primordial-soup's recent activity

  1. Comment on Day 11: Monkey in the Middle in ~comp

    Part 1, in Python-ish ms = (ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == "")) | fe(p | "\n".join | (re.match, inspect.cleandoc( r""" Monkey \d+: Starting items: (.*) Operation: new = (.*) Test: divisible by...
    Part 1, in Python-ish
    ms = (ls > p
          | (split_at, X, ~(X == ""))
          | fe(p
               | "\n".join
               | (re.match, inspect.cleandoc(
                 Monkey \d+:
                   Starting items: (.*)
                   Operation: new = (.*)
                   Test: divisible by (\d+)
                     If true: throw to monkey (\d+)
                     If false: throw to monkey (\d+)"""))
               | X.groups()
               | (λ gs: {"ws": gs[0].split(", ") > fe(int) | deque,
                         "op": eval(f"λ old: {gs[1]}"),
                         "mod": int(gs[2]),
                         "br": (int(gs[3]), int(gs[4])),
                         "i": 0}))
          | tuple)
    for _ in range(20):
        for m in ms:
            m["i"] += len(m["ws"])
            while m["ws"]:
                w = m["op"](m["ws"].popleft()) // 3
                ms[m["br"][bool(w % m["mod"])]]["ws"].append(w)
    ms > fe(X["i"]) | sort | (tail, 2) | (reduce, mul)
    Python code generated from the above
    from collections import deque
    from functools import reduce
    from more_itertools import split_at
    from more_itertools import tail
    from operator import mul
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import pipe
    from pipetools import sort
    import inspect
    import re
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    ms = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == '')) | fe(p | '\n'.join | (re.match, inspect.cleandoc('\n             Monkey \\d+:\n               Starting items: (.*)\n               Operation: new = (.*)\n               Test: divisible by (\\d+)\n                 If true: throw to monkey (\\d+)\n                 If false: throw to monkey (\\d+)')) | X.groups() | (lambda gs: {'ws': gs[0].split(', ') > fe(int) | deque, 'op': eval(f'lambda old: {gs[1]}'), 'mod': int(gs[2]), 'br': (int(gs[3]), int(gs[4])), 'i': 0})) | tuple
    for _ in range(20):
        for m in ms:
            m['i'] += len(m['ws'])
            while m['ws']:
                w = m['op'](m['ws'].popleft()) // 3
                ms[m['br'][bool(w % m['mod'])]]['ws'].append(w)
    output = ms > fe(X['i']) | sort | (tail, 2) | (reduce, mul)
    if output is not None:
    Part 2, in Python-ish
    ms = (ls > p
          | (split_at, X, ~(X == ""))
          | fe(p
               | "\n".join
               | (re.match, inspect.cleandoc(
                 Monkey \d+:
                   Starting items: (.*)
                   Operation: new = (.*)
                   Test: divisible by (\d+)
                     If true: throw to monkey (\d+)
                     If false: throw to monkey (\d+)"""))
               | X.groups()
               | (λ gs: {"ws": gs[0].split(", ") > fe(int) | deque,
                         "op": eval(f"λ old: {gs[1]}"),
                         "mod": int(gs[2]),
                         "br": (int(gs[3]), int(gs[4])),
                         "i": 0}))
          | tuple)
    mod = ms > fe(X["mod"]) | as_args(lcm)
    for _ in range(10_000):
        for m in ms:
            m["i"] += len(m["ws"])
            while m["ws"]:
                w = m["op"](m["ws"].popleft()) % mod
                ms[m["br"][bool(w % m["mod"])]]["ws"].append(w)
    ms > fe(X["i"]) | sort | (tail, 2) | (reduce, mul)
    Python code generated from the above
    from collections import deque
    from functools import reduce
    from math import lcm
    from more_itertools import split_at
    from more_itertools import tail
    from operator import mul
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import as_args
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import pipe
    from pipetools import sort
    import inspect
    import re
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    ms = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == '')) | fe(p | '\n'.join | (re.match, inspect.cleandoc('\n             Monkey \\d+:\n               Starting items: (.*)\n               Operation: new = (.*)\n               Test: divisible by (\\d+)\n                 If true: throw to monkey (\\d+)\n                 If false: throw to monkey (\\d+)')) | X.groups() | (lambda gs: {'ws': gs[0].split(', ') > fe(int) | deque, 'op': eval(f'lambda old: {gs[1]}'), 'mod': int(gs[2]), 'br': (int(gs[3]), int(gs[4])), 'i': 0})) | tuple
    mod = ms > fe(X['mod']) | as_args(lcm)
    for _ in range(10000):
        for m in ms:
            m['i'] += len(m['ws'])
            while m['ws']:
                w = m['op'](m['ws'].popleft()) % mod
                ms[m['br'][bool(w % m['mod'])]]['ws'].append(w)
    output = ms > fe(X['i']) | sort | (tail, 2) | (reduce, mul)
    if output is not None:
    3 votes
  2. Comment on Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube in ~comp

