12 votes

How we used esbuild to reduce our browser extension build times by 90%


  1. Cldfire
    Hey folks! I worked on speeding up our web extension build system at 1Password earlier this year, and I wrote this blog post afterwards. Happy to answer any questions!

    Hey folks! I worked on speeding up our web extension build system at 1Password earlier this year, and I wrote this blog post afterwards.

    Happy to answer any questions!

    8 votes
  2. skybrian
    Great stuff. I've used esbuild directly, for a tiny project, and it seems like a good tool. (I just relied on VS Code for type checking at the time.) I'm currently using Deno Fresh, which I...

    Great stuff. I've used esbuild directly, for a tiny project, and it seems like a good tool. (I just relied on VS Code for type checking at the time.)

    I'm currently using Deno Fresh, which I believe uses esbuild behind the scenes.

    3 votes