7 votes

Day 19: Aplenty

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/19

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. lily
    (edited )
    Today's problem was a lot of fun. I was glad for the easier problem after not having time to finish yesterday's part 2. This one reminded me a bit of day 5, what with having to use ranges for part...

    Today's problem was a lot of fun. I was glad for the easier problem after not having time to finish yesterday's part 2. This one reminded me a bit of day 5, what with having to use ranges for part 2. My solution ended up being pretty long, but I think it's reasonably efficient.

    # Advent of Code 2023
    # Day 19: Aplenty
    from copy import deepcopy
    from functools import reduce
    from json import loads
    from operator import mul
    from re import sub
    workflows = {}
    parts = []
    with open("inputs/day_19.txt") as file:
        half = 0
        for line in file:
            if half == 0:
                if line == "\n":
                    half = 1
                    halves = line.split("{")
                    halves[1] = halves[1].rstrip("\n")[:-1]
                    conditions = []
                    for condition in halves[1].split(","):
                        if condition == "A":
                        elif condition == "R":
                        elif ":" not in condition:
                            condition_halves = condition.split(":")
                            if condition_halves[1] == "A":
                                result = True
                            elif condition_halves[1] == "R":
                                result = False
                                result = condition_halves[1]
                    workflows[halves[0]] = conditions
                    r"([xmas])=", r'"\g<1>": ', line.rstrip("\n")
    rating_sum = 0
    for part in parts:
        workflow = workflows["in"]
        done = False
        while not done:
            for condition in workflow:
                if condition == True:
                    rating_sum += sum(part)
                    done = True
                elif condition == False:
                    done = True
                elif isinstance(condition, str):
                    workflow = workflows[condition]
                    if condition[0] == "<":
                        pass_ = part[condition[1]] < condition[2]
                        pass_ = part[condition[1]] > condition[2]
                    if pass_:
                        if condition[3] == True:
                            rating_sum += sum(part)
                            done = True
                        elif condition[3] == False:
                            done = True
                            workflow = workflows[condition[3]]
    print(f"Part 1: {rating_sum}")
    states = (["in", [1, 4000], [1, 4000], [1, 4000], [1, 4000]],)
    combinations = 0
    while states:
        new_states = []
        for state in states:
            for condition in workflows[state[0]]:
                if condition == True:
                    combinations += reduce(
                        mul, (range_[1] - range_[0] + 1 for range_ in state[1:])
                elif isinstance(condition, str):
                    state[0] = condition
                elif condition != False:
                    state_pass = deepcopy(state)
                    range_pass = state_pass[condition[1] + 1]
                    range_pass[condition[0] == "<"] = (
                        condition[2] + (1, -1)[condition[0] == "<"]
                    state[condition[1] + 1][condition[0] == ">"] = condition[2]
                    if range_pass[0] <= range_pass[1]:
                        if condition[3] == True:
                            combinations += reduce(mul, (
                                range_[1] - range_[0] + 1
                                for range_ in state_pass[1:]
                        elif condition[3] != False:
                            state_pass[0] = condition[3]
        states = new_states
    print(f"Part 2: {combinations}")
    2 votes
  2. RheingoldRiver
    Everyone is saying today was fun, but idk I thought it was miserable. I had a bad representation for the ranges for a really long time, and when I finally fixed it I was just so mentally done with...

    Everyone is saying today was fun, but idk I thought it was miserable. I had a bad representation for the ranges for a really long time, and when I finally fixed it I was just so mentally done with this shit haha

    General thoughts

    Today is the day I by far did the most involved custom data structures for, I had an Instruction class and an Item class and a RequiredState class. For a while, RequiredState was a list of Requirements for each letter.

    Finally (after way too long) I realized that each RequiredState is going to be a contiguous range. Upon realizing that, this got WAY easier. I started tracking like this instead:

    class RequiredState:
        def __init__(self):
            self.min_values = {
                'x': 1,
                'm': 1,
                'a': 1,
                's': 1,
            self.max_values = {
                'x': 4000,
                'm': 4000,
                'a': 4000,
                's': 4000,

    and updating like so:

        def add_req(self, kind: str, op, value, invert_this):
            if invert_this:
                op = '>' if op == '<' else '<'
                # change to strict equality
                value = value + (-1 if op == '<' else 1)
            if op == '<':
                self.max_values[kind] = min(self.max_values[kind], value)
                self.min_values[kind] = max(self.min_values[kind], value)

    Here's my Python code. I called it bfs because I thought I would but then I actually did a dfs, oh well.

