9 votes

Car-free in Los Angeles? Don't laugh


  1. Anwyl
    I'm car-free in LA. It's really way easier than people think. That said, I have full use of my legs. For wheelchairs I don't think I've seen anywhere worse. The sidewalks are frequently impassible...

    I'm car-free in LA. It's really way easier than people think. That said, I have full use of my legs. For wheelchairs I don't think I've seen anywhere worse. The sidewalks are frequently impassible to wheelchairs due to bad design or damage, and the scooters go from handy tools to additional sidewalk obstructions.

    3 votes
  2. OxidadoGuillermez
    Spot on that this is the biggest problem. For the "two wheeled revolution" to go anywhere, this has to change.

    The biggest transportation problem L.A. has is its stroad problem. The city's many long boulevards are mostly designed in a way that's dangerous and deeply unpleasant if you're on foot or bicycle: wide, multiple lanes in each direction, high traffic speeds, and narrow sidewalks with no real buffer from traffic.

    Spot on that this is the biggest problem. For the "two wheeled revolution" to go anywhere, this has to change.

    1 vote