    Link Parent
    ah! i assumed it was done automatically. thanks for doing this :)

    ah! i assumed it was done automatically. thanks for doing this :)

    2 votes
  3. Comment on Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube in ~comp

    the problem title appears to be missing from the tildes title today.

    the problem title appears to be missing from the tildes title today.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube in ~comp

    (edited )
    Part 1, in Python-ish c, x = 0, 1 scores = [] def cycle(): global c c += 1 scores.append(c * x) for l in ls: cycle() if l != "noop": cycle() x += int(l.split()[1]) sum(scores[c] for c in (20 + 40...
    Part 1, in Python-ish
    c, x = 0, 1
    scores = []
    def cycle():
        global c
        c += 1
        scores.append(c * x)
    for l in ls:
        if l != "noop":
            x += int(l.split()[1])
    sum(scores[c] for c in (20 + 40 * i - 1 for i in range(6)))
    Python code generated from the above
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    (c, x) = (0, 1)
    scores = []
    def cycle():
        global c
        c += 1
        scores.append(c * x)
    for l in ls:
        if l != 'noop':
            x += int(l.split()[1])
    output = sum((scores[c] for c in (20 + 40 * i - 1 for i in range(6))))
    if output is not None:
    Part 2, in Python-ish
    c, x = 0, 1
    screen = np.full((6, 40), False)
    def cycle():
        global c
        c += 1
        i, j = np.unravel_index(c - 1, screen.shape)
        screen[i, j] = x - 1 <= j <= x + 1
    for l in ls:
        if l != "noop":
            x += int(l.split()[1])
    for i in range(screen.shape[0]):
        for j in range(screen.shape[1]):
            print(" #"[screen[i, j]], end="")
    Python code generated from the above
    import sys
    import numpy as np
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    (c, x) = (0, 1)
    screen = np.full((6, 40), False)
    def cycle():
        global c
        c += 1
        (i, j) = np.unravel_index(c - 1, screen.shape)
        screen[i, j] = x - 1 <= j <= x + 1
    for l in ls:
        if l != 'noop':
            x += int(l.split()[1])
    for i in range(screen.shape[0]):
        for j in range(screen.shape[1]):
            print(' #'[screen[i, j]], end='')
    4 votes
  5. Comment on Day 6: Tuning Trouble in ~comp

    Link Parent
    thanks for linking to this! @Gyrfalcon—you won't find it searching "Python-ish" online, that's just a name i made up for the purpose of posting AoC solutions to Tildes :)

    thanks for linking to this!

