spellbunny's recent activity

  1. Comment on Chinese vlogger who used filter to look younger caught in live-stream glitch in ~tech

    I knew it was only a matter of time until someone deep faked their way to success.

    I knew it was only a matter of time until someone deep faked their way to success.

  2. Comment on What's the best horror game you've played? in ~games

    Link Parent
    same here!! I couldn't finish it because I was stuck in a ship underwater(??) and a scary guy kept coming after me!

    same here!! I couldn't finish it because I was stuck in a ship underwater(??) and a scary guy kept coming after me!

    2 votes
  3. Comment on What are you reading these days? #24 in ~books

    I just finished reading Guy Gavriel Kay's "A brightness long ago" and thoroughly enjoyed it. I met the author at a Q+A and signing session where he signed my 20 year old copy of Fionavar Tapestry...

    I just finished reading Guy Gavriel Kay's "A brightness long ago" and thoroughly enjoyed it. I met the author at a Q+A and signing session where he signed my 20 year old copy of Fionavar Tapestry which was wonderful.

    After that, I randomly picked up Stephen King's "The Outsider" from the library.
    It's easily digestible. His writing still is so .. straightforward. It's a good commuting book.

    1 vote