11 votes

Wolfs | Official trailer


  1. GunnarRunnar
    Seems like a solidly middle of the road action comedy with the charm of Clooney and Pitt elevating this if you're into that sort of thing.

    Seems like a solidly middle of the road action comedy with the charm of Clooney and Pitt elevating this if you're into that sort of thing.

    5 votes
  2. [5]
    Calling it now, Clooney is going to be Pitt's father.

    Calling it now, Clooney is going to be Pitt's father.

    4 votes
    1. terr
      Link Parent
      I hope the turn isn't as mundane as that, but the movie looks like it'll be a fun watch regardless.

      I hope the turn isn't as mundane as that, but the movie looks like it'll be a fun watch regardless.

      4 votes
    2. [3]
      Link Parent
      I suppose anything could be possible, but at least in real life they're only three years apart in age.

      I suppose anything could be possible, but at least in real life they're only three years apart in age.

      4 votes
      1. AugustusFerdinand
        Link Parent
        Fair point. Pitt has been playing a younger man for as long as Clooney has been playing an older one.

        Fair point. Pitt has been playing a younger man for as long as Clooney has been playing an older one.

        3 votes
      2. Rance_Muhammitz
        Link Parent
        More like Harvey Keitel's kids. Which would make sense since his name was Winston Wolf.

        More like Harvey Keitel's kids. Which would make sense since his name was Winston Wolf.

  3. DavesWorld
    What if we took "The Wolf" ala Pulp Fiction, duplicated him, and had them compete? That's what this movie looks like. And it looks really fun too. A perfect example of what an A-lister brings to a...

    What if we took "The Wolf" ala Pulp Fiction, duplicated him, and had them compete? That's what this movie looks like. And it looks really fun too. A perfect example of what an A-lister brings to a project; compelling draw.

    The teaser they released yesterday was just amazing. Clooney and Pitt, sitting in a car, and all these fascinating things happening between them, across their faces, manifesting in every sigh and shift. Completely unspoken, but compelling.

    Replace those two with a pair of lesser actors, and this is a nothing burger movie. It's not that only Clooney or Pitt could do what this movie appears to be doing. I'm sure there are thousands of actors who could play a "Wolf" role quite competently.

    But to play it compellingly? That's what A-listers do. That's why they're A-list. They're that compelling. They have that much charm. They know how to draw you in, pull you closer, keep you interested. In all those unspoken ways that can't be taught.

    Looks fun. Can't wait. Could be very interesting.

    3 votes
  4. smoontjes
    Brad Pitt is the perfect example that cancel culture is not really a thing.

    Brad Pitt is the perfect example that cancel culture is not really a thing.