnutzh4x0r
    (edited )
    Python Repo link Part 1 For the first part, my approach was to use regular expressions to parse the input into an adjacency list graph representation and then just traverse the graph (BFS/DFS) to...


    Repo link

    Part 1

    For the first part, my approach was to use regular expressions to parse the input into an adjacency list graph representation and then just traverse the graph (BFS/DFS) to check if any source bag eventually reached the target "shiny gold" bag.

    import re
    import sys
    # Constants
    CONTAIN_RE = r'^(.*) bags contain\s(.*)$'
    TARGETS_RE = r'(\d+) ([a-z]+ [a-z]+) bags*[,.]' 
    # Functions
    def parse_rules():
        rules = {}
        for line in sys.stdin:
            source, targets = re.findall(CONTAIN_RE, line.strip())[0]
            rules[source]   = {}
            for count, target in re.findall(TARGETS_RE, targets):
                rules[source][target] = int(count)
        return rules
    def contains(rules, source, target, first=False):
        if source == target:
            return not first
        return any(contains(rules, neighbor, target) for neighbor in rules[source])
    # Main Execution
    def main():
        rules = parse_rules()
        count = sum(1 for source in rules if contains(rules, source, 'shiny gold', True))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2

    For the second part, my solution just recursively counts the number of bags that can be reached from the "shiny gold" source bag.

    import re
    import sys
    # Constants
    CONTAIN_RE = r'^(.*) bags contain\s(.*)$'
    TARGETS_RE = r'(\d+) ([a-z]+ [a-z]+) bags*[,.]' 
    # Functions
    def parse_rules():
        rules = {}
        for line in sys.stdin:
            source, targets = re.findall(CONTAIN_RE, line.strip())[0]
            rules[source]   = {}
            for count, target in re.findall(TARGETS_RE, targets):
                rules[source][target] = int(count)
        return rules
    def count_bags(rules, source):
        return sum(
            number * (count_bags(rules, bag) + 1) for bag, number in rules[source].items()
    # Main Execution
    def main():
        rules = parse_rules()
        bags  = count_bags(rules, 'shiny gold')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    4 votes
  4. im_skg
    Swift! Repo link Part 1 // // main.swift // advent_of_code_7 // // Created by skg on 12/7/20. // import Foundation // i love the internet //...


    Repo link

    Part 1
    //  main.swift
    //  advent_of_code_7
    //  Created by skg on 12/7/20.
    import Foundation
    // i love the internet
    // https://exceptionshub.com/swift-extract-regex-matches.html
    extension String {
      func regex (pattern: String) -> [String] {
        do {
            let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: NSRegularExpression.Options(rawValue: 0))
          let nsstr = self as NSString
          let all = NSRange(location: 0, length: nsstr.length)
          var matches : [String] = [String]()
            regex.enumerateMatches(in: self, options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions(rawValue: 0), range: all) {
            (result : NSTextCheckingResult?, _, _) in
            if let r = result {
                let result = nsstr.substring(with: r.range) as String
          return matches
        } catch {
          return [String]()
    final class Bag {
        var color: String
        var contents: Dictionary<String, Int>
        init(color: String, contents: Dictionary<String, Int>) {
            self.color = color
            self.contents = contents
    func readFile(path: String) -> [String] {
        errno = 0
        if freopen(path, "r", stdin) == nil {
            return []
        var inputArray = [String]()
        while let line = readLine() {
        return inputArray
    func parseInput(puzzleInput: [String]) -> Dictionary<String, Bag> {
        // There are two types of strings
        // light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
        // ---------              --------------      --------------
        //   color                        # of other color(s)
        // However, there can be a line with a bag that has no contents
        // faded blue bags contain no other bags.
        // ----------              --
        //   color             No contents
        // every bag is described with 2 words followed by the word "bag(s)"
        // bags that contain no other bags just have the word "no"
    //    let bagColorRegex = NSRegularExpression("^[a-z]* [a-z]*")
    //    let bagContentsRegex = NSRegularExpression("[0-9]+ [a-z]* [a-z]*")
        var luggageRack: Dictionary<String, Bag> = [:]
        for rule in puzzleInput {
            let bagColor = rule.regex(pattern: "^[a-z]* [a-z]*")
            let bagContentsArray = rule.regex(pattern: "[0-9]+ [a-z]* [a-z]*")
            var bagContentsDict: Dictionary<String, Int> = [:]
            for bag in bagContentsArray {
                let bagComponents = bag.components(separatedBy: " ")
                let bagContentsCount = bagComponents[0]
                let bagContentsDescriptor = bagComponents[1] + " " + bagComponents[2]
                bagContentsDict[bagContentsDescriptor] = Int(bagContentsCount)
            let newBag = Bag(color: bagColor[0], contents: bagContentsDict)
            luggageRack[newBag.color] = newBag
        return luggageRack
    func doesItHave(bags: Dictionary<String, Bag>, bag: Bag, desiredColor: String) -> Bool {
        if bag.color == desiredColor {
            return true
        for bagKey in bag.contents.keys where doesItHave(bags: bags, bag: bags[bagKey]!, desiredColor: desiredColor) {
            return true
        return false
    let puzzleInput = readFile(path: "input_7")
    let bags = parseInput(puzzleInput: puzzleInput)
    var dayOneCount: Int = 0
    for bag in bags.values where doesItHave(bags: bags, bag: bag, desiredColor: "shiny gold") && bag.color != "shiny gold" {
        dayOneCount += 1
    print("Part 1: \(dayOneCount)")
    Part Duex
    //  main.swift
    //  advent_of_code_7
    //  Created by skg on 12/7/20.
    import Foundation
    // i love the internet
    // https://exceptionshub.com/swift-extract-regex-matches.html
    extension String {
      func regex (pattern: String) -> [String] {
        do {
            let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: NSRegularExpression.Options(rawValue: 0))
          let nsstr = self as NSString
          let all = NSRange(location: 0, length: nsstr.length)
          var matches : [String] = [String]()
            regex.enumerateMatches(in: self, options: NSRegularExpression.MatchingOptions(rawValue: 0), range: all) {
            (result : NSTextCheckingResult?, _, _) in
            if let r = result {
                let result = nsstr.substring(with: r.range) as String
          return matches
        } catch {
          return [String]()
    final class Bag {
        var color: String
        var contents: Dictionary<String, Int>
        init(color: String, contents: Dictionary<String, Int>) {
            self.color = color
            self.contents = contents
    func readFile(path: String) -> [String] {
        errno = 0
        if freopen(path, "r", stdin) == nil {
            return []
        var inputArray = [String]()
        while let line = readLine() {
        return inputArray
    func parseInput(puzzleInput: [String]) -> Dictionary<String, Bag> {
        // There are two types of strings
        // light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
        // ---------              --------------      --------------
        //   color                        # of other color(s)
        // However, there can be a line with a bag that has no contents
        // faded blue bags contain no other bags.
        // ----------              --
        //   color             No contents
        // every bag is described with 2 words followed by the word "bag(s)"
        // bags that contain no other bags just have the word "no"
    //    let bagColorRegex = NSRegularExpression("^[a-z]* [a-z]*")
    //    let bagContentsRegex = NSRegularExpression("[0-9]+ [a-z]* [a-z]*")
        var luggageRack: Dictionary<String, Bag> = [:]
        for rule in puzzleInput {
            let bagColor = rule.regex(pattern: "^[a-z]* [a-z]*")
            let bagContentsArray = rule.regex(pattern: "[0-9]+ [a-z]* [a-z]*")
            var bagContentsDict: Dictionary<String, Int> = [:]
            for bag in bagContentsArray {
                let bagComponents = bag.components(separatedBy: " ")
                let bagContentsCount = bagComponents[0]
                let bagContentsDescriptor = bagComponents[1] + " " + bagComponents[2]
                bagContentsDict[bagContentsDescriptor] = Int(bagContentsCount)
            let newBag = Bag(color: bagColor[0], contents: bagContentsDict)
            luggageRack[newBag.color] = newBag
        return luggageRack
    func countBag(bags: Dictionary<String, Bag>, desiredColor: String) -> Int {
        var count: Int = 0
        for (bagKey, bagValue) in bags[desiredColor]!.contents {
            count = count + (bagValue * (countBag(bags: bags, desiredColor: bagKey) + 1))
        return count
    let puzzleInput = readFile(path: "input_7")
    let bags = parseInput(puzzleInput: puzzleInput)
    print("Part 2: \(countBag(bags: bags, desiredColor: "shiny gold"))")
    4 votes
  5. Crestwave
    (edited )
    Late to the party, but this was actually quite fun, even with POSIX AWK's lack of array stuff (from nice-to-haves like arrays of arrays to basics like length()). I tried including some comments in...

