9 votes

Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/16

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. scarecrw
    Fun day! While I wasn't aiming for speed this year, I was happy to have most everything go right here and require very little debugging; only took a few minutes to write part 2. My solution for...

    Fun day! While I wasn't aiming for speed this year, I was happy to have most everything go right here and require very little debugging; only took a few minutes to write part 2. My solution for part 2 is not particularly efficient, however, but improving that would likely have required some substantial rewrites to change.

    I noticed we haven't had much for graphs or trees yet, which I'm eager to try out.

    Haskell Solution
    module Main (main) where
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import Data.Map (Map, fromList, (!))
    import Data.Set (Set, empty, size, member, insert)
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        input <- readFile "./input.txt"
        putStrLn $ "Part 1: " ++ show (solve1 $ parseInput input)
        putStrLn $ "Part 2: " ++ show (solve2 $ parseInput input)
    type Coord = (Int, Int)
    data Cell = Empty | Horizontal | Vertical | BLTR | TLBR
    data Direction = North | South | East | West deriving (Eq, Ord)
    type Board = (Map Coord Cell, Int, Int)
    data Particle = Particle {
        coord :: Coord,
        direction :: Direction
    } deriving (Eq, Ord)
    parseCell :: Char -> Cell
    parseCell c = case c of
        '.'  -> Empty
        '-'  -> Horizontal
        '|'  -> Vertical
        '/'  -> BLTR
        '\\' -> TLBR
        _    -> error "invalid character"
    parseInput :: String -> Board
    parseInput input = (arr, numRows, numCols) where
        numRows = length $ lines input
        numCols = length $ head (lines input)
        arr = fromList (concatMap (uncurry parseRow) (zip [0..] (lines input)))
        parseRow rowNum s = [((rowNum, colNum), parseCell c) | (colNum, c) <- zip [0..] s]
    solve1 :: Board -> Int
    solve1 board = solve board (Particle (0, 0) East)
    solve :: Board -> Particle -> Int
    solve (arr, numRows, numCols) start = uniquePositions $ solveRec [start] empty where
        onBoard (Particle (r, c) _) = 0 <= r && r < numRows && 0 <= c && c < numCols
        solveRec [] seen = seen
        solveRec (x:xs) seen
            | x `member` seen = solveRec xs seen
            | otherwise = solveRec queue seen' where
                resultingParticles = findResultingParticles x (arr ! coord x)
                queue = filter onBoard resultingParticles ++ xs
                seen' = x `insert` seen
    findResultingParticles :: Particle -> Cell -> [Particle]
    findResultingParticles (Particle (r, c) direction) cell = case (direction, cell) of
        (North, Horizontal) -> [Particle (r, c-1) West, Particle (r, c+1) East]
        (North, BLTR)       -> [Particle (r, c+1) East]
        (North, TLBR)       -> [Particle (r, c-1) West]
        (North, _)          -> [Particle (r-1, c) North]
        (South, Horizontal) -> [Particle (r, c-1) West, Particle (r, c+1) East]
        (South, BLTR)       -> [Particle (r, c-1) West]
        (South, TLBR)       -> [Particle (r, c+1) East]
        (South, _)          -> [Particle (r+1, c) South]
        (East, Vertical)    -> [Particle (r-1, c) North, Particle (r+1, c) South]
        (East, BLTR)        -> [Particle (r-1, c) North]
        (East, TLBR)        -> [Particle (r+1, c) South]
        (East, _)           -> [Particle (r, c+1) East]
        (West, Vertical)    -> [Particle (r-1, c) North, Particle (r+1, c) South]
        (West, BLTR)        -> [Particle (r+1, c) South]
        (West, TLBR)        -> [Particle (r-1, c) North]
        (West, _)           -> [Particle (r, c-1) West]
    uniquePositions :: Set Particle -> Int
    uniquePositions = size . Set.map coord
    solve2 :: Board -> Int
    solve2 board = maximum $ map (solve board) possibleStarts where
        (_, numRows, numCols) = board
        possibleStarts = [Particle (0, c)         South | c <- [0..numCols-1]] ++
                         [Particle (numRows-1, c) North | c <- [0..numCols-1]] ++
                         [Particle (r, 0)         East  | r <- [0..numRows-1]] ++
                         [Particle (r, numCols-1) West  | r <- [0..numRows-1]]
    2 votes
  2. [2]
    wow, I'm so glad for my grid class! I think I need to add some notion of direction to my pointers, I kinda wanted to but I couldn't figure out a good way to do it. Maybe I'll just do an enum with...

    wow, I'm so glad for my grid class! I think I need to add some notion of direction to my pointers, I kinda wanted to but I couldn't figure out a good way to do it. Maybe I'll just do an enum with LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN. What I really need is a ptr.move_in_direction(steps, wrap) method so I don't have to keep writing out cases.

