5 votes

Gallery of physical visualizations


  1. gpl
    There was some talk the other day about people wanting more ~design posts, and one user in particular mentioned /r/dataisbeautiful. That reminded me of this post which I had seen a while back —...

    There was some talk the other day about people wanting more ~design posts, and one user in particular mentioned /r/dataisbeautiful. That reminded me of this post which I had seen a while back — consider this another necropost meant to draw attention to this for new users. I really recommend looking through the gallery here. Some of the data visualizations are as clever as they are unique. My favorite might be the Polynesian genealogical instrument.

    This artefact from the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia) served as a memory aid for reciting genealogies during ceremonies. Each thread, made of woven coconut fiber, is a genealogical line and each knot is a generation. The genealogy goes back to the mythical origins of Earth, materialized by the oblong ball on top, made of wood (see left image).

    3 votes
  2. patience_limited
    This is another posting which is hard to categorize - ~design, ~science, ~tech, ~creative, ~arts, ~comp? In any case, choose your adventure, and enjoy a delightful compendium of visualizations....

    This is another posting which is hard to categorize - ~design, ~science, ~tech, ~creative, ~arts, ~comp? In any case, choose your adventure, and enjoy a delightful compendium of visualizations.

    Adding a third (or fourth, via motion over time) dimension to data visualization takes information into a realm that doesn't quite fit the neat categories presented in customary descriptions of 2D visualisation techniques.

    It shouldn't come as a surprise that Edward Tufte, one of the seminal figures in information design and data visualization, is also a sculptor.

    ***I'm ashamed to say I didn't know about Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, who discovered the chemical structures of penicillin, Vitamin B-12 (and received a Nobel Prize for it), and insulin.

    2 votes