    Late to the party, but this was actually quite fun, even with POSIX AWK's lack of array stuff (from nice-to-haves like arrays of arrays to basics like length()). I tried including some comments in my solution for once.

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    # ignore empty bags
    ! /no other/{
            # light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
            # -> light red,bright white,muted yellow
            gsub(/( [0-9] |\.| bag| bags)/ , "")
            gsub(/ contain/, ",")
            # iterate over the rules and link bags to their parents
            rules = split($0, rule, ",")
            for (i = 2; i <= rules; ++i)
                    bag[rule[i]] = bag[rule[i]] "," rule[1]
    END {
            color = "shiny gold"
            for (;;) {
                    # append the bag's direct parents to the stack
                    parents = split(bag[color], parent, ",")
                    for (i = 2; i <= parents; ++i)
                            stack[++ptr] = parent[i]
                    color = stack[ptr--]
                    if (ptr == -1)
                    # use array keys to remove duplicates
                    colors[color] = 1
            for (i in colors)
                    sum += 1
            print sum
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    # ignore empty bags
    ! /no other/{
            # light red bags contain 1 bright white bag, 2 muted yellow bags.
            # -> light red,1 bright white,2 muted yellow
            gsub(/(\.| bag| bags)/ , "")
            gsub(/( contain |, )/, ",")
            # iterate over the rules and link the bags to their contents
            # -> bags["light red"] = ,bright white,muted yellow,muted yellow
            rules = split($0, rule, ",")
            for (i = 2; i <= rules; ++i) {
                    j = match(rule[i], /[a-z]/)
                    num = substr(rule[i], 1, j-2)
                    str = substr(rule[i], j)
                    # create the actual number of bags
                    for (k = 1; k <= num; ++k)
                            bags[rule[1]] = bags[rule[1]] "," str
    END {
            color = "shiny gold"
            # start at -1 to exclude shiny gold itself
            for (sum = -1; ptr >= 0; ++sum) {
                    # append the bag's direct contents to the stack
                    parents = split(bags[color], parent, ",")
                    for (i = 2; i <= parents; ++i)
                            stack[++ptr] = parent[i]
                    color = stack[ptr--]
            print sum
    4 votes
  6. [3]
    (edited )
    I'm not especially proud of my solutions for today, it shows my vast ignorance of core Python built-ins I think. Some stuff like defaultdict would have helped me a lot here. I can't help but...

    I'm not especially proud of my solutions for today, it shows my vast ignorance of core Python built-ins I think. Some stuff like defaultdict would have helped me a lot here.

    I can't help but wonder, who out there is using Prolog (or other declarative languages)? I'd love to see what it looks like in one of those, that is probably the simplest language possible to work one of these problems.

    part 1
    for line in lines:
    	container, contains = line[:-1].split(" contain ")
    	container = container[:container.find(" bag")]
    	if contains == "no other bags":
    	contains = contains.split(", ")
    	for i, contained in enumerate(contains):
    		contains[i] = contained[contained.find(" ") + 1:contained.find(" bag")]
    	for i in contains:
    		if i not in containedby:
    			containedby[i] = set([container])
    found = set([])
    def traverseBags(name):
    	if name in found:
    	if name in containedby:
    		for c in containedby[name]:
    traverseBags("shiny gold")
    print(len(found) - 1)
    part 2
    for line in lines:
    	container, contains = line[:-1].split(" contain ")
    	container = container[:container.find(" bag")]
    	if contains == "no other bags":
    	contains = contains.split(", ")
    	for i, contained in enumerate(contains):
    		val = int(contained[:contained.find(" ")])
    		name = contained[contained.find(" ") + 1:contained.find(" bag")]
    		contains[i] = [val, name]
    	if container not in containsNums:
    		containsNums[container] = {}
    	myCNum = containsNums[container]
    	for val,name in contains:
    		if name not in myCNum:
    			myCNum[name] = val
    			myCNum[name] += val
    # found = set([])
    def traverseBags(name):
    	totalContains = 0
    	if name not in containsNums:
    		return 1
    	myCNum = containsNums[name]
    	for cts in myCNum.keys():
    		totalContains += traverseBags(cts) * myCNum[cts]
    	return totalContains + 1
    print(traverseBags("shiny gold") - 1)
    3 votes
    1. [2]
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      Welcome to Tildes! :) p.s. BTW, you can wrap your code blocks in the <details> and <summary> HTML elements to make your comment take up a lot less space. E.g. Here it is using your code. Click...

      Welcome to Tildes! :)

      p.s. BTW, you can wrap your code blocks in the <details> and <summary> HTML elements to make your comment take up a lot less space. E.g. Here it is using your code. Click "More..." then "View Markdown" below my comment to see the implementation. Note: The spacing between the elements is required.

