poweruserplus's recent activity
Comment on What are you an "expert" on? in ~talk
Comment on US Attorney General William Barr releases Robert Mueller Report’s principal conclusion in ~society
poweruserplus excellent point. people should always read these things for themselves. they are not hard to understand and the media will NOT accurately represent the information. God forbid it's tech or science...excellent point. people should always read these things for themselves. they are not hard to understand and the media will NOT accurately represent the information. God forbid it's tech or science related.
Comment on EU leaders have agreed on a plan to delay the Article 50 process, postponing Brexit beyond 29 March in ~society
poweruserplus i agree. plenty going around, of all types.i agree. plenty going around, of all types.
Comment on What would happen if we just gave people money? in ~finance
poweruserplus if UBI were to happen here, we would need to build a moatif UBI were to happen here, we would need to build a moat
Comment on EU leaders have agreed on a plan to delay the Article 50 process, postponing Brexit beyond 29 March in ~society
poweruserplus inching closer and closer towards the inevitable revote. the best way to subvert the will of the people, simply ask them the same question twice, but propagandize heavily in between.inching closer and closer towards the inevitable revote. the best way to subvert the will of the people, simply ask them the same question twice, but propagandize heavily in between.
Comment on The best album ever in ~music
poweruserplus primus - frizzle fryprimus - frizzle fry
Comment on What books are best experienced through a physical copy? in ~books
poweruserplus i read the version on the google play store, using the play books app. worked perfectly.i read the version on the google play store, using the play books app. worked perfectly.
Comment on What books are best experienced through a physical copy? in ~books
poweruserplus (edited )Link Parentinfinite jest was infinitely easier to read on my phone. i could highlight a footnote or just click it and itll bring me there, then go right back, instead of flipping through hundreds of pages...infinite jest was infinitely easier to read on my phone. i could highlight a footnote or just click it and itll bring me there, then go right back, instead of flipping through hundreds of pages constantly.
edit: another advantage is i can pull any section of the book up at any time if i have a minute to kill and will always find something entertaining as hell.
Comment on Best works from the Beat Generation? in ~books
poweruserplus just dive right in with Naked Lunch, have no fear.just dive right in with Naked Lunch, have no fear.
Comment on Are any other Tilders Red Dead Redemption 2 Junkies like I am? in ~games
poweruserplus about 80% of the way through story, too depressing to finish. gave online an honest go, it is a wasteland. when i do return, i usually end up hunting or customizing my guns or whatever. i'll...about 80% of the way through story, too depressing to finish. gave online an honest go, it is a wasteland. when i do return, i usually end up hunting or customizing my guns or whatever. i'll finish the story eventually.
Comment on today is a good day. how ya doin? in ~talk
poweruserplus watching the super bowl and eating lots of food and having a good time with the fam (mom dad brother cousin) for the first time in years after insanely difficult times and everything falling apart...watching the super bowl and eating lots of food and having a good time with the fam (mom dad brother cousin) for the first time in years after insanely difficult times and everything falling apart over and over. it's miraculous.
there is nothing in the world more important than those people... you know who they are. do everything you can to make things right with them and yourself and sleep comes easy.
fuck the pats
Comment on What is your alcoholic drink of choice? in ~talk
poweruserplus i like damrak gin. a lot of bars around here use hendrick's, which is ok.i like damrak gin. a lot of bars around here use hendrick's, which is ok.
Comment on Microsoft Edge browser flags Daily Mail Online as untrustworthy in ~tech
poweruserplus that is a pretty good example. i guess it would take something like google doing a blanket ban of anti-vaccine sites to make a big difference, which would lead to other issues and inevitably get...that is a pretty good example. i guess it would take something like google doing a blanket ban of anti-vaccine sites to make a big difference, which would lead to other issues and inevitably get messy, so hopefully it doesn't happen.
Comment on Microsoft Edge browser flags Daily Mail Online as untrustworthy in ~tech
poweruserplus (edited )Link Parentthe issue is, if no one is doing this work out of the goodness of their heart, the entity responsible for judging content will inevitably have an agenda tied to the source of their funding. edit:...the issue is, if no one is doing this work out of the goodness of their heart, the entity responsible for judging content will inevitably have an agenda tied to the source of their funding.
edit: so we're just adding another layer of potential untrustworthiness to the situation, you feel me? and honestly, picture the type of person that cannot tell a "real" article from a "real" news site from what would be, to you and i, an obviously shady/biased "news" source, or some wacko's blog. what does it matter if the person in question is tricked? it's unlikely they have an impactful place in society if so naive. so i fail to see why any of this is necessary. and it all comes so close to censorship, it gives me the creeps.
Comment on Microsoft Edge browser flags Daily Mail Online as untrustworthy in ~tech
poweruserplus and the guardian is such a top-tier news site that this "story" gets reported on. in all seriousness, who cares what these tools have to say? nothing will replace research skills.and the guardian is such a top-tier news site that this "story" gets reported on.
in all seriousness, who cares what these tools have to say? nothing will replace research skills.
Comment on President Donald Trump directed his attorney Michael Cohen to lie to US Congress about the Moscow Tower project in ~news
poweruserplus buzzfeed is hardly a serious news organization, kind of surprised how quickly sourcing goes out the window when a certain someone is involved, even on here.buzzfeed is hardly a serious news organization, kind of surprised how quickly sourcing goes out the window when a certain someone is involved, even on here.
Comment on President Donald Trump directed his attorney Michael Cohen to lie to US Congress about the Moscow Tower project in ~news
poweruserplus this article has since proven to be false.this article has since proven to be false.
Comment on Children of Ted - Two decades after his last deadly act of ecoterrorism, the Unabomber has become an unlikely prophet to a new generation of acolytes in ~humanities.history
poweruserplus the unintended consequences of technology.the unintended consequences of technology.
Comment on What will happen in 2019? in ~talk
poweruserplus standup specials will decline in quality until the format dies completely.standup specials will decline in quality until the format dies completely.
Comment on So Spoke Zarathustra in ~creative
poweruserplus great stuff. sang this to myself. dont have a great voice, but the melody ideas are what counts. could make a midi thing when i'm next on the rig.great stuff. sang this to myself. dont have a great voice, but the melody ideas are what counts. could make a midi thing when i'm next on the rig.
music production. i'm an audio engineer, so figuring out how an artist got a certain sound, hearing things no ear has heard before, the magic of music... so i'd say that.