    @Gyrfalcon—you won't find it searching "Python-ish" online, that's just a name i made up for the purpose of posting AoC solutions to Tildes :)

    3 votes
  6. Comment on Day 9: Rope Bridge in ~comp

    (edited )
    Part 1, in Python-ish step = {"R": (1, 0), "L": (-1, 0), "D": (0, 1), "U": (0, -1)} head = np.full(2, 0, dtype=object) tail = np.full(2, 0, dtype=object) visited = {tuple(tail)} for l in ls: inst,...
    Part 1, in Python-ish
    step = {"R": (1, 0), "L": (-1, 0), "D": (0, 1), "U": (0, -1)}
    head = np.full(2, 0, dtype=object)
    tail = np.full(2, 0, dtype=object)
    visited = {tuple(tail)}
    for l in ls:
        inst, n_str = l.split()
        for _ in range(int(n_str)):
            head += step[inst]
            if any(abs(diff := head - tail) > 1):
                tail += np.sign(diff)
    Python code generated from the above
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    import numpy as np
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    step = {'R': (1, 0), 'L': (-1, 0), 'D': (0, 1), 'U': (0, -1)}
    head = np.full(2, 0, dtype=object)
    tail = np.full(2, 0, dtype=object)
    visited = {tuple(tail)}
    for l in ls:
        (inst, n_str) = l.split()
        for _ in range(int(n_str)):
            head += step[inst]
            if any(abs((diff := (head - tail))) > 1):
                tail += np.sign(diff)
    output = len(visited)
    if output is not None:
    Part 2, in Python-ish
    step = {"R": (1, 0), "L": (-1, 0), "D": (0, 1), "U": (0, -1)}
    knots = np.full((10, 2), 0, dtype=object)
    visited = {tuple(knots[-1])}
    for l in ls:
        inst, n_str = l.split()
        for _ in range(int(n_str)):
            knots[0] += step[inst]
            for i in range(1, len(knots)):
                if any(abs(diff := knots[i - 1] - knots[i]) > 1):
                    knots[i] += np.sign(diff)
    Python code generated from the above
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    import numpy as np
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    step = {'R': (1, 0), 'L': (-1, 0), 'D': (0, 1), 'U': (0, -1)}
    knots = np.full((10, 2), 0, dtype=object)
    visited = {tuple(knots[-1])}
    for l in ls:
        (inst, n_str) = l.split()
        for _ in range(int(n_str)):
            knots[0] += step[inst]
            for i in range(1, len(knots)):
                if any(abs((diff := (knots[i - 1] - knots[i]))) > 1):
                    knots[i] += np.sign(diff)
    output = len(visited)
    if output is not None:
    3 votes
  7. Comment on Day 6: Tuning Trouble in ~comp

    (edited )
    Part 1, in Python-ish (l > p | (windowed, X, 4) | (locate, X, all_unique) | first) + 4 Python code generated from the above from more_itertools import all_unique from more_itertools import first...
    Part 1, in Python-ish
    (l > p
     | (windowed, X, 4)
     | (locate, X, all_unique)
     | first) + 4
    Python code generated from the above
    from more_itertools import all_unique
    from more_itertools import first
    from more_itertools import locate
    from more_itertools import windowed
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import pipe
    import sys
    p = pipe
    for l in sys.stdin:
        l = l.rstrip('\n')
        output = (l > p | (windowed, X, 4) | (locate, X, all_unique) | first) + 4
        if output is not None:

    sed 's/4/14/' for Part 2.

