Anxious Finns are learning how to survive in the wild in preparation for an invasion by their hostile neighbour – meet the women training for war with Russia ~life.women Article 1663 words 14 votes
Denmark has pledged to put up more statues of women, with the country's culture minister saying the capital has “more statues of mythical beasts and horses” ~life.women Article 455 words 12 votes
Residents of Luleå, Sweden welcome new campaign encouraging them to say hello to each other during dark winter months Article 955 words 12 votes
Sweden's schools minister Lotta Edholm aims to limit the profit-making ability of friskolor/free schools in her plans for education reform education Article 1010 words 8 votes
PM Katrín Jakobsdóttir will take part in Iceland's first full-day womens strike in forty-eight years – calling for pay equality and action on gender-based violence ~life.women Article 740 words 12 votes
Life on Europe's only open Schengen border with Russia – in the Barents Sea, Russia maintains cordial relations with NATO neighbours over fishing rights Article 956 words 7 votes
Sweden seeks to stem deadly rise in youth crime – illegal guns are relatively accessible, with younger and younger children being drawn into serious crime Article 1214 words 14 votes
The last campfire in Swedish society – Sommar i P1, the radio show that unifies a nation Article 1352 words 11 votes
People don't want to hear about it – how the pandemic shaped Sweden's politics and left many feeling hopeless and disenfranchised Article 1355 words 5 votes