After Scott’s death, Time felt the need to declare on its cover that black lives matter. That statement, still inspirational to many, can seem like an awfully low floor for social advancement; black people have been telling the white power structure that “I Am a Man” since at least the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike. America has taken its sweet time in granting black victims this mild degree of humanization. But despite actually seeing the brutalization of our bodies in more vivid detail than ever before, the police and government have remained unmoved. I tremble to think what act, or accompanying footage, will be required for the powers that be to finally see what’s going on.
Seems like the author has the fundamental idea that those in power don't know what's going on. They do, they just don't care. The only way to make 'em care is to have the movement be big enough to...
Seems like the author has the fundamental idea that those in power don't know what's going on. They do, they just don't care. The only way to make 'em care is to have the movement be big enough to make an impact in votes. But then again, American institutions have worked hard to make high-level voting as undemocratic as possible.
From 2015:
Seems like the author has the fundamental idea that those in power don't know what's going on. They do, they just don't care. The only way to make 'em care is to have the movement be big enough to make an impact in votes. But then again, American institutions have worked hard to make high-level voting as undemocratic as possible.
Very much so, but even then doesn't seem like much gets done unless bricks get tossed through storefronts.