14 votes

Day 4: Ceres Search

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/4

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. DataWraith
    (edited )
    Advent of Code has a way of making you feel stupid, and, well, today I feel really, really stupid. For how simple the puzzle was, it took an embarrassingly long time to solve (almost 90 minutes)....

    Advent of Code has a way of making you feel stupid, and, well, today I feel really, really stupid. For how simple the puzzle was, it took an embarrassingly long time to solve (almost 90 minutes).


    I have a Grid2D helper class and tried to be fancy with it -- instead of just looping through the grid in eight different directions, I tried to get away with rotating and mirroring the grid, because I have helper methods for that sort of thing. That would have been faster if it had worked, but it didn't (because I had an off-by-one error in the actual counting), so I wasted 15 minutes on that before using the naive approach.

    Then I got stuck for a very long time on Part 2, because apparently bending the MAS around the corner isn't allowed, i.e.

    S M
    M S

    is invalid, and the puzzle description did not make that clear. Unfortunately it didn't appear in the test input either (which might have been deliberate), so I was left scratching my head for a good long while.

    Part 1 (Rust)
    pub fn part1(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let mut count = 0;
        let xmas = ['X', 'M', 'A', 'S'];
        for col in 0..input.grid.width {
            for row in 0..input.grid.height {
                for dx in [-1i32, 0, 1] {
                    'outer: for dy in [-1i32, 0, 1] {
                        if dx == 0 && dy == 0 {
                        for (i, &x) in xmas.iter().enumerate() {
                            let c = input
                                .get((col + dx * i as i32, row + dy * i as i32).into())
                            if c != &x {
                                continue 'outer;
                        count += 1;
    Part 2 (Rust)
    pub fn part2(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let mut count = 0;
        for col in 1..(input.grid.width - 1) {
            for row in 1..(input.grid.height - 1) {
                let center = *input.grid.get((col, row).into()).unwrap();
                let tl = *input.grid.get((col - 1, row - 1).into()).unwrap();
                let tr = *input.grid.get((col + 1, row - 1).into()).unwrap();
                let bl = *input.grid.get((col - 1, row + 1).into()).unwrap();
                let br = *input.grid.get((col + 1, row + 1).into()).unwrap();
                if center == 'A' {
                    let x = (tl, tr, bl, br);
                    if x == ('M', 'S', 'M', 'S')
                        || x == ('S', 'M', 'S', 'M')
                        || x == ('M', 'M', 'S', 'S')
                        || x == ('S', 'S', 'M', 'M')
                        count += 1;
    3 votes
  2. wycy
    Python Ported my handy Point2D class from Rust over to Python this year. Part 1 #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from typing import List sys.path.insert(1, '../utils/') from point2d import * def...


    Ported my handy Point2D class from Rust over to Python this year.

    Part 1
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import sys
    from typing import List
    sys.path.insert(1, '../utils/')
    from point2d import *
    def read_file(file: str) -> List[str]:
        '''Read a file into a list of lines'''
        with open(file) as f:
            return f.read().splitlines()
    # Define directions
    up = Point2D( 0,-1)
    dn = Point2D( 0,+1)
    lf = Point2D(-1, 0)
    rt = Point2D(+1, 0)
    ur = Point2D(+1,-1)
    dr = Point2D(+1,+1)
    ul = Point2D(-1,-1)
    dl = Point2D(-1,+1)
    dirs = [up, dn, lf, rt, ur, dr, ul, dl]
    def get_char(map: List[str], pt: Point2D) -> str:
        '''Pull the character at the point defined by Point2D'''
        if pt.x < 0 or pt.y < 0: return None
        if pt.x >= len(map[0]) or pt.y >= len(map): return None
        return map[pt.y][pt.x]
    def find_word(map: List[str], pt: Point2D, dir: Point2D, word: str) -> bool:
        '''Check if word exists starting from pt in the direction of dir'''
        for step in range(0,len(word)):
            new_pt = pt + dir.mag_mult(step)
            if not get_char(map, new_pt) == word[step]: return False
        return True
    def is_mas(map: List[str], pt: Point2D, dir1: Point2D, dir2: Point2D) -> bool:
        '''Checks one full diagonal of the X-MAS for M-S; find_xmas calls is_mas for both diagonals'''
        if (get_char(map, pt+dir1) == 'M' and get_char(map, pt+dir2) == 'S') or \
           (get_char(map, pt+dir1) == 'S' and get_char(map, pt+dir2) == 'M'): return True
        return False
    def find_xmas(map: List[str], pt: Point2D) -> bool:
        '''Checks both diagonals of the X-MAS'''
        if is_mas(map, pt, ul, dr) and \
           is_mas(map, pt, ur, dl): return True
        return False
    def part1(puzzle: List[str]) -> int:
        result = 0
        for y,line in enumerate(puzzle):
            for x,c in enumerate(line):
                if c == 'X':
                    pt = Point2D(x,y)
                    for direction in dirs:
                        if find_word(puzzle, pt, direction, 'XMAS'): result += 1
        return result
    def part2(puzzle: List[str]) -> int:
        result = 0
        for y,line in enumerate(puzzle):
            for x,c in enumerate(line):
                if c == 'A':
                    pt = Point2D(x,y)
                    if find_xmas(puzzle, pt): result += 1
        return result
    def main(file: str):
        # Input
        puzzle = read_file(file)
        # Part 1
        p1 = part1(puzzle)
        print(f'Part 1: {p1}')
        # Part 2
        p2 = part2(puzzle)
        print(f'Part 2: {p2}')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    class Point2D:
        def __init__(self, x, y) -> None:
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
        def __add__(self, other):
            return Point2D(self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y)
        def mag_mult(self, multiplier: int) -> None:
            return Point2D(self.x * multiplier, self.y * multiplier)
        def distance(self, other) -> int:
            return abs(self.x - other.x) + abs(self.y - other.y)
    3 votes
  3. tjf
    Brute force, but it worked well enough. I found complex numbers useful here for storing and shifting coordinates. My Python solutions: Part 1 import sys DIRECTIONS = ( (0, 1, 2, 3), # up (0, -1j,...