    Anyway, solutions are pretty long again today, so Python solutions on GitHub

    1 vote
    1. first-must-burn
      Link Parent
      I ended up implementing the direction stuff on my Coordinate class, and that has worked pretty well. I posted a link in my you level comment if you want to have a look.

      I ended up implementing the direction stuff on my Coordinate class, and that has worked pretty well. I posted a link in my you level comment if you want to have a look.

      1 vote
  3. whs
    I thought it would be easy enough to use C++, but I already uninstalled CLion so I just use VSCode. That wasn't pleasant to debug, and the complex dict key make it unpleasant to write compared to...

    I thought it would be easy enough to use C++, but I already uninstalled CLion so I just use VSCode. That wasn't pleasant to debug, and the complex dict key make it unpleasant to write compared to higher level languages.

    Part 2 runtime is 3.36s on my machine with brute force solving.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <set>
    #include <utility>
    using namespace std;
    enum Dir {
    typedef pair<int, int> Coord;
    const Coord advanceInDir(const Coord position, const Dir direction){
    	case DIR_UP:
    		return make_pair(position.first - 1, position.second);
    	case DIR_LEFT:
    		return make_pair(position.first, position.second - 1);
    	case DIR_DOWN:
    		return make_pair(position.first + 1, position.second);
    	case DIR_RIGHT:
    		return make_pair(position.first, position.second + 1);
    typedef pair<Coord, Dir> WalkedDir;
    int solve1(const vector<string> &problem, Coord position, Dir direction, set<WalkedDir> &walked){
    	WalkedDir walkedDir = make_pair(position, direction);
    	if (walked.contains(walkedDir)) {
    		return 0;
    	if (position.first < 0 || position.first >= problem.size() || position.second < 0 || position.second >= problem[0].size()) {
    		return 0;
    	// cout << "at position " << position.first << " " << position.second << endl;
    	const char curChar = problem[position.first][position.second];
    	if (curChar == '.') {
    		return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, direction), direction, walked);
    	} else if (curChar == '\\') {
    		case DIR_UP:
    			// \ 
    			// |
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_LEFT), DIR_LEFT, walked);
    		case DIR_LEFT: // \--
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_UP), DIR_UP, walked);
    		case DIR_DOWN:
    			// |
    			// \ ..
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_RIGHT), DIR_RIGHT, walked);
    		case DIR_RIGHT: // --\ ..
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_DOWN), DIR_DOWN, walked);
    	} else if (curChar == '/') {
    		case DIR_UP:
    			// /
    			// |
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_RIGHT), DIR_RIGHT, walked);
    		case DIR_LEFT: // /--
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_DOWN), DIR_DOWN, walked);
    		case DIR_DOWN:
    			// |
    			// /
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_LEFT), DIR_LEFT, walked);
    		case DIR_RIGHT: // --/
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_UP), DIR_UP, walked);
    	} else if (curChar == '|') {
    		case DIR_UP: case DIR_DOWN: // pointy end
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, direction), direction, walked);
    		case DIR_LEFT: case DIR_RIGHT: // flat end
    			solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_UP), DIR_UP, walked);
    			solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_DOWN), DIR_DOWN, walked);
    			return 1;
    	} else if (curChar == '-') {
    		case DIR_UP: case DIR_DOWN: // flat end
    			solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_LEFT), DIR_LEFT, walked);
    			solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, DIR_RIGHT), DIR_RIGHT, walked);
    			return 1;
    		case DIR_LEFT: case DIR_RIGHT: // pointy end
    			return solve1(problem, advanceInDir(position, direction), direction, walked);
    	} else {
    		cout << "wtf is " << curChar << "??" << endl;
    		throw new runtime_error("wtf");
    	return walked.size();
    set<Coord> toCoordSet(const set<WalkedDir> walked) {
    	set<Coord> out;
    	for(WalkedDir d : walked) {
    	return out;
    void printWalkDiagram(int w, int h, const set<Coord> &walked) {
    	for(int hi = 0; hi < h; hi++){
    		for(int wi = 0; wi < w; wi++){
    			if (walked.contains(make_pair(hi, wi))) {
    				cout << "#";
    				cout << ".";
    		cout << endl;
    int main() {
    	vector<string> problem;
    	for(;;) {
    		string input;
    		getline(cin, input);
    	/*/ // part1
    	set<WalkedDir> walked;
    	solve1(problem, make_pair(0, 0), DIR_RIGHT, walked);
    	set<Coord> coords = toCoordSet(walked);
    	printWalkDiagram(problem[0].size(), problem.size(), coords);
    	cout << coords.size() << endl;
    	/**/ // part 2
    	int maxTiles = 0;
    	// top row
    	for(int i = 0; i < problem[0].size(); i++) {
    		set<WalkedDir> walked;
    		solve1(problem, make_pair(0, i), DIR_DOWN, walked);
    		set<Coord> coords = toCoordSet(walked);
    		maxTiles = max(static_cast<int>(coords.size()), maxTiles);
    	// bottom row
    	for(int i = 0; i < problem[0].size(); i++) {
    		set<WalkedDir> walked;
    		solve1(problem, make_pair(problem.size() - 1, i), DIR_UP, walked);
    		set<Coord> coords = toCoordSet(walked);
    		maxTiles = max(static_cast<int>(coords.size()), maxTiles);
    	// left row
    	for(int i = 0; i < problem.size(); i++) {
    		set<WalkedDir> walked;
    		solve1(problem, make_pair(i, 0), DIR_RIGHT, walked);
    		set<Coord> coords = toCoordSet(walked);
    		maxTiles = max(static_cast<int>(coords.size()), maxTiles);
    	// right row
    	int rightRow = problem[0].size() - 1;
    	for(int i = 0; i < problem.size(); i++) {
    		set<WalkedDir> walked;
    		solve1(problem, make_pair(rightRow, 1), DIR_LEFT, walked);
    		set<Coord> coords = toCoordSet(walked);
    		maxTiles = max(static_cast<int>(coords.size()), maxTiles);
    	cout << maxTiles << endl;
    	return 0;
    1 vote
  4. [2]
    (edited )
    That was a nice little puzzle. I guess we're in for a hard puzzle tomorrow, then. I'm really hoping we're going to get something related to combinatorial optimization, or at least pathfinding....

