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    1. I made a thing: News Desk

      I've only been seriously programming for about a year now (and mostly in R), but I've been digging into Python for the past few months. Mostly I use pandas/numpy/scipy/scikit-learn, etc. for data...

      I've only been seriously programming for about a year now (and mostly in R), but I've been digging into Python for the past few months. Mostly I use pandas/numpy/scipy/scikit-learn, etc. for data analysis and some ML stuff, but in an effort to expand my skills I've also been playing around trying to build a few projects.

      It's not much, but I built this: News Desk

      Feedback is welcome. One bug that I'm aware of is that when you refresh the program, the url_list isn't cleared and the URLs from the refreshed articles are just appended to the list. So even though only 20 articles will show, you can select, for example, article 35.

      11 votes
    2. What will be the future of desktop interfaces?

      I feel that the mobile user interfaces has been developed and changed immensly compared to desktops, when it comes iOS and Android. While Windows has pushed some controversial but interesting...

      I feel that the mobile user interfaces has been developed and changed immensly compared to desktops, when it comes iOS and Android. While Windows has pushed some controversial but interesting features, macOS and Linux DEs has been kind of stagnant. Has desktop interfaces reached its peak form? Or is there more developments to come?

      10 votes
    3. Hey ~comp, how does on-call work?

      I'm starting a new job soon and I believe I'll eventually be in the on-call rotation. I've never done on-call in a formal sense. Past jobs I was always pretty junior and I tended to work on mobile...

      I'm starting a new job soon and I believe I'll eventually be in the on-call rotation. I've never done on-call in a formal sense. Past jobs I was always pretty junior and I tended to work on mobile apps that don't have all that many emergency problems. The closest I've ever come to a real on-call was helping some charities run their website.

      I don't really perform well under pressure and I'm pretty terrified. I've heard that a lot of places have automatic rollbacks and other methods of automatically dealing with things, so pages only really happen when something is really broken.

      How do people deal with issues like that? What happens if I'm not able to figure something out within a good time limit?

      10 votes
    4. Is Tilde BRUTAL? What do you think of this design trend towards brutalism/minimalism?

      Here's a nifty gallery with some examples that are text-heavy and straightforward, not unlike my new favorite site. http://brutalistwebsites.com/ So is tilde brutalist? Or minimalist? Both?...

      Here's a nifty gallery with some examples that are text-heavy and straightforward, not unlike my new favorite site.


      So is tilde brutalist? Or minimalist? Both? Something else? Whatever it is, I love it :)

      Edit: So glad this generated some thoughtful discussion. Sincere thanks.

      10 votes
    5. Does anyone have tips or tricks for self studying / preparing to get a CCNA?

      Hey everyone, I've decided to start studying to get my CCNA. My books are showing up Monday and I'm really excited. I'm going to shoot for self studying and prep for the testing. I think I can do...

      Hey everyone, I've decided to start studying to get my CCNA. My books are showing up Monday and I'm really excited.

      I'm going to shoot for self studying and prep for the testing. I think I can do it as I've always thrived in a more self paced learning environment (I also have no money for the classes).

      I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips, supplemental material, etc they could recommend? What was hardest for you and what was easiest? What did you spend too much time studying and what didn't you spend enough time on?

      6 votes
    6. AskComp: Reactive coding and splitting observables

      I was going to ask this on Stackoverflow but it seems like reactive programming is split into per-language questions (RxJava, RxJS, RxRuby, etc.) and this is a more generic question. How do you...

      I was going to ask this on Stackoverflow but it seems like reactive programming is split into per-language questions (RxJava, RxJS, RxRuby, etc.) and this is a more generic question.

      How do you stream items from one Observable to multiple Observers?

      I have a stream of CSV items, they're mapped to a dictionary/hash table, and then I want to:

      • get the maximum value from this stream
      • process the stream in a different way
      • sample the stream

      Can I call subscribe multiple times and then call the other operators?

      5 votes
    7. My random notes for Nim lang

      -> Nim notes <- Some background I am learning a new programming language Nim. As many would do, I also take my own notes as I am learning it, running little example by myself, etc. .. but I doing...

      -> Nim notes <-

      Some background

      I am learning a new programming language Nim. As many would do, I also take my own notes as I am learning it, running little example by myself, etc.

          .. but I doing that a bit differently.

      • I take notes in Emacs Org mode. Org mode has a feature set called Org Babel. That allows one to document the code snippets, and also run them directly in that document, and insert their output results below them -- Notes in Org

        This also helps me document regression of the language behavior between different Nim versions of any, as the exact outputs are documented too. After each major Nim update, I press a single binding (C-v C-v b) in Emacs, and all the output blocks get recalculated.

      • But not everyone uses Emacs and Org mode. So to be able to share them to a wider audience, I need to export (Org term) that to a format like HTML, PDF, or Markdown..

      • Hugo is a really fast static site generator that uses Markdown as one of the primary content formats. It parses that to HTML using a Go Markdown library called Blackfriday.

      • As my notes are in Org mode, and converting them to HTML via Hugo needs them to be in Blackfriday compatible Markdown (which is almost like GitHub flavored Markdown), I starting working on an Emacs Org mode package ox-hugo about a year back. Using that, this Markdown file is generated. Hugo natively supports a subset of Org, but I needed to write this package to use the full power of Org mode.

      • Hugo then takes that Markdown and generates the final Nim notes page in HTML.

      In the end, I have something that ties together all things of my interest: Nim, Emacs, Org mode and Hugo :)

      8 votes