      Part 1
      for line in lines:
      	container, contains = line[:-1].split(" contain ")
      	container = container[:container.find(" bag")]
      	if contains == "no other bags":
      	contains = contains.split(", ")
      	for i, contained in enumerate(contains):
      		contains[i] = contained[contained.find(" ") + 1:contained.find(" bag")]
      	for i in contains:
      		if i not in containedby:
      			containedby[i] = set([container])
      found = set([])
      def traverseBags(name):
      	if name in found:
      	if name in containedby:
      		for c in containedby[name]:
      traverseBags("shiny gold")
      print(len(found) - 1)
      Part 2
      for line in lines:
      	container, contains = line[:-1].split(" contain ")
      	container = container[:container.find(" bag")]
      	if contains == "no other bags":
      	contains = contains.split(", ")
      	for i, contained in enumerate(contains):
      		val = int(contained[:contained.find(" ")])
      		name = contained[contained.find(" ") + 1:contained.find(" bag")]
      		contains[i] = [val, name]
      	if container not in containsNums:
      		containsNums[container] = {}
      	myCNum = containsNums[container]
      	for val,name in contains:
      		if name not in myCNum:
      			myCNum[name] = val
      			myCNum[name] += val
      # found = set([])
      def traverseBags(name):
      	totalContains = 0
      	if name not in containsNums:
      		return 1
      	myCNum = containsNums[name]
      	for cts in myCNum.keys():
      		totalContains += traverseBags(cts) * myCNum[cts]
      	return totalContains + 1
      print(traverseBags("shiny gold") - 1)
      6 votes
      1. pork
        Link Parent
        Thanks! very helpful and thanks for the welcome~

        Thanks! very helpful and thanks for the welcome~

        3 votes
  7. andre
    I was really unhappy with my original solution, so this is a refactored solution after thinking about it more clearly and taking some inspiration from Sophie Alpert. JS Parts 1+2 function...

    I was really unhappy with my original solution, so this is a refactored solution after thinking about it more clearly and taking some inspiration from Sophie Alpert.


    Parts 1+2
    function parseInput(input) {
      const contains = {}
      const containedIn = {}
      input.split('\n').forEach(line => {
        let [, color, children] = line.match(/(.*) bags contain (.*)/)
        contains[color] = []
        for (let [, num, type] of children.matchAll(/(\d+) (.+?) bags?[,.]/g)) {
          contains[color].push({ num: Number(num), type })
          ;(containedIn[type] || (containedIn[type] = [])).push(color)
      return { contains, containedIn }
    export function solvePart1(input) {
      let { containedIn } = parseInput(input)
      function containers(color, set = new Set()) {
        containedIn[color]?.forEach(c => {
          containers(c, set)
        return set
      return containers('shiny gold').size
    export function solvePart2(input) {
      let { contains } = parseInput(input)
      function sumBags(root) {
        return 1 + _.sum(contains[root].map(c => c.num * sumBags(c.type)))
      return sumBags('shiny gold') - 1
    3 votes
  8. Nuolong
    Quite a novice at programming in general, having lots of fun doing this so far! This one was definitely a lot more challenging to me than previous days so far. I should start using defaultdict,...

    Quite a novice at programming in general, having lots of fun doing this so far! This one was definitely a lot more challenging to me than previous days so far. I should start using defaultdict, haha.
    Repo link

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    import re
    OUTER_COLOR = r'([a-z]+ [a-z]+) bags contain'
    INNER_COLOR = r'(?: (\d+) ([a-z]+ [a-z]+) bags?[,.])'
    has_shiny_gold = set()
    def shiny_gold(has_bag, color):
        global has_shiny_gold
        if color in has_bag:
            for clr in has_bag[color]:
                except KeyError:
                    has_shiny_gold = {clr}
                shiny_gold(has_bag, clr)
    def main():
        has_bag = {}
        count = 0
        for line in sys.stdin:
            outer_color = re.findall(OUTER_COLOR, line)[0]
            for inner_count, inner_color in re.findall(INNER_COLOR, line):
                except KeyError:
                    has_bag[inner_color] = {outer_color}
        shiny_gold(has_bag, "shiny gold")
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    import re
    OUTER_COLOR = r'([a-z]+ [a-z]+) bags contain'
    INNER_COLOR = r'(?: (\d+) ([a-z]+ [a-z]+) bags?[,.])'
    def bags_needed(bags_inside, color):
        count = 0
        if color in bags_inside:
            for bag, num in bags_inside[color]:
                count += int(num) + (int(num) * bags_needed(bags_inside, bag))
        return count
    def main():
        bags_inside = {}
        count = 0
        for line in sys.stdin:
            outer_color = re.findall(OUTER_COLOR, line)[0]
            for inner_count, inner_color in re.findall(INNER_COLOR, line):
                    bags_inside[outer_color].add((inner_color, inner_count))
                except KeyError:
                    bags_inside[outer_color] = {(inner_color, inner_count)}
        print(bags_needed(bags_inside, "shiny gold"))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    3 votes
  9. spit-evil-olive-tips
    (edited )
    Part 1 from collections import defaultdict from pprint import pprint import re LINE_REGEX = re.compile('(.*) bags contain (.*).') SUBBAG_REGEX = re.compile('(\d+) (.*) bag') def...
    Part 1
    from collections import defaultdict
    from pprint import pprint
    import re
    LINE_REGEX = re.compile('(.*) bags contain (.*).')
    SUBBAG_REGEX = re.compile('(\d+) (.*) bag')
    def parse_input(input_path):
        requirements = defaultdict(dict)
        with open(input_path) as input_file:
            for line in input_file:
                match = LINE_REGEX.match(line)
                description, children = match.groups()
                if children == 'no other bags':
                for child in children.split(', '):
                    match = SUBBAG_REGEX.match(child)
                    count, child_description = match.groups()
                    requirements[description][child_description] = count
        return requirements
    def get_directly_containable_bags(requirements, target):
        matching_bags = set()
        for description, children in requirements.items():
            if target in children.keys():
        print(f'{target} -> {matching_bags}')
        return matching_bags
    def main():
        requirements = parse_input('007.txt')
        target = 'shiny gold'
        pending = [target]
        matching_bags = set()
        while True:
                bag = pending.pop()
            except IndexError:
            for match in get_directly_containable_bags(requirements, bag):
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    I used defaultdict to store a two-level mapping of outer bag -> inner bag -> count.

    @pork, @Nuolong, since you mentioned wanting to use defaultdict - here's a working example

    Another neat Python trick that some people may not know about is the pprint module. It's very useful for debug logging, especially when dealing with complicated nested datastructures like this.

    For example, on line 2 of my main() function, my script prints this (truncated due to length):

    Prettyprint Output
    defaultdict(<class 'dict'>,
                {'bright aqua': {'bright violet': '3'},
                 'bright beige': {'posh chartreuse': '1', 'posh crimson': '1'},
                 'bright black': {'clear brown': '4',
                                  'dull white': '3',
                                  'shiny salmon': '4'},
                 'bright blue': {'dotted gold': '4', 'drab salmon': '4'},
                 'bright bronze': {'clear gold': '2',
                                   'dim coral': '4',
                                   'striped gold': '2',
                                   'vibrant purple': '5'},
                 'bright brown': {'dim gray': '2', 'vibrant bronze': '2'},
                 'bright chartreuse': {'shiny tomato': '1',
                                       'wavy silver': '2',
                                       'wavy yellow': '2'},
                 'bright coral': {'dim bronze': '5',
                                  'dim crimson': '1',
                                  'mirrored brown': '3',
                                  'muted white': '5'},
                 'bright crimson': {'clear cyan': '5'},
                 'bright cyan': {'dim brown': '1', 'mirrored turquoise': '4'},
                 'bright fuchsia': {'bright turquoise': '1',
                                    'dotted orange': '4',
                                    'faded green': '2'},
                 'bright gold': {'shiny blue': '5'},
                 'bright gray': {'drab olive': '5'},
                 'bright green': {'light salmon': '1'},
                 'bright indigo': {'dull green': '3', 'pale teal': '1'},
                 'bright lavender': {'clear aqua': '5',
                                     'pale magenta': '4',
                                     'posh yellow': '1'},
                 'bright lime': {'dim gray': '5',
                                 'dull tomato': '4',
                                 'striped aqua': '3'},
                 'bright magenta': {'dotted maroon': '1',
                                    'mirrored beige': '5',
                                    'striped bronze': '1',
                                    'striped maroon': '1'},

    If you just print() it instead, you get the entire thing on one line, which is pretty much completely unreadable.