    That was a nice little puzzle. I guess we're in for a hard puzzle tomorrow, then. I'm really hoping we're going to get something related to combinatorial optimization, or at least pathfinding.


    This simply came down to following the beam. The only thing I overlooked at first was that I couldn't start with the beam already on the grid (as the instructions had implied) but had to start with the beam shining into the grid from the outside. My top-left corner in the puzzle input had a mirror, and because I had assumed that's where the beam starts, it was ignored. I feel like that must have been deliberate. Did anyone else have that?

    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub struct Coordinate {
        pub x: isize,
        pub y: isize,
    #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub struct PuzzleInput {
        pub grid: Array2<char>,
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub enum Direction {
    impl Direction {
        pub fn turn_left(&self) -> Self {
            match self {
                Self::North => Self::West,
                Self::East => Self::North,
                Self::South => Self::East,
                Self::West => Self::South,
        pub fn turn_right(&self) -> Self {
            match self {
                Self::North => Self::East,
                Self::East => Self::South,
                Self::South => Self::West,
                Self::West => Self::North,
    impl Into<Coordinate> for Direction {
        fn into(self) -> Coordinate {
            match self {
                Self::North => Coordinate { x: 0, y: -1 },
                Self::East => Coordinate { x: 1, y: 0 },
                Self::South => Coordinate { x: 0, y: 1 },
                Self::West => Coordinate { x: -1, y: 0 },
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
    pub struct Beam {
        pub cur_pos: Coordinate,
        pub direction: Direction,
    fn traverse(input: &PuzzleInput, beam: Beam) -> ArrayVec<[Beam; 2]> {
        let next_coord = beam.cur_pos + beam.direction.into();
        let mut result: ArrayVec<[Beam; 2]> = ArrayVec::new();
        let idx: Result<[usize; 2], ()> = next_coord.try_into();
        if idx.is_err() {
            return result;
        let idx = idx.unwrap();
        match input.grid.get(idx) {
            None => return result,
            Some('.') => result.push(Beam {
                cur_pos: next_coord,
                direction: beam.direction,
            Some('/') => match beam.direction {
                Direction::North | Direction::South => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction.turn_right(),
                Direction::East | Direction::West => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction.turn_left(),
            Some('\\') => match beam.direction {
                Direction::North | Direction::South => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction.turn_left(),
                Direction::East | Direction::West => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction.turn_right(),
            Some('-') => match beam.direction {
                Direction::East | Direction::West => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction,
                Direction::North | Direction::South => {
                    result.push(Beam {
                        cur_pos: next_coord,
                        direction: beam.direction.turn_left(),
                    result.push(Beam {
                        cur_pos: next_coord,
                        direction: beam.direction.turn_right(),
            Some('|') => match beam.direction {
                Direction::North | Direction::South => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction,
                Direction::East | Direction::West => {
                    result.push(Beam {
                        cur_pos: next_coord,
                        direction: beam.direction.turn_left(),
                    result.push(Beam {
                        cur_pos: next_coord,
                        direction: beam.direction.turn_right(),
            _ => unreachable!("Invalid tile at {:?}", next_coord),
    pub fn energized_tiles(input: &PuzzleInput, start: Beam) -> HashSet<Coordinate> {
        let mut energized = HashSet::default();
        let mut q = VecDeque::new();
        while let Some(beam) = q.pop_front() {
            for next_beam in traverse(input, beam) {
                if next_beam.cur_pos.x < input.grid.ncols() as isize
                    && next_beam.cur_pos.y < input.grid.nrows() as isize
                    && next_beam.cur_pos.x >= 0
                    && next_beam.cur_pos.y >= 0
                    && energized.insert(next_beam)
            .map(|beam| beam.cur_pos)
            .collect::<HashSet<_>>() // NOTE: This includes the start coordinate
    day_16_bench  fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
    ├─ parse      129 µs        │ 208.1 µs      │ 130.9 µs      │ 132.5 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ├─ part1      834.7 µs      │ 1.052 ms      │ 864.5 µs      │ 862.5 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ╰─ part2      194.6 ms      │ 270.5 ms      │ 199.8 ms      │ 208.9 ms      │ 100     │ 100
    1 vote
    1. first-must-burn
      Link Parent
      This is always what gets me, so it feels like the shoe I have been waiting to drop all along.

