10 votes

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  1. [3]
    I don't know if it would quite be an announcement as they've already announced a mainline Pokemon game for Switch, but my hopes for that are mostly that they do something other than the same as...

    I don't know if it would quite be an announcement as they've already announced a mainline Pokemon game for Switch, but my hopes for that are mostly that they do something other than the same as always but $20 more this time. Game Freak hasn't been remotely ambitious in years, so I just want to see them take the opportunity to try. Learn from Zelda and Mario by pushing forward and breaking from what you've been stuck in for years, Game Freak. Please.

    5 votes
    1. Kirisame
      Link Parent
      Ambition... Breaking from what they've been stuck in... Ah, I think I'd perhaps like to see some kind of battle royale mode. Only part joking. It's difficult for me to put my finger on exactly how...

      Ambition... Breaking from what they've been stuck in... Ah, I think I'd perhaps like to see some kind of battle royale mode. Only part joking.

      It's difficult for me to put my finger on exactly how I'd like to see the series evolve, beyond QoL improvements (like how they got rid of HMs that take up valuable move slots!). Z-moves were interesting and done elegantly enough, taking up a held item slot so you'd have to choose between a substantial boon or maybe even a mega stone. I'd hope they don't continue to crowd held items with more of these types of deals, though.

      2 votes
    2. [2]
      Comment deleted by author
      Link Parent
      1. Whom
        (edited )
        Link Parent
        I mean they said a while back that they had a mainline Pokemon game coming for Switch that was not Let's Go.

        I mean they said a while back that they had a mainline Pokemon game coming for Switch that was not Let's Go.

        2 votes
  2. Heichou
    I really hope that, with the switch being more powerful than the 3DS, that we get a complete revision of the graphics. In Gen 1 - Gen 5, the graphics looked great because as technology advanced,...

    I really hope that, with the switch being more powerful than the 3DS, that we get a complete revision of the graphics. In Gen 1 - Gen 5, the graphics looked great because as technology advanced, they could iterate on the sprites (I'm referring to the sprites of NPCs) accordingly, often with great results. With all of the 3D games, they've opted for a weird semi-chibi style for NPCs where it looks like they've removed their shins and stapled their feet to their thighs. I've never been a fan of it and I really hope GF can pull of a better looking stylistic approach than just sticking them in a hydraulic press and squeezing them down.

    Gen 4 remakes would kick ass, too. My god the music would have to be perfect or I (and many others) would lose my shit. Gen 4's music was fantastic.

    I think another urban environment like Unova would be pretty cool, but Johto was always my favorite aesthetic. I think a city setting would do well to pull some extra graphix out of the switch. GF could make it look nicer than the bridge in Gen 5. I also wouldn't mind a new type, or pokemon with typings that we haven't seen before.

    3 votes
  3. Fierre
    I really want some decent textures on the Pokémon. I think all the Pokémon in last few gens have looked like rubber toys, especially compared to the Detective Pikachu movie. I’d like to see a...

    I really want some decent textures on the Pokémon. I think all the Pokémon in last few gens have looked like rubber toys, especially compared to the Detective Pikachu movie. I’d like to see a furry pikachu and a scaly Charizard.

    I’d also like to see more interesting and bigger routes. Hopefully with the power of the switch they can do something actually interesting with the series.

    2 votes
  4. Akir
    I want a drastically different Pokemon game. Or at least one that feels different enough. Just speeding up the walking speed might even be enough. Let's Go seemed like it was that game until I...

    I want a drastically different Pokemon game. Or at least one that feels different enough. Just speeding up the walking speed might even be enough. Let's Go seemed like it was that game until I realized how much they dumbed it down.

    I took a long break from Pokemon and I feel that when I came back for Pokemon Sun it was just the same game over again. None of the new features really did anything to make it feel fresh to me. I know that nothing will make me feel the same as it did when I was a kid, but I just want something unexpected.

    1 vote
  5. nepeckman
    I want something different, but not too different. Yeah, I know I'm hard to please. I'm a competitive player, and if something changed in the basic mechanics of the game, I'd lose interest. But...

    I want something different, but not too different. Yeah, I know I'm hard to please. I'm a competitive player, and if something changed in the basic mechanics of the game, I'd lose interest. But I'd love for the story mode of the game to be something new. Sun / Moon was interesting with the island challenges and lack of HMs, but it felt so guided and stifling. If we could get some of those new ideas, take them a little further, and also open the game up like it used to be, that would be my dream game. Probably not going to happen, but I can hope.

    1 vote