    2 votes
  3. DataWraith
    After yesterday's frustrating math homework, today's part 1 was great fun. Unfortunately I then proceeded to waste hours on a simple bug in part 2 that I could just not find. I hate it when that...

    After yesterday's frustrating math homework, today's part 1 was great fun. Unfortunately I then proceeded to waste hours on a simple bug in part 2 that I could just not find. I hate it when that happens; you waste hours debugging everything, except the small piece of code where the bug actually is... that greatly diminished the fun.

    Seems to be a theme for me this year: Figure out the correct algorithm quickly, then completely bungle its implementation.

    pub fn part2(input: PuzzleInput) -> isize {
        let mut flows = HashMap::default();
        let mut accepted = Vec::new();
        let workflows = Rc::new(input.workflows);
        let flow = Flow {
            part: PartRange {
                x: 1..4001,
                m: 1..4001,
                a: 1..4001,
                s: 1..4001,
            current_workflow: "in".to_string(),
            current_index: 0,
            workflows: workflows.clone(),
            accepted: 4000 * 4000 * 4000 * 4000,
        flows.insert(flow, 1);
        loop {
            let mut new_flows = utility_belt::misc::state_iteration(&flows, transition, ());
            for (flow, count) in new_flows.iter_mut() {
                if flow.current_workflow == "A" {
            new_flows.retain(|f, _| f.current_workflow != "A" && f.current_workflow != "R");
            if new_flows.is_empty() {
            flows = new_flows;
        accepted.iter().map(|x| x.accepted).sum::<usize>() as isize
    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct PartRange {
        pub x: Range<usize>,
        pub m: Range<usize>,
        pub a: Range<usize>,
        pub s: Range<usize>,
    #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
    pub struct Flow {
        pub part: PartRange,
        pub current_workflow: String,
        pub current_index: usize,
        pub workflows: Rc<BTreeMap<String, Workflow>>,
        pub accepted: usize,
    impl Hash for Flow {
        fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
    impl PartialEq for Flow {
        fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
            self.part == other.part
                && self.current_workflow == other.current_workflow
                && self.current_index == other.current_index
    impl Eq for Flow {}
    fn transition(from: &Flow, input: &()) -> Vec<Flow> {
        let mut result = Vec::default();
        let workflow = from.workflows.get(&from.current_workflow).unwrap();
        let rule = workflow.rules.get(from.current_index);
        if rule.is_none() {
            let mut new_flow = from.clone();
            new_flow.current_workflow = workflow.default.clone();
            new_flow.current_index = 0;
            return result;
        let rule = rule.unwrap();
        let ((lower_next, lower_next_index), (upper_next, upper_next_index)) = match rule.comparison {
            Comparison::LessThan => (
                (rule.next.clone(), 0),
                (from.current_workflow.clone(), from.current_index + 1),
            Comparison::GreaterThan => (
                (from.current_workflow.clone(), from.current_index + 1),
                (rule.next.clone(), 0),
        match rule.category {
            Category::X => {
                let full_count = from.part.x.end - from.part.x.start;
                let (lower_range, upper_range) = match rule.comparison {
                    Comparison::LessThan => {
                        (from.part.x.start..rule.value, rule.value..from.part.x.end)
                    Comparison::GreaterThan => (
                        from.part.x.start..(rule.value + 1),
                        (rule.value + 1)..from.part.x.end,
                if !lower_range.is_empty() {
                    let lower_count = lower_range.end - lower_range.start;
                    result.push(Flow {
                        part: PartRange {
                            x: lower_range,
                            m: from.part.m.clone(),
                            a: from.part.a.clone(),
                            s: from.part.s.clone(),
                        current_workflow: lower_next,
                        current_index: lower_next_index,
                        accepted: from.accepted * lower_count / full_count,
                if !upper_range.is_empty() {
                    let upper_count = upper_range.end - upper_range.start;
                    result.push(Flow {
                        part: PartRange {
                            x: upper_range,
                            m: from.part.m.clone(),
                            a: from.part.a.clone(),
                            s: from.part.s.clone(),
                        current_workflow: upper_next,
                        current_index: upper_next_index,
                        accepted: from.accepted * upper_count / full_count,
            Category::M => {
            Category::A => {
            Category::S => {

    The only slightly notable thing about this is that I abstracted the "Iterate a state transition function" into a re-usable library function after day 12. I didn't think I'd need it so soon again.

    2 votes
  4. xavdid
    Step-by-step explanation | full code This one was a lot of fun! I separated out the workflow parsing (using operator.gt/lt and simple string indexing), the part parsing (using a regex that found...