    Brute force, but it worked well enough. I found complex numbers useful here for storing and shifting coordinates. My Python solutions:

    Part 1
    import sys
        (0, 1, 2, 3),                       # up
        (0, -1j, -2j, -3j),                 # down
        (0, -1, -2, -3),                    # left
        (0, 1j, 2j, 3j),                    # right
        (0, -1 - 1j, -2 - 2j, -3 - 3j),     # diagonal down and left
        (0, -1 + 1j, -2 + 2j, -3 + 3j),     # diagonal up and left
        (0, 1 + 1j, 2 + 2j, 3 + 3j),        # diagonal up and right
        (0, 1 - 1j, 2 - 2j, 3 - 3j),        # diagonal down and right
    grid = {}
    for a, line in enumerate(sys.stdin):
        for b, char in enumerate(line.strip()):
            grid[complex(a, b)] = char
    total = 0
    for coord in grid:
        for direction in DIRECTIONS:
            if ''.join(grid.get(coord + d, '') for d in direction) == 'XMAS':
                total += 1
    Part 2
    import sys
        (-1 + 1j, 0, 1 - 1j),   # diagonal upper left to lower right
        (-1 - 1j, 0, 1 + 1j),   # diagonal lower left to upper right
    grid = {}
    for a, line in enumerate(sys.stdin):
        for b, char in enumerate(line.strip()):
            grid[complex(a, b)] = char
    total = 0
    for coord in grid:
        diag1 = ''.join(grid.get(coord + d, '') for d in DIRECTIONS[0])
        diag2 = ''.join(grid.get(coord + d, '') for d in DIRECTIONS[1])
        if diag1 in ('MAS', 'SAM') and diag2 in ('MAS', 'SAM'):
            total += 1
    3 votes
  4. Crespyl
    Grid problems! I pulled out the helper class I've used for a few years now, makes it a little easier to deal with various approaches to dealing with 2D grids; things like a method for doing...

    Grid problems! I pulled out the helper class I've used for a few years now, makes it a little easier to deal with various approaches to dealing with 2D grids; things like a method for doing something at each index of the grid, or handling out of bounds with a default value, that kind of thing.