      I'm really hoping we're going to get something related to combinatorial optimization, or at least pathfinding.

      This is always what gets me, so it feels like the shoe I have been waiting to drop all along.

      1 vote
  5. first-must-burn
    [Golang solution](https://github.com/firstmustburn/aoc/blob/main/2023/cmd/day16/main go) I am getting so much mileage out of my grid class. Super glad I put some effort into setting it up....

    [Golang solution](https://github.com/firstmustburn/aoc/blob/main/2023/cmd/day16/main go)

    I am getting so much mileage out of my grid class. Super glad I put some effort into setting it up.


    Few bugs I had to work out in my implementation of this one, like getting the directions of the mirror right and stopping infinite loops.

    One thing I am grateful for with Go is the grest debugger support in VS code. If I ever end up in a C/C++ environment again, setting that up will be job one.

    1 vote
  6. lily
    Only just got to this problem now, but it really didn't take long. Didn't have time to make my solution any faster, but it's not slow enough to be a big deal, so I don't mind keeping it like this....

    Only just got to this problem now, but it really didn't take long. Didn't have time to make my solution any faster, but it's not slow enough to be a big deal, so I don't mind keeping it like this. I was honestly a bit disappointed the naïve solution was enough for today, but to be fair, if it wasn't, I might not have been able to finish the problem before midnight, so I guess I should be grateful. Hopefully tomorrow is a bit more interesting.

    # Advent of Code 2023
    # Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava
    with open("inputs/day_16.txt") as file:
        machine = [list(line.rstrip("\n")) for line in file]
        width = len(machine[0])
        height = len(machine)
    def energized_tiles(x, y, direction):
        beams = [[x, y, direction]]
        seen_beams = set()
        energized = set()
        while beams:
            for beam in beams.copy():
                if (
                    beam[0] < 0 or beam[0] >= width
                    or beam[1] < 0 or beam[1] >= height
                    or tuple(beam) in seen_beams
                energized.add((beam[0], beam[1]))
                tile = machine[beam[1]][beam[0]]
                if tile == "/":
                    if beam[2] == "right":
                        beam[2] = "up"
                    elif beam[2] == "down":
                        beam[2] = "left"
                    elif beam[2] == "left":
                        beam[2] = "down"
                        beam[2] = "right"
                elif tile == "\\":
                    if beam[2] == "right":
                        beam[2] = "down"
                    elif beam[2] == "down":
                        beam[2] = "right"
                    elif beam[2] == "left":
                        beam[2] = "up"
                        beam[2] = "left"
                elif tile == "|" and beam[2] in ("right", "left"):
                    beam[2] = "down"
                    beams.append([beam[0], beam[1] - 1, "up"])
                elif tile == "-" and beam[2] in ("down", "up"):
                    beam[2] = "right"
                    beams.append([beam[0] - 1, beam[1], "left"])
                if beam[2] == "right":
                    beam[0] += 1
                elif beam[2] == "down":
                    beam[1] += 1
                elif beam[2] == "left":
                    beam[0] -= 1
                    beam[1] -= 1
        return len(energized)
    print(f"Part 1: {energized_tiles(0, 0, 'right')}")
    starts = []
    for x in range(width):
        starts.append([x, 0, "down"])
        starts.append([x, height - 1, "up"])
    for y in range(height):
        starts.append([0, y, "right"])
        starts.append([width - 1, y, "left"])
    print(f"Part 2: {max(energized_tiles(*start) for start in starts)}")
    1 vote
  7. jzimbel
    Elixir My code is pretty incomprehensible because I was messing around with macros to define functions with "unusual" names 🌝 The macro tomfoolery essentially allows the solution to turn the...