    6 votes
  8. Comment on Day 5: Supply Stacks in ~comp

    Link Parent
    day 13 last year had a string answer

    day 13 last year had a string answer

    3 votes
  9. Comment on Day 5: Supply Stacks in ~comp

    (edited )
    Part 1, in Python-ish (*ls_top, ls_top_last), ls_btm = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == "")) stacks = (ls_top > fe(X.ljust(len(ls_top_last) + 1)) | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe("".join)) |...
    Part 1, in Python-ish
    (*ls_top, ls_top_last), ls_btm = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == ""))
    stacks = (ls_top
              > fe(X.ljust(len(ls_top_last) + 1))
              | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe("".join))
              | as_args(zip)
              | fe(fe(X[1])
                   | where(X != " ")
                   | always_reversible | list)
              | tuple)
    for n, i, f in (ls_btm
                    > fe((, r"move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)")
                         | X.groups() | fe(int))):
         for _ in range(n):
              stacks[f - 1].append(stacks[i - 1].pop())
    stacks > fe(X[-1]) | "".join
    Python code generated from the above
    from more_itertools import always_reversible
    from more_itertools import chunked
    from more_itertools import split_at
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import as_args
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import pipe
    from pipetools import where
    import re
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    ((*ls_top, ls_top_last), ls_btm) = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == ''))
    stacks = ls_top > fe(X.ljust(len(ls_top_last) + 1)) | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe(''.join)) | as_args(zip) | fe(fe(X[1]) | where(X != ' ') | always_reversible | list) | tuple
    for (n, i, f) in ls_btm > fe((, 'move (\\d+) from (\\d+) to (\\d+)') | X.groups() | fe(int)):
        for _ in range(n):
            stacks[f - 1].append(stacks[i - 1].pop())
    output = stacks > fe(X[-1]) | ''.join
    if output is not None:
    Part 2, in Python-ish
    (*ls_top, ls_top_last), ls_btm = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == ""))
    stacks = (ls_top
              > fe(X.ljust(len(ls_top_last) + 1))
              | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe("".join))
              | as_args(zip)
              | fe(fe(X[1])
                   | where(X != " ")
                   | always_reversible | list)
              | list)
    for n, i, f in (ls_btm
                    > fe((, r"move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)")
                         | X.groups() | fe(int))):
         stacks[f - 1] += stacks[i - 1][-n:]
         stacks[i - 1] = stacks[i - 1][:-n]
    stacks > fe(X[-1]) | "".join
    Python code generated from the above
    from more_itertools import always_reversible
    from more_itertools import chunked
    from more_itertools import split_at
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import as_args
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import pipe
    from pipetools import where
    import re
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    ((*ls_top, ls_top_last), ls_btm) = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == ''))
    stacks = ls_top > fe(X.ljust(len(ls_top_last) + 1)) | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe(''.join)) | as_args(zip) | fe(fe(X[1]) | where(X != ' ') | always_reversible | list) | list
    for (n, i, f) in ls_btm > fe((, 'move (\\d+) from (\\d+) to (\\d+)') | X.groups() | fe(int)):
        stacks[f - 1] += stacks[i - 1][-n:]
        stacks[i - 1] = stacks[i - 1][:-n]
    output = stacks > fe(X[-1]) | ''.join
    if output is not None:

    i have also been challenging myself to solve each puzzle in a single expression. here are my single-expression solutions for today:

