5 votes Whiskey maker's try TikTok holiday cocktails Posted December 9, 2023 by cfabbro Tags: drinks, recipes, cocktails, alcohol, tiktok, comedy, jeremy grigg, videos, whiskey tribe, source.youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AONr4qUpZd0 Link information This data is scraped automatically and may be incorrect. Authors Whiskey Tribe Duration 18:55 Published Dec 9 2023 1 comment Collapse replies Expand all Comments sorted by most votes newest first order posted relevance OK cfabbro (OP) December 9, 2023 Link Tangentially related video from Sorted today too: Reviewing TikTok Food Trends Ft. PoppyCooks p.s. I've had the Filipino, avocado and condensed milk on shaved ice drink before, and highly... Tangentially related video from Sorted today too: Reviewing TikTok Food Trends Ft. PoppyCooks p.s. I've had the Filipino, avocado and condensed milk on shaved ice drink before, and highly recommend it. 1 vote
cfabbro (OP) December 9, 2023 Link Tangentially related video from Sorted today too: Reviewing TikTok Food Trends Ft. PoppyCooks p.s. I've had the Filipino, avocado and condensed milk on shaved ice drink before, and highly... Tangentially related video from Sorted today too: Reviewing TikTok Food Trends Ft. PoppyCooks p.s. I've had the Filipino, avocado and condensed milk on shaved ice drink before, and highly recommend it. 1 vote
Tangentially related video from Sorted today too:
Reviewing TikTok Food Trends Ft. PoppyCooks
p.s. I've had the Filipino, avocado and condensed milk on shaved ice drink before, and highly recommend it.