    For part 1, I did the recursive part of the algorithm using an iterative method. If you're one of the people who struggled with recursion on this question (because everyone struggles with recursion to some degree when they first encounter it) this way of doing it might make more sense to you.

    I have a list of pending bags to check. At first I only add my target bag (shiny gold) to the list. Then I get the set of bags that can contain shiny gold bags. Each one of those I add to my set of matching bags, as well as to my pending list. I keep doing that until I run out of pending bags. At that point I know I've checked every bag that can contain shiny gold, as well as every bag that can contain one of those bags, and so on.

    Part 2
    from collections import defaultdict
    from pprint import pprint
    import re
    LINE_REGEX = re.compile('(.*) bags contain (.*).')
    SUBBAG_REGEX = re.compile('(\d+) (.*) bag')
    def parse_input(input_path):
        requirements = defaultdict(dict)
        with open(input_path) as input_file:
            for line in input_file:
                match = LINE_REGEX.match(line)
                description, children = match.groups()
                if children == 'no other bags':
                for child in children.split(', '):
                    match = SUBBAG_REGEX.match(child)
                    count, child_description = match.groups()
                    requirements[description][child_description] = int(count)
        return requirements
    def get_child_count(requirements, outer_bag):
        children = requirements[outer_bag]
        if not children:
            print(f'{outer_bag}: 0')
            return 0
        total = 0
        for description, count in children.items():
            total += count
            total += count * get_child_count(requirements, description)
        print(f'{outer_bag}: {total}')
        return total
    def main():
        requirements = parse_input('007.txt')
        print(get_child_count(requirements, 'shiny gold'))
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    For part 2, I had to fix a bug in my parsing logic and actually convert the counts to integers. Since I never used them in part 1 I never noticed that bug.

    I used an actual recursive function for this one. Part 1 felt more natural to me as a "pending" queue of items, this felt more natural as a function.

    Base case for the recursion is if a bag isn't allowed to contain any other bags, its count is obviously 0.

    Recursive case is if a bag is allowed to have child bags, we need to count each of those bags, as well as the count of child bags for each of those bags. I was initially missing that count * and it was the final head-scratcher bug I had to track down.

    3 votes
  10. PapaNachos
    (edited )
    I missed the release last night because I was busy playing late night board games. So I took this one casually and decided to have some fun and go way overboard. Because of how I did it, part A...

    I missed the release last night because I was busy playing late night board games. So I took this one casually and decided to have some fun and go way overboard. Because of how I did it, part A actually ended up being slightly longer than part B

    Day 7 Part A – Python

    I went ahead and built an actual tree. First I constructed the nodes individually, noting the relationships between them via their bag name. Then, once all the nodes were built I actually made real references between them, so that each node could see its children. From there I built a recursive algorithm to check if a bag contains gold anywhere among its children.

    import re
    #database = test_data.split('.\n')
    database = input_data.split('.\n')
    left_pattern = re.compile('^([a-z]+\s[a-z]+)\sbags')
    right_pattern = re.compile('(\d)+\s([a-z]+\s[a-z]+)\sbags?')
    class bag_node(object):
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name
            self.children_count = {}
            self.children_nodes = {}
            self.contains_shiny_gold = None
        def __str__(self):
            return f'{self.name} bags contain {self.children}'
        def check_for_gold(self):
            if self.contains_shiny_gold == None:
                self.contains_shiny_gold = False
                if 'shiny gold' in self.children_count.keys():
                    self.contains_shiny_gold = True
                    return True
                    for child in self.children_nodes.values():
                        if child.contains_shiny_gold == None:
                        if child.contains_shiny_gold == True:
                            self.contains_shiny_gold = True
            return self.contains_shiny_gold
    bag_nodes = {}
    for row in database:
        container = left_pattern.search(row).group(1)
        contents = right_pattern.findall(row)
        node = bag_node(container)
        for bag in contents:
            node.children_count[bag[1]] = bag[0]
        bag_nodes[container] = node
    for bag in bag_nodes.values():
        for key in bag.children_count.keys():
            bag.children_nodes[key] = bag_nodes[key]
    gold_count = 0
    for bag in bag_nodes.values():
        if bag.check_for_gold():
            gold_count = gold_count + 1
    Day 7 Part B – Python

    I had already done the heavy lifting when I built my tree, so I just swapped out my first recursive algorithm that checked for gold for one that instead checked how many bags fit inside a given bag.

    import re
    #database = test_data_2.split('.\n')
    database = input_data.split('.\n')
    left_pattern = re.compile('^([a-z]+\s[a-z]+)\sbags')
    right_pattern = re.compile('(\d)+\s([a-z]+\s[a-z]+)\sbags?')
    class bag_node(object):
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name
            self.children_count = {}
            self.children_nodes = {}
            self.contains_shiny_gold = None
        def __str__(self):
            return f'{self.name} bags contain {self.children}'
        def contains(self):
            if len(self.children_count.keys()) == 0:
                return 0
                contents = 0
                for bag in self.children_count.keys():
                    child_multiplier = int(self.children_count[bag])
                    child_contents = self.children_nodes[bag].contains()
                    contents = contents + (child_multiplier * (child_contents + 1))
                return contents
    bag_nodes = {}
    for row in database:
        container = left_pattern.search(row).group(1)
        contents = right_pattern.findall(row)
        node = bag_node(container)
        for bag in contents:
            node.children_count[bag[1]] = bag[0]
        bag_nodes[container] = node
    for bag in bag_nodes.values():
        for key in bag.children_count.keys():
            bag.children_nodes[key] = bag_nodes[key]
    print(bag_nodes['shiny gold'].contains())
    Tips for Beginners
    • For this problem, thinking about how you store your data is very important. I built an actual data structure, which is a more elaborate way of storing data than your average array or dict. Mine is a tree which stores information about the relationships between different bags. You don't HAVE to do something like this, but it might be a fun learning exercise. And it can make your data much easier to navigate if you aren't sure what you're going to need to do with it.

    • My tree structure allowed me to use recursion which is a computer science technique where your build a process that needs to be able to use itself. For example, if I want to know how many bags a shiny gold bag, I need to know what bags are in it directly. Then I need to look at each of THOSE bags and see what's in THEM directly. Then I need to look at THOSE bag... and so on an so on. It can get quite tedious until you make it to the bottom of your pile of bags. Recursion helps simplify the behavior you want the computer to repeat by saying 'for every bag, look inside it' until you get to empty bags'

    • As usually, there are many ways to solve this problem

    3 votes
  11. 3d12
    Ugh. I stayed up until 4am coding this solution last night. I got stuck in "recursive debugging hell" in Part 2. I left all my debug in to inflame my shame below, but I'm still amazed the totaling...