    My code is pretty incomprehensible because I was messing around with macros to define functions with "unusual" names 🌝

    The macro tomfoolery essentially allows the solution to turn the grid's tiles into direct function calls, no map lookups or anonymous functions necessary. It didn't really improve performance, but I had fun seeing what kind of nonsense I could get into.

    Parts 1 and 2
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2023.Day16 do
      defmodule Silliness do
        defmacro __using__(_) do
          quote do
            import Kernel, only: :macros
            def unquote(:.)(h), do: [h]
            def unquote(:/)({x, y}), do: [{-y, -x}]
            def unquote(:"\\")({x, y}), do: [{y, x}]
            def unquote(:-)({0, _}), do: [{-1, 0}, {1, 0}]
            def unquote(:-)(h), do: [h]
            def unquote(:|)({_, 0}), do: [{0, -1}, {0, 1}]
            def unquote(:|)(h), do: [h]
      defmodule TurnOps, do: use(Silliness)
      alias AdventOfCode.Grid, as: G
      defstruct [:beams, history: MapSet.new()]
      def part1(input) do
        |> G.from_input(&String.to_existing_atom(<<&1>>))
        |> count_energized({{0, 0}, {1, 0}})
      def part2(input) do
        grid = G.from_input(input, &String.to_existing_atom(<<&1>>))
        |> stream_init_beam_states()
        |> Task.async_stream(&count_energized(grid, &1), ordered: false)
        |> Stream.map(fn {:ok, count} -> count end)
        |> Enum.max()
      defp count_energized(grid, init_beam_state) do
        %__MODULE__{beams: [init_beam_state]}
        |> Stream.iterate(&step_beams(&1, grid))
        |> Enum.find(&match?(%{beams: []}, &1))
        |> then(& &1.history)
        |> MapSet.new(fn {coords, _heading} -> coords end)
        |> MapSet.size()
      defp step_beams(%{beams: beams, history: history}, grid) do
          beams: Enum.flat_map(beams, &if(&1 in history, do: [], else: step_beam(&1, grid))),
          history: MapSet.union(history, MapSet.new(beams))
      defp step_beam({coords, heading}, %{width: w, height: h} = grid) do
        apply(TurnOps, G.at(grid, coords), [heading])
        |> Stream.map(fn new_heading -> {sum_coords(coords, new_heading), new_heading} end)
        |> Enum.filter(fn {{x, y}, _} -> x in 0..(w - 1)//1 and y in 0..(h - 1)//1 end)
      defp stream_init_beam_states(%{width: w, height: h}) do
          Stream.flat_map(1..(h - 2)//1, fn y -> [{{0, y}, {1, 0}}, {{w - 1, y}, {-1, 0}}] end),
          Stream.flat_map(1..(w - 2)//1, fn x -> [{{x, 0}, {0, 1}}, {{x, h - 1}, {0, -1}}] end),
          Stream.flat_map([{0, 0}, {w - 1, 0}, {0, h - 1}, {w - 1, h - 1}], fn {x, y} ->
            x_headings = if x == 0, do: [0, 1], else: [0, -1]
            y_headings = if y == 0, do: [1, 0], else: [-1, 0]
            for heading <- Enum.zip(x_headings, y_headings), do: {{x, y}, heading}
        |> Stream.concat()
      defp sum_coords({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}), do: {x1 + x2, y1 + y2}
    1 vote
  8. xavdid
    Step-by-step explanation | full Python code Very pleased with today. Ended up with a State that could generate the next State based on its location and direction. Put those in a queue and bail if...

    Step-by-step explanation | full Python code

    Very pleased with today. Ended up with a State that could generate the next State based on its location and direction. Put those in a queue and bail if the next state is out of bounds or has already been seen. I liked the architecture today, which focused on separation of concerns. Also, got to use some features of pattern matching, which is always exciting.

    Also, spent a bunch of time at the end of the post discussion performance optimizations. Got the (both parts) runtime from ~ 4.6 seconds down to ~ 1.1 with 3 1-line changes!

    1 vote