    Part 1 Ruby
    def compute_p1(input)
      grid = Grid.new(input, default: nil)
      count = 0
      grid.each_index do |x, y|
        # skip any cell that isn't the start of an XMAS
        next unless grid.get(x,y) == "X"
        # check forwards
        forwards = [grid.get(x+1,y), grid.get(x+2,y), grid.get(x+3,y)].join()
        count += 1 if forwards == "MAS"
        # check backwards
        backwards = [grid.get(x-1,y), grid.get(x-2,y), grid.get(x-3,y)].join()
        count += 1 if backwards == "MAS"
        # check down
        down = [grid.get(x,y+1), grid.get(x,y+2), grid.get(x,y+3)].join()
        count += 1 if down == "MAS"
        # check up
        up = [grid.get(x,y-1), grid.get(x,y-2), grid.get(x,y-3)].join()
        count += 1 if up == "MAS"
        # check down_left
        down_left = [grid.get(x-1,y+1), grid.get(x-2,y+2), grid.get(x-3,y+3)].join()
        count += 1 if down_left == "MAS"
        # check down_right
        down_right = [grid.get(x+1,y+1), grid.get(x+2,y+2), grid.get(x+3,y+3)].join()
        count += 1 if down_right == "MAS"
        # check up_left
        up_left = [grid.get(x-1,y-1), grid.get(x-2,y-2), grid.get(x-3,y-3)].join()
        count += 1 if up_left == "MAS"
        # check up_right
        up_right = [grid.get(x+1,y-1), grid.get(x+2,y-2), grid.get(x+3,y-3)].join()
        count += 1 if up_right == "MAS"
      return count
    Part 2 Ruby
    def compute_p2(input)
      grid = Grid.new(input, default: nil)
      count = 0
      grid.each_index do |x, y|
        # skip any cell that isn't the center of an X-MAS
        next unless grid.get(x,y) == "A"
        # check \ direction
        down_right = [grid.get(x-1,y-1), grid.get(x,y), grid.get(x+1,y+1)].join
        next unless down_right == "MAS" || down_right == "SAM"
        # check / direction
        down_left = [grid.get(x+1,y-1), grid.get(x,y), grid.get(x-1,y+1)].join
        next unless down_left == "MAS" || down_left == "SAM"
        count += 1
      return count
    Helper "Grid" class
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    class Grid
      attr_accessor :grid
      attr_accessor :width
      attr_accessor :height
      attr_accessor :default
      def initialize(input, default: nil)
        @grid = input.lines
        @width = @grid[0].size
        @height = @grid.size
        @default = default
      def in_bounds?(x, y)
        x >= 0 && x < @width && y >= 0 && y < @height
      def get(x,y)
        if x < 0 || x >= @width || y < 0 || y >= @height
      def set(x,y,val)
        if x < 0 || x >= @width || y < 0 || y >= @height
          raise "Tried to write out of bounds"
          @grid[y][x] = val
      def all_coords
      def coords_where
        all_coords.filter { |x, y| yield(@grid[y][x]) }
      def each_index
        all_coords.each do |x,y|
      def update
        each_index do |x, y|
          @grid[y][x] = yield(x, y, @grid[y][x])
      def ==(other)
        return false if other.class != Grid
        return other.grid == @grid
      def all?(value)
        return @grid.flatten.all?(value)
      def neighbors(x,y)
          [-1, -1], [0, -1], [+1, -1],
          [-1,  0],          [+1, 0],
          [-1, +1], [0, +1], [+1, +1]
        ].map { |dx, dy| get(x+dx, y+dy) }
      def to_s
        s = ""
        height.times do |y|
          width.times do |x|
            s << get(x,y) || default.to_s
          s << "\n"
        return s
      def count(value)
        if block_given?
    2 votes
  5. scarecrw
    (edited )
    I'm very much enjoying having a Point class with simple syntax, but I can't say it's making up for the rest of Pharo's syntax being kind of a pain. It's tough to go from: arr[r-1][c-1] + arr[r][c]...

    I'm very much enjoying having a Point class with simple syntax, but I can't say it's making up for the rest of Pharo's syntax being kind of a pain. It's tough to go from:

    arr[r-1][c-1] + arr[r][c] + arr[r+1][c+1]

    for finding a diagonal string, to:

    String withAll: { (self at: aPoint - (1 @ 1)) . (self at: aPoint) . (self at: aPoint + (1 @ 1)) }

    Maybe I'm just not finding the cleanest approaches, but it's frustrating.

    I have, however, been enjoying the pressure to heavily decompose tasks and easily add tests. I feel like I'm leaving each day in a state that would be easily refactored or improved.

    Pharo Smalltalk Solution

    2 votes
  6. Crestwave
    This was one problem where rushing it worked surprisingly to my favor. AWK solutions: Part 1 My approach here was to locate X's and look for occurrences of "MAS" in all directions. I generally...

    This was one problem where rushing it worked surprisingly to my favor. AWK solutions:

    Part 1

    My approach here was to locate X's and look for occurrences of "MAS" in all directions. I generally would have used loops for this, but I was in a rush so I just hard-coded everything. Quick and dirty.