    Ugh. I stayed up until 4am coding this solution last night. I got stuck in "recursive debugging hell" in Part 2. I left all my debug in to inflame my shame below, but I'm still amazed the totaling worked. I wasn't even trying to return the total, my original idea was to have the result of the recursive function be a one-dimensional array of type/amount pairs of contents, so I could map/reduce that result to get the total after-the-fact. I added the total as a return value to the recursive function as a debug tool. Finally, after much frustration, I tried it on my input and it was apparently the correct answer. I'd like to figure out how to do what I was originally trying to do at some point; maybe I'll flag this one to revisit for a refactor after the event.

    Part 1
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    let luggageArray = []
    async function openFileForReading(file) {
    	const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
    	const rl = readline.createInterface({
    		input: fileStream,
    		crlfDelay: Infinity
    	for await (const line of rl) {
    function parseContents(contents) {
    	let regex = /(((\d+) (\w+) (\w+) bag[s]?[,.])+|no other bags\.)/g;
    	let found = contents.matchAll(regex);
    	let contentsArray = [];
    	for (const match of found) {
    		if (match[3] == undefined) {
    			contentsArray.push({ type: 'none', amount: 0 });
    		} else {
    			let bagType = match[4] + ' ' + match[5];
    			let bagAmount = parseInt(match[3]);
    			contentsArray.push({ type: bagType, amount: bagAmount });
    	return contentsArray;
    function parseLine(line) {
    	let regex = /^(\w+) (\w+) bags contain (.*)$/;
    	let found = line.match(regex);
    	let adj1 = found[1];
    	let adj2 = found[2];
    	let contents = found[3];
    	let parsedContents = parseContents(contents);
    	return { bag: adj1 + ' ' + adj2,
    		contents: parsedContents };
    function allContainedBagTypes(array, bag, containedTypes = []) {
    	let currentBag = array.filter(element => element.bag == bag);
    	for (const content of currentBag[0].contents) {
    		if (content.type == "none") {
    			return containedTypes;
    		if (containedTypes.indexOf(content.type) == -1) {
    			containedTypes.concat(allContainedBagTypes(array, content.type, containedTypes));
    	return containedTypes;
    (async function mainExecution() {
    	await openFileForReading('input.txt');
    	let parsedArray = [];
    	for (const line of luggageArray) {
    	let containedTypes = parsedArray.map(element => allContainedBagTypes(parsedArray, element.bag));
    	let containsGold = containedTypes.filter(element => element.indexOf('shiny gold') != -1);
    Part 2
    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    let luggageArray = []
    async function openFileForReading(file) {
    	const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(file);
    	const rl = readline.createInterface({
    		input: fileStream,
    		crlfDelay: Infinity
    	for await (const line of rl) {
    function parseContents(contents) {
    	let regex = /(((\d+) (\w+) (\w+) bag[s]?[,.])+|no other bags\.)/g;
    	let found = contents.matchAll(regex);
    	let contentsArray = [];
    	for (const match of found) {
    		if (match[3] == undefined) {
    			contentsArray.push({ type: 'none', amount: 0 });
    		} else {
    			let bagType = match[4] + ' ' + match[5];
    			let bagAmount = parseInt(match[3]);
    			contentsArray.push({ type: bagType, amount: bagAmount });
    	return contentsArray;
    function parseLine(line) {
    	let regex = /^(\w+) (\w+) bags contain (.*)$/;
    	let found = line.match(regex);
    	let adj1 = found[1];
    	let adj2 = found[2];
    	let contents = found[3];
    	let parsedContents = parseContents(contents);
    	return { type: adj1 + ' ' + adj2,
    		contents: parsedContents };
    function allContainedBagTypes(array, bag, containedTypes = []) {
    	console.log("DEBUG: running allContainedBagTypes on " + bag.type);
    	// current position, used to get contents
    	let currentBag = array.find(element => element.type == bag.type);
    	let total = 0;
    	// loop
    	for (const contained of currentBag.contents) {
    		console.log("DEBUG: contained = " + contained.type);
    		// break condition
    		if (contained.type == 'none') {
    			console.log("DEBUG: breaking loop...");
    			containedTypes.push({ type: contained.type, amount: 0 });
    			return { total: 0, containedTypes };
    		// if value doesn't exist
    		if (!containedTypes.map(element => element.type).includes(contained.type)) {
    			// push it into the array as value of 0
    			containedTypes.push({ type: contained.type, amount: contained.amount });
    		console.log("DEBUG: containedTypes:");
    		let recurse = allContainedBagTypes(array, contained, containedTypes);
    		console.log("DEBUG: recurse:");
    		containedTypes[containedTypes.findIndex(element => element.type == contained.type)].amount += (recurse.containedTypes[containedTypes.findIndex(element => element.type == contained.type)].amount);
    		total += (recurse.total * contained.amount) + contained.amount;;
    		console.log("DEBUG: new total is: " + total);
    	console.log("DEBUG: returning from allContainedBagTypes...");
    	return { total, containedTypes };
    (async function mainExecution() {
    	await openFileForReading('input.txt');
    	let parsedArray = [];
    	for (const line of luggageArray) {
    	let containsArray = [];
    	for (const line of parsedArray) {
    		if (line.type == 'shiny gold') {
    			let temp = allContainedBagTypes(parsedArray, line);
    3 votes
  12. blitz
    I thought this one was really satisfying! Took basically all my free time today though! I thought I might need reference counting or cells to do this one but actually recursing HashMaps was good...

    I thought this one was really satisfying! Took basically all my free time today though! I thought I might need reference counting or cells to do this one but actually recursing HashMaps was good enough!