    Part 1, in Python-ish
    (ls > p
     | (split_at, X, ~(X == ""))
     | as_args(λ t, b: (t > p
                        | always_reversible | (λ ls: (λ top_width: ls > fe(X.ljust(top_width)))
                                                     (len(first(ls)) + 1))
                        | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe("".join))
                        | as_args(zip)
                        | fe(fe(X[1])
                             | where(X != " ")
                             | list)
                        | list,
                        > fe((, r"move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)")
                             | X.groups() | fe(int))))
     | as_args(λ sl, ii: (ii
                          > fe(as_args(λ n, i, f: range(n)
                                                  > fe_do(λ _: sl[f - 1].append(sl[i - 1].pop())))) | tuple,
                          sl > fe(X[-1]) | "".join
    Python code generated from the above
    from more_itertools import always_reversible
    from more_itertools import chunked
    from more_itertools import first
    from more_itertools import split_at
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import as_args
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import foreach_do
    from pipetools import pipe
    from pipetools import where
    import re
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    fe_do = foreach_do
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    output = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == '')) | as_args(lambda t, b: (t > p | always_reversible | (lambda ls: (lambda top_width: ls > fe(X.ljust(top_width)))(len(first(ls)) + 1)) | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe(''.join)) | as_args(zip) | fe(fe(X[1]) | where(X != ' ') | list) | list, b > fe((, 'move (\\d+) from (\\d+) to (\\d+)') | X.groups() | fe(int)))) | as_args(lambda sl, ii: (ii > fe(as_args(lambda n, i, f: range(n) > fe_do(lambda _: sl[f - 1].append(sl[i - 1].pop())))) | tuple, sl > fe(X[-1]) | ''.join)[1])
    if output is not None:
    Part 2, in Python-ish
    (ls > p
     | (split_at, X, ~(X == ""))
     | as_args(λ t, b: (t > p
                        | always_reversible | (λ ls: (λ top_width: ls > fe(X.ljust(top_width)))
                                                     (len(first(ls)) + 1))
                        | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe("".join))
                        | as_args(zip)
                        | fe(fe(X[1])
                             | where(X != " ")
                             | list)
                        | list,
                        > fe((, r"move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)")
                             | X.groups() | fe(int))))
     | as_args(λ sl, ii: (ii
                          > fe(as_args(λ n, i, f: range(n)
                                                  > fe_do(λ j: sl[f - 1].append(sl[i - 1].pop(-n + j))))) | tuple,
                          sl > fe(X[-1]) | "".join
    Python code generated from the above
    from more_itertools import always_reversible
    from more_itertools import chunked
    from more_itertools import first
    from more_itertools import split_at
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import as_args
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import foreach_do
    from pipetools import pipe
    from pipetools import where
    import re
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    fe_do = foreach_do
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    output = ls > p | (split_at, X, ~(X == '')) | as_args(lambda t, b: (t > p | always_reversible | (lambda ls: (lambda top_width: ls > fe(X.ljust(top_width)))(len(first(ls)) + 1)) | fe(p | (chunked, X, 4) | fe(''.join)) | as_args(zip) | fe(fe(X[1]) | where(X != ' ') | list) | list, b > fe((, 'move (\\d+) from (\\d+) to (\\d+)') | X.groups() | fe(int)))) | as_args(lambda sl, ii: (ii > fe(as_args(lambda n, i, f: range(n) > fe_do(lambda j: sl[f - 1].append(sl[i - 1].pop(-n + j))))) | tuple, sl > fe(X[-1]) | ''.join)[1])
    if output is not None:
    3 votes
  10. Comment on Day 4: Camp Cleanup in ~comp

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    it is a little pre-processor i cobbled together. it has two stages: sed 's/λ/lambda/g'. (in the future i'd like to actually extend the grammar of an existing Python implementation instead of using...

    it is a little pre-processor i cobbled together. it has two stages:

    1. sed 's/λ/lambda/g'. (in the future i'd like to actually extend the grammar of an existing Python implementation instead of using this hack to mimic an extended grammar.)

    2. pyp with a that is (for the most part)

      import plumbum.cmd as cmd
      from plumbum import TF
      from functools import *
      from itertools import *
      from operator import *
      from pipetools import *
      stdout = sys.stdout
      p = pipe
      fe = foreach
      fe_do = foreach_do
      Xp = xpartial
      from more_itertools import *
      import numpy as np
      ls = lines
      # string input parsing
      n = int(l)
      ns = lines > foreach(int) | list
      y = float(l)
      ys = lines > foreach(float) | list
      f = l.split()
      fs = lines > foreach(X.split()) | list

    much of the cool stuff happening is actually not done by preprocessing—it's pipetools's pure-Python tricks with heavy usage of (more_)?itertools on top.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Day 4: Camp Cleanup in ~comp

    advent of code is the only time that i write dynamically typed code these days. and lo and behold! 2/3rds of the time i took for part 1 was spent because i forgot to convert strings to ints and...

    advent of code is the only time that i write dynamically typed code these days. and lo and behold! 2/3rds of the time i took for part 1 was spent because i forgot to convert strings to ints and didn't realize what was going wrong :')

