15 votes

TIFF to DNG converter


  1. [6]
    (edited )
    I hacked together a simple script today, to do the bare minimum to convert very specific TIFF files into very specific DNG files. I did this due to a camera I have coming in the mail that I want...

    I hacked together a simple script today, to do the bare minimum to convert very specific TIFF files into very specific DNG files. I did this due to a camera I have coming in the mail that I want to test adapted lenses on that will likely require some software called CornerFix. Unfortunately, CornerFix only supports DNG (strange choice but makes some sense given the ware's history) and I can only get TIFF from this camera's proprietary raw files and software. It seems the only other programs that can do this require paid licenses, so this is a minimal solution to use the software.

    If anyone is aware of a better approach or knows how to answer the question in the readme, let me know (or file an issue)!

    9 votes
    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      Normally for this sort of thing I use imagemagick, I just checked with magick identify -list format and it seems to support both TIFF and DNG so it should be able to convert between the two

      Normally for this sort of thing I use imagemagick, I just checked with magick identify -list format and it seems to support both TIFF and DNG so it should be able to convert between the two

      3 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        Look more closely at the output and you'll notice ImageMagick supports DNG as a read-only format (denoted by the mode: r--). So conversion to isn't possible, but conversion from should be. The OP...

        Look more closely at the output and you'll notice ImageMagick supports DNG as a read-only format (denoted by the mode: r--). So conversion to isn't possible, but conversion from should be. The OP project is converting to.

        7 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Easy solution: build an AI, train it on millions of conversions from DNG to TIFF, then have it traverse the process. You just saved $50 in corporate license fees.

          Easy solution: build an AI, train it on millions of conversions from DNG to TIFF, then have it traverse the process. You just saved $50 in corporate license fees.

          4 votes
          1. Notcoffeetable
            Link Parent
            That's how you get my_image.tiff -> my_image.dng.png label as joke

            That's how you get my_image.tiff -> my_image.dng.png

            label as joke

            2 votes
        2. saturnV
          Link Parent
          ah thanks makes sense

          ah thanks makes sense

          2 votes
  2. [2]
    There is Adobe DNG Converter and afaict it's free. Hard to tell if it will work for your RAW files though.

    There is Adobe DNG Converter and afaict it's free.
    Hard to tell if it will work for your RAW files though.

    The Adobe DNG Converter enables you to easily convert camera-specific raw files from supported cameras to a more universal DNG raw file

    I can only get TIFF from this camera's proprietary raw files and software

    3 votes
    1. Wulfsta
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      It does not work with TIFF files as far as I can tell - I tried before writing the tool! Thanks for the suggestion though. Edit: I forgot to add, it also did not work on the raw files when I tried...

      It does not work with TIFF files as far as I can tell - I tried before writing the tool! Thanks for the suggestion though.

      Edit: I forgot to add, it also did not work on the raw files when I tried it, which are Sigma's x3f. In fact, due to the oddities of this format, I'd like to try keeping any editing of the x3f format in Sigma's tooling. Many of the programs that can handle it don't necessarily seem to do it the same way, which is surprising. Sigma made a plugin for Adobe products, to be able to read it directly, but that is also not useful for my purposes.

      1 vote