    use std::collections::HashMap;
    type BagCount = usize;
    type BagColor = String;
    type BagContainerMap = HashMap<BagColor, Vec<BagColor>>;
    type BagContainsMap = HashMap<BagColor, Vec<(BagCount, BagColor)>>;
    pub fn generate_bag_container_maps(bags: &Vec<Bag>) -> BagContainerMap {
        let mut map: HashMap<BagColor, Vec<BagColor>> = HashMap::new();
        for b in bags.iter() {
            for (_, color) in b.contents.iter() {
                match map.get_mut(color) {
                    Some(v) => v.push(b.color.clone()),
                    None => {
                        map.insert(color.clone(), vec![b.color.clone()]);
    pub fn count_bag_containers(color: &BagColor, bags: BagContainerMap) -> usize {
        let mut count = 0;
        let mut visited = Vec::new();
        let mut to_visit = vec![color];
        while to_visit.len() > 0 {
            let visiting = to_visit.pop().unwrap();
            match bags.get(visiting) {
                Some(containers) => {
                    for c in containers {
                        if !to_visit.contains(&c) && !visited.contains(&c) {
                            count += 1;
                None => ()
    pub fn generate_bag_contains_maps(bags: &Vec<Bag>) -> BagContainsMap {
        let mut map = HashMap::new();
        for b in bags {
            map.insert(b.color.clone(), b.contents.clone());
    pub fn count_bag_contents(color: &BagColor, bags: &BagContainsMap) -> usize {
        let contents = bags.get(color).unwrap();
        if contents.len() == 0 {
            return 0
        } else {
            let mut total_count = 0;
            for (count, color) in contents.iter() {
                // Count of the bags inside this bag
                total_count += count;
                // Count of the bags inside the bags inside this bag
                total_count += count_bag_contents(color, bags) * count;
            return total_count;
    #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
    pub struct Bag {
        pub color: BagColor,
        pub contents: Vec<(BagCount, BagColor)>
    impl Bag {
        pub fn from_line(line: &str) -> Bag {
            let (color, contains) = line.split_once(" bags contain ").unwrap();
            if contains == "no other bags." {
                return Bag { color: color.to_string(), contents: Vec::new() };
            } else {
                let mut contents = Vec::new();
                for b in contains.split(',') {
                    let mut bag_words = b.split_whitespace();
                    let count = bag_words.next().unwrap().parse::<usize>().expect("Expected number of bags.");
                    let c = format!("{} {}", bag_words.next().unwrap(), bag_words.next().unwrap());
                    contents.push((count, c));
                return Bag { color: color.to_string(), contents: contents };
    mod test {
        use super::*;
        fn test_contents_one() {
            let line = "bright white bags contain 1 shiny gold bag.";
            let expect = Bag { color: "bright white".to_string(), contents: vec![(1, "shiny gold".to_string())] };
            assert_eq!(Bag::from_line(&line), expect);
        fn test_contents_many() {
            let line = "vibrant plum bags contain 5 faded blue bags, 6 dotted black bags.";
            let expect = Bag { color: "vibrant plum".to_string(), contents: vec![(5, "faded blue".to_string()), (6, "dotted black".to_string())] };
            assert_eq!(Bag::from_line(&line), expect);
        fn test_contents_none() {
            let line = "dotted black bags contain no other bags.";
            let expect = Bag { color: "dotted black".to_string(), contents: vec![] };
            assert_eq!(Bag::from_line(&line), expect);
    use std::io;
    use std::io::prelude::*;
    use day7::{
    fn main() {
        let stdin = io::stdin();
        let lines: Vec<String> = stdin
            .collect::<Result<_, _>>()
        let mut bags = Vec::new();
        for line in lines {
        let bag_map = generate_bag_container_maps(&bags);
        let shiny_gold_count = count_bag_containers(&("shiny gold".to_string()), bag_map);
        let contains_map = generate_bag_contains_maps(&bags);
        let part_2 = count_bag_contents(&("shiny gold".to_string()), &contains_map);
        println!("Part 1: {}", shiny_gold_count);
        println!("Part 2: {}", part_2);
    3 votes
  13. Crespyl
    Ruby A little slow getting started on this one, but I got there in the end. Not thrilled with my rule parsing, but it works. Part 1 #!/usr/bin/env ruby require "set" input = File.read(ARGV[0] ||...


    A little slow getting started on this one, but I got there in the end. Not thrilled with my rule parsing, but it works.

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    require "set"
    input = File.read(ARGV[0] || "test2.txt")
    rules = {}
    input.lines.each do |line|
      outer_bag, inner = line.split("bags contain").map(&:strip)
      inner = inner.gsub(/\./,'')
                .reject{ |s| s == "no other bags" }
                .map { |s| c = s.match(/(\d+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(.+)/).captures
                           [c[0].to_i, c[1] << " " << c[2]] }
      rules[outer_bag] = inner
    def find_containers(rules, target)
      containers = Set.new
      rules.each do |container, contained|
        if contained.any? { |rule| rule[1] == target }
          containers += find_containers(rules, container)
      return containers
    puts "Part 1"
    puts find_containers(rules, "shiny gold").size
    Part 2
    def score_bag(rules, target)
      rules[target].reduce(1) do |sum, rule|
        sum + (rule[0] * score_bag(rules, rule[1]))
    puts "Part 2"
    puts score_bag(rules, "shiny gold") - 1 #sub one for the gold bag itself
    2 votes
  14. OrangeBacon
    Rust This one seemed much harder than the previous days. I spent a while fighting the borrow checker/learning how to use rc + refcell to get the compiler to be happy. Repo link Solution to both...


    This one seemed much harder than the previous days. I spent a while fighting the borrow checker/learning how to use rc + refcell to get the compiler to be happy.

    Repo link

    Solution to both parts
    use regex::Regex;
    use std::cell::RefCell;
    use std::collections::HashMap;
    use std::rc::Rc;
    #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
    struct Bag {
        name: String,
        contains: Vec<(u32, Rc<RefCell<Bag>>)>,
    pub fn day07(input: String) {
        let mut bags: HashMap<String, Rc<RefCell<Bag>>> = HashMap::new();
        let input: Vec<Vec<_>> = input
            .map(|x| x.split("contain").collect())
        let remove_bag_suffix = Regex::new(r" (bag|bags)\.*$").unwrap();
        for line in input {
            let name = remove_bag_suffix.replace(line[0].trim(), "");
            let contains: Vec<_> = line[1]
                .map(|x| remove_bag_suffix.replace(x.trim(), ""))
            let contains = contains
                .map(|x| x.splitn(2, " ").collect::<Vec<_>>())
                .map(|x| {
                    if x[0] == "no" {
                    } else {
                        Some((x[0].parse::<u32>().unwrap(), x[1]))
                .filter(|&x| x != None)
                .map(|x| x.unwrap())
                .map(|(num, x)| {
                    let bag = if bags.contains_key(&String::from(x)) {
                    } else {
                            Rc::new(RefCell::new(Bag {
                                name: String::from(x),
                                contains: vec![],
                    (num, bag)
            let bag = if bags.contains_key(&String::from(name.clone())) {
            } else {
                    Rc::new(RefCell::new(Bag {
                        name: String::from(name.clone()),
                        contains: vec![],
            bag.borrow_mut().contains = contains;
        fn find_recurse(bag: Rc<RefCell<Bag>>) -> bool {
            bag.borrow().contains.iter().fold(false, |acc, val| {
                acc | (val.1.borrow().name == "shiny gold")
                    | (find_recurse(Rc::new(RefCell::new(val.1.borrow().clone()))))
        let res = bags.iter().fold(0, |acc, (_, bag)| {
            if find_recurse(bag.clone()) {
                acc + 1
            } else {
        println!("{}", res);
        fn count_recurse(bag: Rc<RefCell<Bag>>) -> u32 {
            bag.borrow().contains.iter().fold(1, |acc, val| {
                acc + val.0 * count_recurse(Rc::new(RefCell::new(val.1.borrow().clone())))
        let res = Rc::new(RefCell::new(
            bags.get("shiny gold").unwrap().borrow().clone(),
        println!("{}", count_recurse(res) - 1);
    2 votes
  15. clone1
    (edited )
    MIT scheme Part 1 & 2 Part one is very inefficient but it works. I guess the way to improve it would be to memoize or make an association of bags to their containing bags. (define (get-lines...