    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    BEGIN {
    	FS = ""
    	total = ""
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i)
    		grid[i, NR] = $i
    END {
    	for (i in grid) {
    		if (grid[i] == "X") {
    			split(i, xy, SUBSEP)
    			print(xy[1], xy[2])
    			x = xy[1]
    			y = xy[2]
    			# upper-left
    			if (grid[x-1, y-1] == "M" && grid[x-2, y-2] == "A" && grid[x-3, y-3] == "S")
    				total += 1
    			# upper-right
    			if (grid[x+1, y-1] == "M" && grid[x+2, y-2] == "A" && grid[x+3, y-3] == "S")
    				total += 1
    			# lower-left
    			if (grid[x-1, y+1] == "M" && grid[x-2, y+2] == "A" && grid[x-3, y+3] == "S")
    				total += 1
    			# lower-right
    			if (grid[x+1, y+1] == "M" && grid[x+2, y+2] == "A" && grid[x+3, y+3] == "S")
    				total += 1
    			# left
    			if (grid[x-1, y] == "M" && grid[x-2, y] == "A" && grid[x-3, y] == "S")
    				total += 1
    			# right
    			if (grid[x+1, y] == "M" && grid[x+2, y] == "A" && grid[x+3, y] == "S")
    				total += 1
    			# up
    			if (grid[x, y-1] == "M" && grid[x, y-2] == "A" && grid[x, y-3] == "S")
    				total += 1
    			# down
    			if (grid[x, y+1] == "M" && grid[x, y+2] == "A" && grid[x, y+3] == "S")
    				total += 1
    	print total
    Part 2

    I was expecting to have to switch to a smarter approach, but this was even easier than part 1 for me. I locate A's and look around diagonally for M/S pairs.

    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    BEGIN {
    	FS = ""
    	total = ""
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i)
    		grid[i, NR] = $i
    END {
    	for (i in grid) {
    		if (grid[i] == "A") {
    			split(i, xy, SUBSEP)
    			x = xy[1]
    			y = xy[2]
    			if ((grid[x-1, y-1] == "M" && grid[x+1, y+1] == "S") || (grid[x-1, y-1] == "S" && grid[x+1, y+1] == "M"))
    				if ((grid[x+1, y-1] == "M" && grid[x-1, y+1] == "S") || (grid[x+1, y-1] == "S" && grid[x-1, y+1] == "M"))
    					total += 1
    	print total
    2 votes
  7. jonah
    Today's solution felt gross, but it's probably because I felt like I was hacking this one instead of coming up with a good solution. I still feel like I'm abusing Python instead of letting it work...

    Today's solution felt gross, but it's probably because I felt like I was hacking this one instead of coming up with a good solution. I still feel like I'm abusing Python instead of letting it work for me.

    Part 1 | Part 2

    I got tired of copy/pasting code and I've been publishing my solutions on GitHub anyways so shrug

    2 votes
  8. balooga
    I had some fun with this one and ended up writing solvers to find arbitrary strings in the word search, not just XMAS. Spoilers I used cardinal and ordinal directions to describe traversal through...

    I had some fun with this one and ended up writing solvers to find arbitrary strings in the word search, not just XMAS.


    I used cardinal and ordinal directions to describe traversal through the puzzle, that was a fun way to frame it.

    My solution for Part 1 loops through the rows and columns, looking for the first letter (X). When it finds one, it does some quick boundary checks to see which directions it should bother searching in, from that starting position. Once the searchable directions are determined, then walk each direction one step at a time, validating the letter each step.

    Part 2 was pretty wild, especially since I'd already committed to searching for strings of unknown length. Though we have to assume an odd number of chars so we can orbit around the one in the center. First my solution has to figure out the midpoint of the search string. Then like in Part 1 it loops through the puzzle, looking for that letter — though it only looks through an interior portion of the puzzle where the letter positions are valid for the middle of an X shape.

    Then it starts traversing the diagonal axes, first NW-SE, then NE-SW. For each axis it walks from the middle of the word out toward the edges. At each step it's detecting whether the current letter is a valid next letter for the word, in either possible direction (i.e., whether the word is spelled backward or forward along this axis). If both directions have been ruled out, the process short-circuits and skips to looking for a new middle letter. This was a good use case for JavaScript's labeled statements which I almost never get to use! If a full word is found — twice, once for each axis — that's considered a found X shape and it's counted.

