23 votes

An announcement regarding Kris Nóva


  1. Cldfire
    This is incredibly sad news. I knew of them through their work building Hachyderm, a Mastodon server. The transparency with which it was built gave me great confidence in the platform, and I have...

    This is incredibly sad news. I knew of them through their work building Hachyderm, a Mastodon server. The transparency with which it was built gave me great confidence in the platform, and I have enjoyed my account there since late last year. Kris's Twitch streams working on the project were illuminating as well.

    Well wishes to those close to them in this difficult time.

    7 votes
  2. 0xSim
    Anecdotal, but back in November, I joined Hachyderm because of Nova. I saw what she was trying to build, her energy, her positivity, and I'm happy I joined this instance. It's weird to say I felt...

    Anecdotal, but back in November, I joined Hachyderm because of Nova. I saw what she was trying to build, her energy, her positivity, and I'm happy I joined this instance.

    It's weird to say I felt a bit of a punch when I learned about her death yesterday, because I've never met her and only knew her through some posts, but she left that strong of an impression on me. Condolences to her loved ones.

    6 votes
  3. deathinactthree
    Oh wow, I had no idea, that's awful news. Like @0xSim, I also joined Hachyderm largely based on Nova's laid-out vision for the instance, and technology more broadly. Hope everyone close to Nova is...

    Oh wow, I had no idea, that's awful news. Like @0xSim, I also joined Hachyderm largely based on Nova's laid-out vision for the instance, and technology more broadly. Hope everyone close to Nova is doing okay.

    3 votes