    MIT scheme

    Part 1 & 2 Part one is very inefficient but it works. I guess the way to improve it would be to memoize or make an association of bags to their containing bags.
    (define (get-lines parse-line)
      (with-input-from-file "input"
        (lambda ()
          (let loop ((line (read-line))
                     (lines '()))
            (if (eof-object? line)
                (reverse lines)
                (loop (read-line)
                      (cons (parse-line line) lines)))))))
    (define (try-match-exact pattern string)
      (regsexp-match-string (compile-regsexp
                             (append '(seq (line-start))
    (define (bag-str->symbol str)
      (string->symbol (string-replace (string-downcase str)
    (define (parse-bag line)
      (let* ((bag-name '(seq (* (char-in alphabetic)) #\space (* (char-in alphabetic))))
             (matches (try-match-exact
                       `((group k ,bag-name)
                         "bag" (? #\s)
                         " contain"
                         (alt " no other bags."
                              (* (seq #\space (group n (* (char-in numeric)))
                                      #\space (group b ,bag-name)
                                      #\space "bag" (? #\s) (alt #\, #\.)))))
        (if (not matches) (begin (display "Parse failed: ") (display line) (newline))
            (let* ((groups (cddr matches))
                   (bag (bag-str->symbol (cdar groups)))
                   (inner (cdr groups)))
              (cons bag
                    (if (null? inner) '()
                        (map (lambda (n b)
                               (cons (string->number (cdr n))
                                     (bag-str->symbol (cdr b))))
                             (filter (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) 'n)) inner)
                             (filter (lambda (x) (eq? (car x) 'b)) inner))))))))
    (define (contains? alst bag target)
      (if (eq? bag target) #t
          (any (lambda (n-bag-pair) (contains? alst (cdr n-bag-pair) target))
               (cdr (assq bag alst)))))
    (define (one lines)
      (- (count (lambda (bag) (contains? lines (car bag) 'shiny-gold))
    (define (sum lst)
      (fold + 0 lst))
    (define (bags-in alst bag)
      (let ((contents (cdr (assq bag alst))))
        (if (null? contents) 1
            (+ (sum (map (lambda (n-bag-pair)
                           (* (car n-bag-pair)
                              (bags-in alst (cdr n-bag-pair))))
    (define (two lines)
      (- (bags-in lines 'shiny-gold)
    (define (run lines)
        (display "One: ")
        (display (one lines))
        (display "Two: ")
        (display (two lines))
    (run (get-lines parse-bag))
    Part 1 memoized Went ahead and memoized part one with a hash table and a closure. Went from .5sec to 0sec
    (define (make-memoized-contains? alst target)
      (let ((memo-table (make-strong-eq-hash-table)))
        (define (contains? bag)
          (if (eq? bag target) #t
              (let ((memo-val (hash-table/get memo-table bag '())))
                (if (not (null? memo-val)) memo-val
                    (let ((result (any (lambda (n-bag-pair) (contains? (cdr n-bag-pair)))
                                       (cdr (assq bag alst)))))
                      (hash-table/put! memo-table bag result)
    (define (one lines)
      (let ((contains? (make-memoized-contains? lines 'shiny-gold))
            (bag-list (filter (lambda (bag) (not (eq? bag 'shiny-gold)))
                              (map car lines))))
        (count contains? bag-list)))
    2 votes
  16. Gyrfalcon
    Language: Julia Repository This one was kind of gross to look it to start, but was actually not too bad in the end. I used some recursive-ish functions, they don't really look like the textbook...

    This one was kind of gross to look it to start, but was actually not too bad in the end. I used some recursive-ish functions, they don't really look like the textbook idea of recursion but that is how they work for the most part. I was also pleased to find, since I am still pretty new to Julia, that a function for accessing dictionaries with a default response to a missing keys was present by default, which made my life a little easier.

    Part 1
    # Find how many bags can hide a target bag, kinda recursively
    function hide_bag(target, bags, current)
        # We can't hide a bag in itself
        if current == target
            return false
        # Can't hide a bag in a bag that's not real
        curr_contents = get(bags, current, nothing)
        if isa(curr_contents, Nothing)
            return false
        # Check if our current bag holds our target, if not, check the bags it does hold
        curr_bag_types = [content[1] for content in curr_contents]
        if target in curr_bag_types
            return true
            return any([hide_bag(target, bags, new_bag) for new_bag in curr_bag_types])
    function main()
        # Get the input
        input = []
        open("Day07/input.txt") do fp
            input = split.(readlines(fp), ' ')
        # Do the gross work of parsing the input into a dictionary
        bag_mapping = Dict()
        for line in input
            bag = line[1] * " " * line[2]
            if line[5] == "no"
                bag_mapping[bag] = nothing
            idx = 5
            contents = []
            # This could probably be a for loop, but eh
            while idx < length(line)
                number = parse(Int, line[idx])
                inside_bag = line[idx+1] * " " * line[idx+2]
                push!(contents, (inside_bag, number))
                idx += 4
            bag_mapping[bag] = contents
        # Calculate and print results
        result_1 = count([hide_bag("shiny gold", bag_mapping, bag) for bag in keys(bag_mapping)])
        println("Result for part 1 is ", result_1)
    Part 2 diff
    @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ function hide_bag(target, bags, current)
             return false
    -    # Can't hide a bag in a bag that's not real
    +    # Can't hide a bag in a bag that's not real or empty
         curr_contents = get(bags, current, nothing)
         if isa(curr_contents, Nothing)
             return false
    @@ -22,6 +22,22 @@ function hide_bag(target, bags, current)
    +# Find out how many bags must be in a bag, kinda recursively
    +function number_contained(bags, current)
    +    # If a bag doesn't have anything in it, it's 1 bag
    +    curr_contents = get(bags, current, nothing)
    +    if isa(curr_contents, Nothing)
    +        return 1
    +    else
    +        # Otherwise it's one bag plus the quantities of bags it contains times
    +        # how many bags they in turn contain
    +        curr_bag_types = [content[1] for content in curr_contents]
    +        curr_bag_nums = [content[2] for content in curr_contents]
    +        return 1 + sum(curr_bag_nums .* [number_contained(bags, type) for type in curr_bag_types])
    +    end
     function main()
         # Get the input
    @@ -55,6 +71,10 @@ function main()
         # Calculate and print results
         result_1 = count([hide_bag("shiny gold", bag_mapping, bag) for bag in keys(bag_mapping)])
         println("Result for part 1 is ", result_1)
    +    # This is a hack to discount the very top bag, but eh
    +    result_2 = number_contained(bag_mapping, "shiny gold") - 1
    +    println("Result for part 2 is ", result_2)

    Also, I decided to do some performance comparison between my PC and my Pi using the different optimization levels of the Julia compiler. I just tested 0, which is no optimization, and 3, which is the highest level of optimization. I believe 2 is the default.