    Parts 1 and 2 (TypeScript)
    type InputData = string[][];
    function formatInput(input: string): InputData {
      const lines = input.trim().split('\n');
      return lines.map(line => line.split(''));
    export function run(input: string): string[] {
      const data = formatInput(input);
      const directions: Record<string, [number, number]> = {
        E: [0, 1],
        N: [-1, 0],
        NE: [-1, 1],
        NW: [-1, -1],
        S: [1, 0],
        SE: [1, 1],
        SW: [1, -1],
        W: [0, -1],
      const countWords = (puzzle: InputData): number => {
        const needle = 'XMAS'.split('');
        let count = 0;
        for (let row = 0; row < puzzle.length; row++) {
          for (let col = 0; col < puzzle[row].length; col++) {
            if (puzzle[row][col] !== needle[0]) {
            const possibleDirections: [number, number][] = [];
            if (row >= needle.length - 1) {
              // can go north
            if (row <= puzzle.length - needle.length) {
              // can go south
            if (col <= puzzle[row].length - needle.length) {
              // can go east
              if (possibleDirections.includes(directions.N)) {
              if (possibleDirections.includes(directions.S)) {
            if (col >= needle.length - 1) {
              // can go west
              if (possibleDirections.includes(directions.N)) {
              if (possibleDirections.includes(directions.S)) {
            for (const [rowChange, colChange] of possibleDirections) {
              for (let i = 1; i < needle.length; i++) {
                const nextLetter = puzzle[row + rowChange * i][col + colChange * i];
                if (nextLetter !== needle[i]) {
                if (i === needle.length - 1) {
        return count;
      const countCrosses = (puzzle: InputData) => {
        // for fun, this one (probably) works with any length needle, not just 3 letters
        // but it does expect an odd number because the X cross shape needs a center
        const needle = 'MAS'.split('');
        const midpoint = Math.floor(needle.length / 2);
        let count = 0;
        for (let row = midpoint; row < puzzle.length - midpoint; row++) {
          for (let col = midpoint; col < puzzle[row].length - midpoint; col++) {
            if (puzzle[row][col] !== needle[midpoint]) {
            let isAxisFound = false;
            axisLoop: for (const axis of [
              [directions.NW, directions.SE],
              [directions.NE, directions.SW],
            ]) {
              for (let distanceFromMidpoint = 1; distanceFromMidpoint <= midpoint; distanceFromMidpoint++) {
                let mightBeForward = true;
                let mightBeBackward = true;
                for (const direction of axis) {
                  const [rowChange, colChange] = direction;
                  const nextLetter = puzzle[row + rowChange * distanceFromMidpoint][col + colChange * distanceFromMidpoint];
                  const isLookingForward = direction === axis[1];
                  if (isLookingForward) {
                    mightBeForward = mightBeForward && nextLetter === needle[midpoint + distanceFromMidpoint];
                    mightBeBackward = mightBeBackward && nextLetter === needle[midpoint - distanceFromMidpoint];
                  } else {
                    mightBeForward = mightBeForward && nextLetter === needle[midpoint - distanceFromMidpoint];
                    mightBeBackward = mightBeBackward && nextLetter === needle[midpoint + distanceFromMidpoint];
                if (mightBeBackward || mightBeForward) {
                  if (isAxisFound) {
                    break axisLoop;
                  } else {
                    isAxisFound = true;
        return count;
      return [`${countWords(data)}`, `${countCrosses(data)}`];
    2 votes
  9. lily
    This one was kind of uninteresting to me. I knew how I was going to solve it nearly instantly upon reading the problem text. Maybe it's not a clever solution, but then I don't know that this...

