nepeckman's recent activity

  1. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~games

    I want something different, but not too different. Yeah, I know I'm hard to please. I'm a competitive player, and if something changed in the basic mechanics of the game, I'd lose interest. But...

    I want something different, but not too different. Yeah, I know I'm hard to please. I'm a competitive player, and if something changed in the basic mechanics of the game, I'd lose interest. But I'd love for the story mode of the game to be something new. Sun / Moon was interesting with the island challenges and lack of HMs, but it felt so guided and stifling. If we could get some of those new ideas, take them a little further, and also open the game up like it used to be, that would be my dream game. Probably not going to happen, but I can hope.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Trump: Impeach me and the market crashes in ~news

    Link Parent
    Thank you for such a detailed post! Definitely helps alleviate some fears, and the advice is really appreciated!

    Thank you for such a detailed post! Definitely helps alleviate some fears, and the advice is really appreciated!

  3. Comment on Trump: Impeach me and the market crashes in ~news

    Link Parent
    What can an individual do to insulate themselves from this sort of economic hardship? I'm about a year out of school, lot of school loans, but I have a software engineering job that pays pretty...

    What can an individual do to insulate themselves from this sort of economic hardship? I'm about a year out of school, lot of school loans, but I have a software engineering job that pays pretty well. Any advice is really appreciated, I've been concerned about a recession for a while and just want to make sure I'm prepared.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on Guilty TV pleasures? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I came here to post the same thing. I binged both seasons when they came out, and enjoyed it despite the melodrama and cringe worthy moments (who greenlit the Mad World snake dance scene????). I...

    I came here to post the same thing. I binged both seasons when they came out, and enjoyed it despite the melodrama and cringe worthy moments (who greenlit the Mad World snake dance scene????). I do feel less guilty about some episodes than others. I enjoyed that weird episode with the drug run, just because it was so bizarre. There were some cool Easter eggs with references to Lovecraft in it!

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Anyone into whisky/ey? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    The classic Old Fashioned was my gateway to whiskey. Super easy to make too, just sugar, bitters, and whiskey, with options for fruit if you want (I do cherries or orange).

    The classic Old Fashioned was my gateway to whiskey. Super easy to make too, just sugar, bitters, and whiskey, with options for fruit if you want (I do cherries or orange).

    1 vote
  6. Comment on sponsors full-time development of the open source language Nim in ~comp

    This is so great to see. Nim is my favorite imperative language, and strikes a nice balance between ease of use and power. The developers do so such a great job, and it's nice that the language...

    This is so great to see. Nim is my favorite imperative language, and strikes a nice balance between ease of use and power. The developers do so such a great job, and it's nice that the language has some more support behind it. Looking forward to 1.0 release!

    3 votes
  7. Comment on Anyone into whisky/ey? in ~hobbies

    I'm really into local/small distilleries, and I'd encourage everyone to see if there are any near them. There's a higher level of creativity, as the distillery is able to experiment more with...

    I'm really into local/small distilleries, and I'd encourage everyone to see if there are any near them. There's a higher level of creativity, as the distillery is able to experiment more with flavors and components, and I like supporting small businesses. I picked up a bourbon made from a rare red corn when I was in Charleston, SC (Jimmy Red Bourbon from High Wire distillery). There's a place near me in central NC that does a nice bourbon liqueur and a strong single cask bourbon too.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Computer science as a lost art in ~science

    Link Parent
    I agree with that statement, I just disagree with the analogy to EE vs CS. If you are curious and delve into sources, you can go from gluing things together to understanding the fundamentals. But...

    I agree with that statement, I just disagree with the analogy to EE vs CS. If you are curious and delve into sources, you can go from gluing things together to understanding the fundamentals. But I'd argue it's harder to go from understanding CS fundamentals, to understanding EE fundamentals.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Computer science as a lost art in ~science

    Link Parent
    Interesting followup. Not sure if I agree that the situation is analogous, though. The boundaries between the tool smiths and the tool consumers is a lot thinner when it comes to software. Take...

    Interesting followup. Not sure if I agree that the situation is analogous, though. The boundaries between the tool smiths and the tool consumers is a lot thinner when it comes to software. Take JavaScript for example. One can start out as a consumer of JS frameworks, and over time build up knowledge of fundamental JavaScript and the problems that frameworks try to solve. A couple peaks at any of the million open source repos, a few google searches for guides, and one can figure out how to write a JS framework of their own. This goes for any programming language, really. HLC (to use his term) and CS speak the same language, literally. But EE and low level software don't relate the same way. I don't think being good at OS level programming leads to an understanding of how to structure chips.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~books

    I'm currently starting Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie. Picked it up because I heard good things and looking forward to checking it out!

    I'm currently starting Ancillary Justice, by Ann Leckie. Picked it up because I heard good things and looking forward to checking it out!

    6 votes
  11. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I've been listening to G. Yamazawa this week. I'm no hip hop aficionado, but I really like his work and feel like he's underrated.

    I've been listening to G. Yamazawa this week. I'm no hip hop aficionado, but I really like his work and feel like he's underrated.

  12. Comment on What are y'all having for dinner tonight? in ~food

    My wife and I are making quinoa caprese salad. Pretty quick to make, just quinoa + mozzarella + tomato + cucumber + dressing, and we try to make it healthy. Good summer dish!

    My wife and I are making quinoa caprese salad. Pretty quick to make, just quinoa + mozzarella + tomato + cucumber + dressing, and we try to make it healthy. Good summer dish!

    1 vote