Dr. Ruth, renowned sex therapist and Holocaust survivor, dead at 96 relationships Article 975 words 42 votes
Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. A year later, nearly half of participants had housing. housing Article 1293 words 37 votes
A man blew up his apartment in Japan while trying to kill a single cockroach with way too much insecticide, police say Article 264 words 41 votes
Massachusetts passed a 4% millionaire's tax last year. Now every public-school student is going to get free lunch. education Article 392 words 71 votes
Sanna Marin: ‘I feel that the American Dream can be achieved best in the Nordic countries, where every child no matter their background ... can become anything’ Article 410 words 16 votes
The Army ignored her warnings about a dangerous colleague. Then he set her on fire. nsfw Article 3857 words 10 votes
China's social credit system has blocked people from taking eleven million flights and four million train trips Article 547 words 13 votes