14 votes

How we fit the NES game Micro Mages into 40 Kilobytes


  1. Deimos
    This is a video from the Kickstarter for Micro Mages, a new NES game that they decided to make under the size limitations of the console's initial games: The video goes through some of the...

    This is a video from the Kickstarter for Micro Mages, a new NES game that they decided to make under the size limitations of the console's initial games:

    While many homebrew games and later commercial NES releases can be upwards of 512 Kilobytes in size, we challenged ourselves to make the best game we could given the harsh limitations that the very first NES titles (e.g., Super Mario Bros.) had to deal with. That is, the whole game fits into 40 Kilobytes. Micro Mages could have been an NES launch title!

    The video goes through some of the techniques they used to make this possible.

    7 votes
  2. Bandos
    It's amazing how creative people can be when they have to.

    It's amazing how creative people can be when they have to.

    3 votes