10 votes

Why ‘Blade’ can’t cut through development hell


  1. [2]
    (edited )
    I'm kind of leery of a PG-13 rated Blade movie. The fun of the original films was the absurd amount of blood flying around, which was perfectly appropriate for a vampire film. However, there are...

    I'm kind of leery of a PG-13 rated Blade movie. The fun of the original films was the absurd amount of blood flying around, which was perfectly appropriate for a vampire film.

    However, there are some juicy opportunities with Blade being integrated in the MCU. "Blade in Wakanda" (a sort of take off of "Shaft in Africa" could be a fun story, with Blade sneaking into Wakanda and chasing superpowered vampires through the city's seedy underbelly.

    Wakanda is intended to be a paradise. A "Blade in Wakanda" story could explore the holes in that utopia.

    8 votes
    1. cloud_loud
      Link Parent
      MCU’s Blade was announced to be rated R a while back. After Disney acquired Fox Bob Iger said something like “I think it’s alright if Disney releases R rated film” to the board.

      MCU’s Blade was announced to be rated R a while back. After Disney acquired Fox Bob Iger said something like “I think it’s alright if Disney releases R rated film” to the board.

      3 votes
  2. smiles134
    Blade kind of got stuck between two or three hurricanes. It was announced at the peak of the MCU but then covid pushed things around and it was attached (in a way, at least) to an already bloated...

    Blade kind of got stuck between two or three hurricanes. It was announced at the peak of the MCU but then covid pushed things around and it was attached (in a way, at least) to an already bloated Eternals, and then the MCU movies that followed were not well received (nor were the Disney+ shows) and that prompted Disney to ease back on their release schedules, and then the writers strike.

    And then of course on top of all of that, MCU's big antagonist was convicted as a domestic abuser and that almost certainly has altered their story plans, though I'm not sure how much Blade would've been involved in any future Avengers movies.

    I would be kind of surprised if this movie ever came out honestly.

    1 vote