    This one was kind of uninteresting to me. I knew how I was going to solve it nearly instantly upon reading the problem text. Maybe it's not a clever solution, but then I don't know that this puzzle really deserves a clever solution. It's just a word search. Part 2 was even easier - I solved it in only a couple minutes.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 04: Ceres Search
    #import "Basic";
    #import "File";
    #import "String";
    // The Vector2 struct in the Math module uses floats, which we don't want since
    // we're using this struct as a modifier for array indices.
    Vector2_Int :: struct {
        x, y: int;
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_04.txt");
        rows := split(input, "\n");
        rows.count -= 1; // We're assuming a trailing newline.
        xmas_count := 0;
        for row, y: rows {
            for char, x: row {
                if char == #char "X" {
                    // There's no point checking for the remaining letters if there
                    // isn't space for them anyway.
                    right_allowed := x <= row.count - 4;
                    left_allowed  := x >= 3;
                    if right_allowed && slice(row, x + 1, 3) == "MAS" {
                        xmas_count += 1;
                    if left_allowed && slice(row, x - 3, 3) == "SAM" {
                        xmas_count += 1;
                    directions: [..] Vector2_Int;
                    if y <= rows.count - 4 {
                        array_add(*directions, .{0, 1});
                        if right_allowed array_add(*directions, .{1, 1});
                        if left_allowed  array_add(*directions, .{-1, 1});
                    if y >= 3 {
                        array_add(*directions, .{0, -1});
                        if right_allowed array_add(*directions, .{1, -1});
                        if left_allowed  array_add(*directions, .{-1, -1});
                    for direction: directions {
                        found_letters: [3] u8;
                        scan_x := x;
                        scan_y := y;
                        for 0..2 {
                            scan_x += direction.x;
                            scan_y += direction.y;
                            found_letters[it] = rows[scan_y][scan_x];
                        if xx found_letters == "MAS" {
                            xmas_count += 1;
        print("Part 1: %\n", xmas_count);
        x_mas_count := 0;
        for y: 1..rows.count - 2 {
            for x: 1..rows[y].count - 2 {
                // The middle character will always be A.
                if rows[y][x] == #char "A" {
                    // Maybe there's a better way to do this.
                    if (
                            rows[y - 1][x - 1] == #char "M"
                            && rows[y + 1][x + 1] == #char "S"
                        ) || (
                            rows[y - 1][x - 1] == #char "S"
                            && rows[y + 1][x + 1] == #char "M"
                    ) && (
                            rows[y + 1][x - 1] == #char "M"
                            && rows[y - 1][x + 1] == #char "S"
                        ) || (
                            rows[y + 1][x - 1] == #char "S"
                            && rows[y - 1][x + 1] == #char "M"
                    ) {
                        x_mas_count += 1;
        print("Part 2: %\n", x_mas_count);
    1 vote
  10. csos95
    (edited )
    My initial solution isn't as nice as I'd like it to be, but it works. I might go back over it tomorrow and add some functions to my utils module to make working with grids easier. Rhai Solution...

    My initial solution isn't as nice as I'd like it to be, but it works.
    I might go back over it tomorrow and add some functions to my utils module to make working with grids easier.

    Rhai Solution
    import "utils" as utils;
    let input = utils::get_input(4, false);
    let grid = input.split("\n").map(|line| line.to_chars());
    let height = grid.len();
    let width = grid[0].len();
    let total = 0;
    for y in 0..height {
        for x in 0..width {
            for vy in range(-1, 2, 1) {
                for vx in range(-1, 2, 1) {
                    if vy == 0 && vx == 0 {
                    if has_xmas!(x, y, vx, vy) {
                        total += 1;
    fn has_xmas(x, y, vx, vy) {
        x+vx*3 < width && y+vy*3 < height
          && x+vx*3 >= 0 && y+vy*3 >= 0
          &&grid[y][x] == 'X'
          && grid[y+vy*1][x+vx*1] == 'M'
          && grid[y+vy*2][x+vx*2] == 'A'
          && grid[y+vy*3][x+vx*3] == 'S'
    print(`part 1: ${total}`);
    let total = 0;
    for y in 0..height {
        for x in 0..width {
            if grid[y][x] != 'A' || x-1 < 0 || x+1 >= width || y-1 < 0 || y+1 >= height {
            let first_diag = grid[y-1][x-1] + grid[y][x] + grid[y+1][x+1];
            let second_diag = grid[y-1][x+1] + grid[y][x] + grid[y+1][x-1];
            if (first_diag == "MAS" || first_diag == "SAM") && (second_diag == "MAS" || second_diag == "SAM") {
                total += 1;
    print(`part 2: ${total}`);

    Edit: I added grid and point types and redid my solution using them.

    Rhai Solution
    import "utils" as utils;
    let input = utils::get_input(4, false);
    let grid = new_grid(input.split("\n").map(|line| line.to_chars()));
    let total = 0;
    for position in grid.cell_positions() {
        for offset in neighbor_offsets() {
            if has_xmas!(position, offset) {
                total += 1;
    fn has_xmas(point, dp) {
        grid.is_valid(point + dp * 3)
          && grid.cell(point) == 'X'
          && grid.cell(point + dp) == 'M'
          && grid.cell(point + dp * 2) == 'A'
          && grid.cell(point + dp * 3) == 'S'
    print(`part 1: ${total}`);
    let total = 0;
    for pos in grid.cell_positions() {
        if grid.cell(pos) != 'A'
          || !grid.is_valid(pos - 1)
          || !grid.is_valid(pos + 1) {
        let first_diag = grid.cell(pos - 1) + grid.cell(pos) + grid.cell(pos + 1);
        let second_diag = grid.cell(pos + new_point(1, -1)) + grid.cell(pos) + grid.cell(pos + new_point(-1, 1));
        if first_diag in ["MAS", "SAM"] && second_diag in ["MAS", "SAM"] {
            total += 1;
    print(`part 2: ${total}`);
    1 vote
  11. xavdid
    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code My grid parsing and neighbors function came in clutch today. For part 1, I could find every X, see if it has a neighboring M, and calculate the...