    Step-by-step explanation | full code

    This one was a lot of fun! I separated out the workflow parsing (using operator.gt/lt and simple string indexing), the part parsing (using a regex that found tuples), and the recursing (to get answers) so you can look at each individually.

    I had some trouble visualizing part 2 at first, so there's some good diagrams in there if you're having trouble as well!

    Solution wise, A workflow is parsed into a dynamically-defined function which gets the next workflow(s) based on the input. For part 1, that's:

    Python code
    def build_workflow(raw_filters: str, default: str) -> Callable[[Part], str]:
        def _get_next_destination(part: Part):
            for raw_filter in raw_filters.split(","):
                category, op, value, destination = extract_filter_components(raw_filter)
                if op(part[category], value):
                    return destination
            return default
        return _get_next_destination

    For part 2 I passed around a Part as a dict[str, range], so its workflow runner was:

    Python code
    def build_counting_workflow(
        raw_filters: str, default: str
    ) -> Callable[[RangedPart], list[tuple[str, RangedPart]]]:
        def _get_next_destinations(part: RangedPart):
            ranges: list[tuple[str, RangedPart]] = []
            for raw_filter in raw_filters.split(","):
                category, op, value, dest = extract_filter_components(raw_filter)
                if op == gt:
                    keep, send = bisect_range(part[category], value + 1)
                    send, keep = bisect_range(part[category], value)
                ranges.append((dest, {**part, category: send}))
                part = {**part, category: keep}
            # whatever is left also goes
            return ranges + [(default, part)]
        return _get_next_destinations

    Very fun today, and nothing too cursed!

    2 votes
  5. scarecrw
    Another solid day! I tried making use of record syntax a bit more, which sometimes turned out well (updating/splitting a range) and sometimes poorly (kind of frustrating to have s and x in the...

    Another solid day! I tried making use of record syntax a bit more, which sometimes turned out well (updating/splitting a range) and sometimes poorly (kind of frustrating to have s and x in the module's namespace).

    In classic AoC tradition, I spent far too long investigating range overlaps, combinatorics miscalculations, etc. before realizing I was using the range 0 - 4000 instead of 1 - 4000...

