25 votes

Seattle's LGBTQ-inclusive Pull-a-Palooza Pride Deadlift Party continues on, despite trolls


  1. spit-evil-olive-tips
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    People of every gender identity tested their strength. Trans men lifted while shirtless, showing off their gender-affirming top-surgery scars. Creating that safe, inclusive space for all competitors was one of RCF’s goals, especially in the heat of political debates about trans rights.

    “We wanted to be able to cultivate an event that celebrates all bodies, and specifically queer, trans, [Black, Indigenous and people of color] and other LGBTQIA+ bodies,” Carr said. “But, even further, one that allows trans people to lift as they are, to not be misgendered and to not be apologetic [for] being themselves.”

    The “stark attack” against trans people inspired Carr and Koenigsberg to “go big” with the gym’s 2023 dead lift party, Carr explained.

    They made the Pull-a-Palooza feel more like a block party than a weightlifting competition. The event raised about $43,000, which directly supported local social causes. This year, they aim to raise $50,000 and will direct funds to five local nonprofits supporting LGBTQ+ people: GenCare, Lavender Rights Project, UTOPIA Washington, Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network and Cheer Seattle. A portion of the funds will also benefit Palestine Red Crescent Society, an international humanitarian group.

    5 votes
  2. Notcoffeetable
    These types of events are awesome to see. We need to have more. One minor point of correction USPA is not the largest federation nationwide, it used to be biggest but the USAPL supplanted the USPA...

    These types of events are awesome to see. We need to have more.

    One minor point of correction

    In 2019, United States Powerlifting Association, the largest powerlifting federation nationwide and the sport’s setter of long-held standards, banned trans athletes from competing in its events.

    USPA is not the largest federation nationwide, it used to be biggest but the USAPL supplanted the USPA in the 2010’s. Unfortunately USAPL is trans-exclusionary as well. But a couple years ago the USAPL lost its IPF (international (drug tested) powerlifting federation) affiliate status.

    The new IPF affiliate is Powerlifting America (PA) which has a much more trans-friendly policy. Right now whether you have easy access to PA events depends on if any of your local meet directors have made the change. Many of us would like to see Powerlifting America expand its footprint. It is growing albeit slowly due to inter-sport politics and logistics.

    Hopefully in the next couple years we’ll see a lot more opportunity for everyone to compete.

    4 votes