    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code

    My grid parsing and neighbors function came in clutch today. For part 1, I could find every X, see if it has a neighboring M, and calculate the direction we stepped, and step 2 more times to check for A and S.

    For part 2, I tweaked neighbors to be able to do diagonals only. It was the same basic approach though: start with A, find a diagonal M, and then go the opposite way from the A to check for S. If there are exactly 2 of those, we're good to go!

    Mostly today's writeup covered how my grid system works. I end up using it a ton, so it's nice to have a cogent description of it somewhere.

    I do wonder if I should make an actual NamedTuple class for my GridPoints instead of just a type alias. Is mostly compatible, but will also let me add and subtract via method overrides instead of needing dedicated a add_points(a: GridPoint, b: GridPoint) -> GridPoint function. Ah well; that sounds like work for the off season!

    1 vote
  12. kari
    Part 1 I could've made nicer and I'm sure it could be better, but I think my part 2 is fairly nice Racket #! /usr/bin/env racket #lang racket (require "common.rkt" math/base rackunit) ; return the...

    Part 1 I could've made nicer and I'm sure it could be better, but I think my part 2 is fairly nice

    #! /usr/bin/env racket
    #lang racket
    (require "common.rkt" math/base rackunit)
    ; return the value at grid[i][j]
    ; null if i or j are invalid
    (define (grid-ref grid i j)
        [(negative? i) null]
        [(>= i (length grid)) null]
        [(negative? j) null]
        [(>= j (length (list-ref grid i))) null]
        [else (list-ref (list-ref grid i) j)]))
    ;; we assume input is a non-empty rectangle,
    ;; i.e. width and height are even for all rows and colums, respectively, and
    ;;      min(width, height) >= 1
    (define (day04/run-part01 input)
      ;; really... these could just be made with a loop and adding an extra parameter for the direction
      (define (check-up grid i j [cur 0])
          [(eq? 0 cur) (if (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-up grid (- i 1) j 1)
          [(eq? 1 cur) (if (eq? #\A (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-up grid (- i 1) j 2)
          [(eq? 2 cur) (if (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid i j))
          [else 0]))
      (define (check-down grid i j [cur 0])
          [(eq? 0 cur) (if (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-down grid (+ i 1) j 1)
          [(eq? 1 cur) (if (eq? #\A (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-down grid (+ i 1) j 2)
          [(eq? 2 cur) (if (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid i j))
          [else 0]))
      (define (check-left grid i j [cur 0])
          [(eq? 0 cur) (if (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-left grid i (- j 1) 1)
          [(eq? 1 cur) (if (eq? #\A (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-left grid i (- j 1) 2)
          [(eq? 2 cur) (if (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid i j))
          [else 0]))
      (define (check-right grid i j [cur 0])
          [(eq? 0 cur) (if (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-right grid i (+ j 1) 1)
          [(eq? 1 cur) (if (eq? #\A (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-right grid i (+ j 1) 2)
          [(eq? 2 cur) (if (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid i j))
          [else 0]))
      (define (check-up-left grid i j [cur 0])
          [(eq? 0 cur) (if (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-up-left grid (- i 1) (- j 1) 1)
          [(eq? 1 cur) (if (eq? #\A (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-up-left grid (- i 1) (- j 1) 2)
          [(eq? 2 cur) (if (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid i j))
          [else 0]))
      (define (check-up-right grid i j [cur 0])
          [(eq? 0 cur) (if (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-up-right grid (- i 1) (+ j 1) 1)
          [(eq? 1 cur) (if (eq? #\A (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-up-right grid (- i 1) (+ j 1) 2)
          [(eq? 2 cur) (if (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid i j))
          [else 0]))
      (define (check-down-left grid i j [cur 0])
          [(eq? 0 cur) (if (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-down-left grid (+ i 1) (- j 1) 1)
          [(eq? 1 cur) (if (eq? #\A (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-down-left grid (+ i 1) (- j 1) 2)
          [(eq? 2 cur) (if (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid i j))
          [else 0]))
      (define (check-down-right grid i j [cur 0])
          [(eq? 0 cur) (if (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-down-right grid (+ i 1) (+ j 1) 1)
          [(eq? 1 cur) (if (eq? #\A (grid-ref grid i j))
                           (check-down-right grid (+ i 1) (+ j 1) 2)
          [(eq? 2 cur) (if (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid i j))
          [else 0]))
      ;; loop through the whole grid,
      ;; for each X, recursively check each direction
      (for*/fold ([total 0])
                 ([i (length input)]
                  [j (length (list-ref input 0))])
        ;; If we find an 'X', let's check for XMASes
        (let ([cur (list-ref (list-ref input i) j)])
          (if (eq? cur #\X)
              (+ total
                 (check-up input (- i 1) j)
                 (check-down input (+ i 1) j)
                 (check-left input i (- j 1))
                 (check-right input i (+ j 1))
                 (check-up-left input (- i 1) (- j 1))
                 (check-up-right input (- i 1) (+ j 1))
                 (check-down-left input (+ i 1) (- j 1))
                 (check-down-right input (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))
    (define (day04/run-part02 input)
      (define (check-x-mas grid i j)
        (if (eq? 2 (sum (list (check-updown-leftright grid i j)
                              (check-updown-rightleft grid i j)
                              (check-downup-leftright grid i j)
                              (check-downup-rightleft grid i j))))
      (define (check-updown-leftright grid i j)
        (if (and (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid (- i 1) (- j 1)))
                 (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid (+ i 1) (+ j 1))))
      (define (check-updown-rightleft grid i j)
        (if (and (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid (- i 1) (+ j 1)))
                 (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid (+ i 1) (- j 1))))
      (define (check-downup-leftright grid i j)
        (if (and (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid (+ i 1) (- j 1)))
                 (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid (- i 1) (+ j 1))))
      (define (check-downup-rightleft grid i j)
        (if (and (eq? #\M (grid-ref grid (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))
                 (eq? #\S (grid-ref grid (- i 1) (- j 1))))
      ;; loop through the whole grid,
      ;; for each X, recursively check each direction
      (for*/fold ([total 0])
                 ([i (length input)]
                  [j (length (list-ref input 0))])
        ;; If we find an 'X', let's check for XMASes
        (let ([cur (list-ref (list-ref input i) j)])
          ;; A is always the center
          (if (eq? cur #\A)
              (+ total
                 (check-x-mas input i j))
    (let* ([input (input->list (open-input-file "inputs/day04.in"))]
           [part1 (day04/run-part01 input)]
           [part2 (day04/run-part02 input)])
      (printf "Part 1: ~a, Part 2: ~a\n" part1 part2))
    1 vote
  13. jzimbel
    (edited )
    Elixir Pattern matching was useful for this one. I've also been iterating on a Grid module/data structure over several years of AoC puzzles, so I had an easy time parsing the input and moving...