    Part 1, in Python-ish
     > fe(X.split(",") | fe(X.split("-") | fe(int) | tuple)
          | permutations | fe(as_args(λ a, b: a[0] <= b[0] <= b[1] <= a[1])) | any)
     | sum
    Python code generated from the above
    from itertools import permutations
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import as_args
    from pipetools import foreach
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    output = ls > fe(X.split(',') | fe(X.split('-') | fe(int) | tuple) | permutations | fe(as_args(lambda a, b: a[0] <= b[0] <= b[1] <= a[1])) | any) | sum
    if output is not None:
    Part 2, in Python-ish
     > fe(X.split(",") | fe(X.split("-") | fe(int) | tuple)
          | permutations | fe(as_args(λ a, b: a[0] <= b[0] <= a[1])) | any)
     | sum
    Python code generated from the above
    from itertools import permutations
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import as_args
    from pipetools import foreach
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    output = ls > fe(X.split(',') | fe(X.split('-') | fe(int) | tuple) | permutations | fe(as_args(lambda a, b: a[0] <= b[0] <= a[1])) | any) | sum
    if output is not None:
    5 votes
  12. Comment on Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization in ~comp

    Link Parent
    ooh, string.ascii_letters is nice here, i'm going to steal that :)

    ooh, string.ascii_letters is nice here, i'm going to steal that :)

    4 votes
  13. Comment on Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization in ~comp

    (edited )
    Part 1, in Python-ish (ls > fe((divide, 2) | fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1) | sum) Python code generated from the above from functools import reduce from...
    Part 1, in Python-ish
     > fe((divide, 2)
          | fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one
          | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1)
     | sum)
    Python code generated from the above
    from functools import reduce
    from more_itertools import divide
    from more_itertools import one
    from operator import and_
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import foreach
    import string
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    output = ls > fe((divide, 2) | fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1) | sum
    if output is not None:
    Part 2, in Python-ish
    (ls > p
     | (chunked, X, 3)
     | fe(fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one
          | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1)
     | sum)
    Python code generated from the above
    from functools import reduce
    from more_itertools import chunked
    from more_itertools import one
    from operator import and_
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import pipe
    import string
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    output = ls > p | (chunked, X, 3) | fe(fe(set) | (reduce, and_) | one | string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1) | sum
    if output is not None:

    edit: replaced λ c: ord(c) - (ord("a") if c.islower() else ord("A") - 26) + 1 with string.ascii_letters.index | X + 1.

    4 votes
  14. Comment on Tildes Video Thread in ~misc

    (edited )
    Vivian Strange—Bo Burnham and Content Cinema (18:12) (youtube). if Bo Burnham's "Inside" touched you this probably will too. i'll definitely be rewatching "Inside" soon because of this essay :)...
    • Vivian Strange—Bo Burnham and Content Cinema (18:12) (youtube).

      if Bo Burnham's "Inside" touched you this probably will too. i'll definitely be rewatching "Inside" soon because of this essay :)

    • Lily Alexandre—Cinema's First Kiss Was Between Two Women (38:52) (nebula/youtube).

      could you imagine if repressive patriarchs today were fine with a lesbian kiss being filmed in a context where they thought that filming a straight kiss would be taboo? well, upper class academia in the late 1800s united states thought so! (but only because women were repressed even more!)

      also, i do not have the words to state how lovely and touching the outro to this video is, especially when seen in the context of the essay.

    • Quality Culture—Lilo & Stitch is a Weird Movie (17:28) (youtube).

      lilo is a weird protagonist by disney's standards, but we love that for her

    4 votes
  15. Comment on Tildes Game Giveaway Thread: Holiday 2021 in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'd like Absolute Drift please. Thanks for putting this together!

    I'd like Absolute Drift please. Thanks for putting this together!

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Day 14: Extended Polymerization in ~comp

    Like day 6, this can be done in O(log(n)) via exponentiation by squaring: Part 2, Python(-ish) template = ls[0] rules = ls[2:] > fe(X.split(" -> ") | (λ x: (tuple(x[0]), x[1]))) | set chars =...