    Part 1
    module Part1 (solve) where
    import AOCTools (splitBy, splitOn)
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import Data.Map ((!))
    solve :: String -> Int
    solve str = sum (map partRating (filter (testPart workflows) parts)) where
        (workflows, parts) = parseInput str
    type ID = String
    data Workflow = Workflow { name :: ID, rules :: [Rule], final :: ID }
    type Rule = (Part -> Bool, ID)
    data Part = Part { x :: Int, m :: Int, a :: Int, s :: Int }
    parseRule :: String -> Rule
    parseRule str = (pred, res) where
        (predStr, res) = splitOn ":" str
        letter : op : val = predStr
        v = read val
        o = case op of
            '>' -> (>)
            '<' -> (<)
        l = case letter of
            'x' -> x
            'm' -> m
            'a' -> a
            's' -> s
        pred p = o (l p) v
    parseWorkflow :: String -> Workflow
    parseWorkflow str = Workflow name rules final where
        name = takeWhile (/= '{') str
        innerStr = takeWhile (/='}') (drop (length name + 1) str)
        pieces = splitBy "," innerStr
        rules = map parseRule (take (length pieces - 1) pieces)
        final = pieces !! (length pieces - 1)
    partRating :: Part -> Int
    partRating (Part xVal mVal aVal sVal) = xVal + mVal + aVal + sVal
    parsePart :: String -> Part
    parsePart str = Part xVal mVal aVal sVal where
        pieces = splitBy "," (takeWhile (/='}') (tail str))
        [xVal, mVal, aVal, sVal] = map (read . drop 2) pieces
    parseInput :: String -> ([Workflow], [Part])
    parseInput s = (workflows, parts) where 
        (workflowStrs, partsStrs) = splitOn "\n\n" s
        workflows = map parseWorkflow $ lines workflowStrs
        parts = map parsePart $ lines partsStrs
    testPart :: [Workflow] -> Part -> Bool
    testPart workflows part = testPartHelper "in" where
        workflowMap = Map.fromList (map (\w -> (name w, w)) workflows)
        testPartHelper :: ID -> Bool
        testPartHelper "A" = True
        testPartHelper "R" = False
        testPartHelper idNum = testPartHelper $ processPart (workflowMap ! idNum) part
    processPart :: Workflow -> Part -> ID
    processPart workflow part = helper (rules workflow) where
        helper [] = final workflow
        helper ((rule, result):xs) = if rule part then result else helper xs
    Part 2
    module Part2 (solve) where
    import AOCTools (splitBy, splitOn)
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import Data.Map (Map, (!))
    solve :: String -> Integer
    solve str = result where
        workflows = parseInput str
        workflowMap = Map.fromList (map (\w -> (name w, w)) workflows)
        validParts = findValidParts workflowMap (MetaPart sRange sRange sRange sRange) "in"
        sRange = Range 1 4000
        result = findCombinations validParts
    type ID = String
    data Range = Range { start :: Integer, end :: Integer } deriving (Show, Eq)
    data MetaPart = MetaPart { x :: Range, m :: Range, a :: Range, s :: Range } deriving (Show, Eq)
    data Workflow = Workflow { name :: ID, rules :: [Rule], final :: ID }
    type Rule = (Char, Range, ID)
    parseInput :: String -> [Workflow]
    parseInput = map parseWorkflow . lines .  fst . splitOn "\n\n"
    parseWorkflow :: String -> Workflow
    parseWorkflow str = Workflow name rules final where
        name = takeWhile (/= '{') str
        innerStr = takeWhile (/='}') (drop (length name + 1) str)
        pieces = splitBy "," innerStr
        rules = map parseRule (take (length pieces - 1) pieces)
        final = pieces !! (length pieces - 1)
    parseRule :: String -> Rule
    parseRule str = (p, r, n) where
        (predStr, n) = splitOn ":" str
        p = head predStr
        v = read $ drop 2 predStr
        r = case predStr !! 1 of
            '<' -> Range 1 (v - 1)
            '>' -> Range (v + 1) 4000
            _ -> error "invalid rule"
    findValidParts :: Map ID Workflow -> MetaPart -> ID -> [MetaPart]
    findValidParts _ part "A" = [part]
    findValidParts _ _ "R" = []
    findValidParts workflowMap part name
        | isUselessPart part = []
        | otherwise = helper (rules workflow) part where
            workflow = workflowMap ! name
            helper :: [Rule] -> MetaPart -> [MetaPart]
            helper [] part = findValidParts workflowMap part (final workflow)
            helper (rule:xs) part = findValidParts workflowMap validPart validID ++ helper xs invalidPart where
                (validPart, invalidPart, validID) = splitPart rule part
    splitPart :: Rule -> MetaPart -> (MetaPart, MetaPart, ID)
    splitPart (component, range, validID) part = (validPart, invalidPart, validID) where
        validPart = case component of 
            'x' -> part { x = overlap range (x part) }
            'm' -> part { m = overlap range (m part) }
            'a' -> part { a = overlap range (a part) }
            's' -> part { s = overlap range (s part) }
        invalidPart = case component of 
            'x' -> part { x = overlap (inverseRule range) (x part) }
            'm' -> part { m = overlap (inverseRule range) (m part) }
            'a' -> part { a = overlap (inverseRule range) (a part) }
            's' -> part { s = overlap (inverseRule range) (s part) }
    inverseRule :: Range -> Range
    inverseRule (Range a b)
        | a == 1    = Range (b+1) 4000
        | b == 4000 = Range 1     (a-1)
        | otherwise = error "invalid range"
    overlap :: Range -> Range -> Range
    overlap (Range a b) (Range c d) = Range (max a c) (min b d)
    isUselessPart :: MetaPart -> Bool
    isUselessPart part = any (\(Range a b) -> b < a) [x part, m part, a part, s part]
    findCombinations :: [MetaPart] -> Integer
    findCombinations parts = result where
        result = sum $ map findComb parts
        findComb part = xSize * mSize * aSize * sSize where
            xSize = rangeSize (x part)
            mSize = rangeSize (m part)
            aSize = rangeSize (a part)
            sSize = rangeSize (s part)
        rangeSize (Range st en) = en - st + 1
    1 vote
  6. first-must-burn
    Golang solution I'm pretty happy with this one overall. I would have had the solution pretty fast (for me) if it weren't for a fiddly bug in Part 2. There not much intermediate state to check in...

    Golang solution

    I'm pretty happy with this one overall. I would have had the solution pretty fast (for me) if it weren't for a fiddly bug in Part 2. There not much intermediate state to check in the problem statement, so I had to fall back to writing unit tests and simpler inputs until I found the bug.


    I had a nice set of Workflow, Rule, and Part data structures for part 1, so I was able to add a PartRange for part 2 and extend the operations from Part 1 over the ranges.

    The bug I hit for Part 2 is that I was returning a map of [outcome]PartRange from each workflow (where outcome is A, R or another workflow), and I didn't take into account the fact that there might be multiple results for the same outcome. Once I converted it to a list of [outcome, PartRange] pairs, everything else ran like clockwork.

    1 vote