    Ryzen 5 2600 vs Raspberry Pi, 0 Optimization
    # PC
      memory estimate:  54.36 MiB
      allocs estimate:  1206470
      minimum time:     154.670 ms (1.68% GC)
      median time:      157.183 ms (1.66% GC)
      mean time:        157.939 ms (2.00% GC)
      maximum time:     164.645 ms (1.60% GC)
      samples:          32
      evals/sample:     1
    # Pi
      memory estimate:  54.36 MiB
      allocs estimate:  1206470
      minimum time:     1.447 s (1.59% GC)
      median time:      1.452 s (1.58% GC)
      mean time:        1.468 s (1.56% GC)
      maximum time:     1.522 s (1.47% GC)
      samples:          4
      evals/sample:     1
    Ryzen 5 2600 vs Raspberry Pi, 3 Optimization
    # PC
      memory estimate:  54.36 MiB
      allocs estimate:  1206470
      minimum time:     137.153 ms (2.24% GC)
      median time:      143.299 ms (2.16% GC)
      mean time:        143.782 ms (2.69% GC)
      maximum time:     155.217 ms (2.79% GC)
      samples:          35
      evals/sample:     1
    # Pi
      memory estimate:  54.36 MiB
      allocs estimate:  1206470
      minimum time:     1.290 s (1.81% GC)
      median time:      1.295 s (1.79% GC)
      mean time:        1.312 s (1.76% GC)
      maximum time:     1.366 s (1.66% GC)
      samples:          4
      evals/sample:     1

    Performance is helped a little with the higher levels of optimization, but I have a feeling I'm doing some things in this challenge that are not great practice in Julia, leading to slowdowns.

    2 votes
  17. wycy
    (edited )
    Rust Spoilers Recursion hurts my brain. Updated for my cleaned up solution. Rust solution (cleaned up) use std::env; use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader}; use std::fs::File; extern crate...


    Spoilers Recursion hurts my brain.

    Updated for my cleaned up solution.

    Rust solution (cleaned up)
    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader};
    use std::fs::File;
    extern crate regex;
    use regex::Regex;
    extern crate itertools;
    use itertools::Itertools;
    struct Regulation {
        color: String,
        contains: Vec<Bag>,
    impl Regulation {
        pub fn new(input: &str) -> Regulation {
            let parts: Vec<_> = input.split(" contain ").collect();
            let re = Regex::new(r"^(\w+ \w+) bags$").unwrap();
            let matches = re.captures(&parts[0]).unwrap();
            let color: String = matches[1].parse().unwrap();
            let contains: Vec<Bag> = match parts[1] {
                "no other bags." => Vec::new(),
                _ => parts[1].split(",").map(|x| Bag::from_string(x)).collect(),
            Regulation {
                color: color,
                contains: contains,
    struct Bag {
        color: String,
        number: usize,
    impl Bag {
        pub fn from_string(input: &str) -> Bag {
            let re = Regex::new(r"(\d+) (\w+ \w+) bag").unwrap();
            let matches = re.captures(input).unwrap();
            let number: usize = matches[1].parse().unwrap();
            let color: String = matches[2].parse().unwrap();
            Bag {
                color: color,
                number: number,
    fn possible_containers(regs: &[Regulation], containers_for: &str) -> Vec<String> {
        let mut containers: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
        let applicable_regs = regs.iter().filter(|r| r.contains.iter().any(|b| b.color == containers_for));
        for reg in applicable_regs {
            containers.push(reg.color.clone()); // direct containers
            containers.append(&mut possible_containers(&regs, &reg.color)); // recursive containers
    fn bag_count(regs: &[Regulation], containers_for: &str) -> usize {
            .filter(|r| r.color == containers_for)
            .map(|r| {
                r.contains.iter().map(|x| x.number).sum::<usize>() + // direct containers
                r.contains.iter().map(|c| &c.number*bag_count(&regs, &c.color)).sum::<usize>() // recursive containers
    fn day07(input: &str) {
        let file = File::open(input).expect("Input file not found.");
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        let input: Vec<String> = match reader.lines().collect() {
            Err(err) => panic!("Unknown error reading input: {}", err),
            Ok(result) => result,
        let regs: Vec<Regulation> = input.iter().map(|x| Regulation::new(x)).collect();
        // Part 1
        let part1 = possible_containers(&regs, "shiny gold").iter().unique().count();
        println!("Part 1: {}", part1); // 348
        // Part 2
        let part2 = bag_count(&regs, "shiny gold");
        println!("Part 2: {}", part2); // 18885
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
    Rust solution (original)
    use std::env;
    use std::io::{self, prelude::*, BufReader};
    use std::fs::File;
    extern crate regex;
    use regex::Regex;
    extern crate itertools;
    use itertools::Itertools;
    struct Regulation {
        color: String,
        contains: Vec<Bag>,
    impl Regulation {
        pub fn new(input: &str) -> Regulation {
            let parts: Vec<_> = input.split(" contain ").collect();
            let re = Regex::new(r"^(\w+ \w+) bags$").unwrap();
            let matches = re.captures(&parts[0]).unwrap();
            let color: String = matches[1].parse().unwrap();
            let contains: Vec<Bag> = match parts[1] {
                "no other bags." => Vec::new(),
                _ => parts[1].split(",").map(|x| Bag::from_string(x)).collect(),
            Regulation {
                color: color,
                contains: contains,
    struct Bag {
        color: String,
        number: usize,
    impl Bag {
        pub fn from_string(input: &str) -> Bag {
            let re = Regex::new(r"(\d+) (\w+ \w+) bag").unwrap();
            let matches = re.captures(input).unwrap();
            let number: usize = matches[1].parse().unwrap();
            let color: String = matches[2].parse().unwrap();
            Bag {
                color: color,
                number: number,
    fn possible_containers(regs: &[Regulation], containers_for: &str) -> Vec<String> {
        let mut direct_containers: Vec<String> = regs
            .filter(|r| r.contains.iter().any(|b| b.color == containers_for))
            .map(|r| r.color.clone())
        let mut container_containers: Vec<String> = direct_containers.iter()
            .map(|c| possible_containers(&regs, &c))
        direct_containers.append(&mut container_containers);
    fn bag_count(regs: &[Regulation], containers_for: &str) -> usize {
        let contains: usize = regs
            .filter(|r| r.color == containers_for)
            .map(|r| r.contains.iter().map(|x| x.number).sum::<usize>())
        let indirect: usize = regs
            .filter(|r| r.color == containers_for)
            .map(|r| r.contains.iter().map(|c| &c.number*bag_count(&regs, &c.color)).sum::<usize>())
        contains + indirect
    fn main() {
        let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
        let filename = &args[1];
    fn day07(input: &str) {
        let file = File::open(input).expect("Input file not found.");
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        let input: Vec<String> = match reader.lines().collect() {
            Err(err) => panic!("Unknown error reading input: {}", err),
            Ok(result) => result,
        let regs: Vec<Regulation> = input.iter().map(|x| Regulation::new(x)).collect();
        // Part 1
        let part1 = possible_containers(&regs, "shiny gold").iter().unique().count();
        println!("Part 1: {}", part1); // 348
        // Part 2
        let part2 = bag_count(&regs, "shiny gold");
        println!("Part 2: {}", part2); // 18885
    1 vote