    Like day 6, this can be done in O(log(n)) via exponentiation by squaring:

    Part 2, Python(-ish)
    template = ls[0]
    rules = ls[2:] > fe(X.split(" -> ") | (λ x: (tuple(x[0]), x[1]))) | set
    chars = set(template) | set(collapse(rules))
    pairs = list(product(chars, repeat=2))
    state = np.zeros((len(pairs), 1), dtype=object)
    for pair in pairwise(template):
        state[pairs.index(pair)] += 1
    M = np.zeros((len(pairs), len(pairs)), dtype=object)
    for pair, insert in rules:
        M[pairs.index((pair[0], insert)), pairs.index(pair)] = 1
        M[pairs.index((insert, pair[1])), pairs.index(pair)] = 1
    # use (matrix) exponentiation by squaring to get O(log(n))
    state = np.linalg.matrix_power(M, 40) @ state
    # factor of 2 to avoid double-counting
    # ceil to correct for template[0] and template[-1] off-by-one's
    counts = [ceil(sum(count * pair.count(c)
                       for pair, count in zip(pairs, state[:, 0]))
                   / 2)
              for c in chars]
    max(counts) - min(counts)
    Python (which the above is transpiled to)
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    from itertools import pairwise
    from itertools import product
    from math import ceil
    from more_itertools import collapse
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import foreach
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    fe = foreach
    import numpy as np
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    template = ls[0]
    rules = ls[2:] > fe(X.split(' -> ') | (lambda x: (tuple(x[0]), x[1]))) | set
    chars = set(template) | set(collapse(rules))
    pairs = list(product(chars, repeat=2))
    state = np.zeros((len(pairs), 1), dtype=object)
    for pair in pairwise(template):
        state[pairs.index(pair)] += 1
    M = np.zeros((len(pairs), len(pairs)), dtype=object)
    for (pair, insert) in rules:
        M[pairs.index((pair[0], insert)), pairs.index(pair)] = 1
        M[pairs.index((insert, pair[1])), pairs.index(pair)] = 1
    state = np.linalg.matrix_power(M, 40) @ state
    counts = [ceil(sum((count * pair.count(c) for (pair, count) in zip(pairs, state[:, 0]))) / 2) for c in chars]
    output = max(counts) - min(counts)
    if output is not None:

    In practice though, with n = 40 this is slower than the O(n) algorithm.

    6 votes
  17. Comment on Day 12: Passage Pathing in ~comp

    (edited )
    Part 1, Python(-ish) edges = ls > fe(X.split("-") | frozenset) | set # define a recursive λ via variables rather than via Y, which seems to be necessary in # order to get speedup from @cache...
    Part 1, Python(-ish)
    edges = ls > fe(X.split("-") | frozenset) | set
    # define a recursive λ via variables rather than via Y, which seems to be necessary in
    # order to get speedup from @cache
    count_paths = None
    count_paths = cache(λ start, used_smalls=frozenset():
                        1 if start == "end" else
                                        used_smalls | {start} if start.islower() else used_smalls)
                            for edge in edges if start in edge and
                            (choice := one(edge - {start})) not in used_smalls))
    Part 2, Python(-ish)
    edges = ls > fe(X.split("-") | frozenset) | set
    # define a recursive λ via variables rather than via Y, which seems to be necessary in
    # order to get speedup from @cache
    count_paths = None
    count_paths = cache(λ start, used_smalls=frozenset(), double_used=None:
                        1 if start == "end" else
                                        used_smalls | {start} if start.islower() else used_smalls,
                                        choice if choice in used_smalls else double_used)
                            for edge in edges if start in edge and
                            ((choice := one(edge - {start})) not in used_smalls or
                             (double_used is None and choice != "start"))))

    Caching gives a big speedup if you do a recursive graph search like I did. With caching, part 2 only takes ~ 105 ms on my laptop (or 210 ms if you include interpreter startup time).

