29 votes

Anti-wage-theft laws are kryptonite to dishonest bosses

1 comment

  1. chocobean
    As the article points out, they're not just stealing from workers and pushing them into / deeper into poverty, they're also stealing from state taxes. Repeat offending businesses should be shut...

    The Economic Policy Institute estimates that employers steal up to $50 billion in wages from American workers every year, exceeding violent theft and auto robberies combined. [...] The FLSA limits workers to recovering only the federal minimum wage ($7.25 an hour) as opposed to their contracted wage, does not require employers to provide accurate paystubs, and has low penalties for violating employers that do not discourage repeat offenses.

    As the article points out, they're not just stealing from workers and pushing them into / deeper into poverty, they're also stealing from state taxes. Repeat offending businesses should be shut down. Good job Denver, and I hope adoption of this law spreads quickly and everywhere.

    14 votes