    Pattern matching was useful for this one. I've also been iterating on a Grid module/data structure over several years of AoC puzzles, so I had an easy time parsing the input and moving around the grid.

    My approach for both parts was to find all the "starting points" of the desired patterns—X's for part 1 and A's for part 2. Then, I checked locally around each one for matching patterns. Each X could form up to 8 XMAS's, each A formed either 0 or 1 "X-MAS".

    Both parts

    Just the solution code—here is my Grid module, if you're interested.

    A fun thing: I updated Grid.lines_of_values to be optionally lazy-evaluating for this puzzle. Using the lazy version makes my part 1 solution run 10x faster! (It avoids unnecessary extra cell lookups.)

    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2024.Day04 do
      alias AdventOfCode.Grid, as: G
      use AdventOfCode.Solution.SharedParse
      @impl true
      def parse(input), do: G.from_input(input)
      @spec part1(G.t()) :: integer()
      def part1(grid) do
        |> G.filter_cells(&match?({_, ?X}, &1))
        |> Enum.map(&count_xmas(&1, grid))
        |> Enum.sum()
      def part2(grid) do
        |> G.filter_cells(&match?({_, ?A}, &1))
        |> Enum.count(&x_mas?(&1, grid))
      defp count_xmas({coords, ?X}, grid) do
        |> G.lines_of_values(coords, :all, true)
        |> Enum.count(&match?(~c"MAS", Enum.take(&1, 3)))
      defp x_mas?({coords, ?A}, grid) do
        case G.adjacent_values(grid, coords, :intercardinal) do
          [a, a, b, b] when a != b and a in ~c"MS" and b in ~c"MS" -> true
          [a, b, a, b] when a != b and a in ~c"MS" and b in ~c"MS" -> true
          _not_x_mas_or_A_is_on_edge_of_grid -> false
    1 vote