    4 votes
  18. Comment on Is there an open-source version of the Garmin Connect app for Android? in ~tech

    Link (though not a mobile app) might do this. It's aimed for cycling, but perhaps it can pull GPX from a Garmin watch too. (though not a mobile app) might do this. It's aimed for cycling, but perhaps it can pull GPX from a Garmin watch too.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Day 6: Lanternfish in ~comp

    (edited )
    I managed to find the trick to get linear runtime, but this morning my housemate realized it can be done in O(log(n)): Python(-ish) f = ls > p | one | X.split(",") | fe(int) | list # there are...

    I managed to find the trick to get linear runtime, but this morning my housemate realized it can be done in O(log(n)):

    f = ls > p | one | X.split(",") | fe(int) | list
    # there are only 9 possible states that a fish can be in
    s = np.c_[[f.count(n) for n in range(9)]]
    # use (matrix) exponentiation by squaring to get O(log(n))
    M = np.roll(np.diag(np.ones(9, dtype=object)), -1, axis=0)
    M[6, 0] = 1
    np.sum(np.linalg.matrix_power(M, 256) @ s)

    (Ignore the first line; it's just reading input from stdin. My code above actually gets transpiled to

    from more_itertools import one
    from pipetools import X
    from pipetools import foreach
    from pipetools import pipe
    import sys
    from pyp import pypprint
    p = pipe
    fe = foreach
    import numpy as np
    lines = [x.rstrip('\n') for x in sys.stdin]
    ls = lines
    f = (ls > ((((p | one) | X.split(',')) | fe(int)) | list))
    s = np.c_[[f.count(n) for n in range(9)]]
    M = np.roll(np.diag(np.ones(9, dtype=object)), (- 1), axis=0)
    M[(6, 0)] = 1
    output = np.sum((np.linalg.matrix_power(M, 256) @ s))
    if (output is not None):
    before Python sees it.)

    By my tests this is slower than my linear-time version for n = 256, but it starts beating my linear-time version around n = 2_000_000 (~ 5 s runtime).

    There is then also a speedup that can be had by diagonalizing the transition matrix when taking the power of it, but I'm not sure how to do this (fast) without introducing numerical error:

    f = ls > p | one | X.split(",") | fe(int) | list
    # there are only 9 possible states that a fish can be in
    s = np.c_[[f.count(n) for n in range(9)]]
    # use (matrix) exponentiation by squaring to get O(log(n))
    M = np.roll(np.diag(np.ones(9, dtype=object)), -1, axis=0)
    M[6, 0] = 1
    Ma = M.astype("float64")
    d = 0
    while True:
        d += 1
        t0 = time.perf_counter()
        exact = np.sum(np.linalg.matrix_power(M, d) @ s)
        t1 = time.perf_counter()
        D, P = np.linalg.eig(Ma)
        approx = np.sum(np.real(P @ np.diag(D ** d) @ np.linalg.inv(P) @ s))
        t2 = time.perf_counter()
        if round(approx) != exact:
            print(f"{d=}", f"diff={exact - approx}")
            print(f"speedup={(t1 - t0) / (t2 - t1):.2f}x")

    For my input and laptop this approximation works up to n = 260, but rounds the wrong way at 261. The speedup for n = 261 is about 2.3x.

    I tried using sympy do this exactly but it was much slower than not diagonalizing and just using Python's int. Let me know if any of you know of a way to get the speedup without losing precision...

    3 votes
  20. Comment on Day 2: Dive! in ~comp

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    I managed to golf your code down a bit more: Part 1 (chars -= 31) x=y=0 for l in open(0): r,M=l.split();m=int(M);exec('yx'[r[0]=='f']+'+-'[r[0]>'f']+'=m') print(x*y) Part 2 (chars -= 26) x=y=a=0...

    I managed to golf your code down a bit more:

    Part 1 (chars -= 31)
    for l in open(0):
    Part 2 (chars -= 26)
    for l in open(0):

    Using booleans as indices to replace conditionals, exec, and seeing if == can be changed to >/< seem like they'd be pretty widely applicable tricks for one's Python golfing tool belt.

    3 votes